Monday 7 August 2017

Religare online trading software demo

Perbandingan Pialang Saham ICICIDirect Vs Religare Perbandingan Perbandingan sisi sisi dengan saham ICICI Securities Pvt Ltd. dan Religare di India. Perbandingan di bawah ini menyoroti kesamaan dan perbedaan antara pialang ICICIDirect dan Religares, layanan pelanggan, biaya perawatan, alat dan opsi investasi yang diberikan kepada investor Pasar Saham India. Jika Anda bingung dalam memilih situs pialang terbaik, halaman ini adalah untuk membantu Anda menemukan broker terbaik mana di antara ICICIDirect and Religare. ICICI Securities Pvt Ltd. Tentang Pialang ICICIdirect adalah layanan perdagangan dan investasi ritel dari ICICI Securities, perusahaan pialang saham ritel terbesar di India yang menawarkan berbagai pilihan investasi kepada nasabah ritel dan institusi. ICICI Securities merupakan bagian dari ICICI Group. Religare adalah grup layanan keuangan emerging markets yang hadir di Asia, Afrika, Timur Tengah, Eropa, dan Amerika. Di India, Religares pasar terbesar, kelompok ini menawarkan beragam produk dan layanan termasuk pialang, insur. Full Service Broker Full Service Broker Rekening 3-in-1 (I-Secure Plan) Biaya Pialang Saham Biaya ICICI Securities Pvt Ltd. Rekening Perdagangan Biaya Pembukaan Rekening Perdagangan Akun AMC Demat Biaya Pembukaan Akun Demat Akun Demam AMC adalah Pialang Wajib Transaksi Pialang Berjangka 1 ICICI Securities Pvt Ltd. Akun 3-in-1 (I-Secure Plan) Ekuitas Penyerahan Pialang Ekuitas Pialang Intraday Equity Futures Brokerage Equity Options Brokerage Rs 95 sampai Rs 35 per lot Currency Futures Trading Brokerage Opsi Mata Uang Broker Perdagangan Rs 25 sampai Rs 10 Per lot Commodity Trading Brokerage Brokerage Plan 2 ICICI Securities Pvt Ltd. Equity Delivery Brokerage Equity Intraday Brokerage Equity Futures Brokerage Equity Options Brokerage Rs 95 to Rs 65 per lot Currency Futures Trading Brokerage Currency Options Broker Perdagangan Rs 95 sampai Rs 65 per lot Commodity Trading Brokerage Biaya Pialang Minimum Pialang Minimum Rs 35 per transaksi Biaya Pialang Lainnya Call Trade Charges Transaction Charges ICICI Securities Pvt Ltd. NSE: 0.0031 BSE: 0.0028 NSE: 0.0031 BSE: 0.0028 ICICI Securities Pvt Ltd. Pialang Saham Fitur ICICI Securities Pvt Ltd. Setelah Pesanan Jam Perdagangan Baik sampai Diliku (GTC) Margin Trading Funding Tersedia Buku Besar Gabungan untuk Ekuitas dan Komoditas Peringkat Intraday Square-off Time Broker (Rating Pengguna Rata-rata) ICICI Securities Pvt Ltd. Peringkat Perdagangan Broker Perdagangan Platform Usability Peringkat Layanan Pelanggan ICICIDirect dinilai 2.5 5 berdasarkan 325 ulasan pelanggan Religare di Nilai 3.0 5 berdasarkan 61 ulasan pelanggan Hubungi Pialang Permintaan A Panggil Kembali ICICI Securities Pvt Ltd. Permintaan Kontak Call Back Pilihan Investasi Tersedia Opsi Penawaran Khusus ICICI Securities Pvt Ltd. (IPO) Pilihan Investasi Lainnya Layanan Pelanggan yang Menawarkan ICICI Securities Pvt Ltd. 247 Tip Layanan Pelanggan Laporan Dipublikasikan ICICI Securities Pvt Ltd. Daily Market Laporan Analisis Hasil Triwulanan Cocok untuk Investor Kategori ICICI Securities Pvt Ltd. Pros, Cons dan Komentar Review Lainnya ICICI Securities Pvt Ltd. Menawarkan akun 3-in-1 yang membuat investasi pasar saham sangat mudah bagi investor biasa. Berbagai pilihan investasi tersedia di bawah satu portal. Menyediakan situs dengan bandwidth rendah yang bekerja dengan baik di mana koneksi internet lambat. GTC (bagus sampai pembatalan) dan jam kerja off order fasilitas penempatan sangat berguna. - 3 sampai 4 kali eksposur diberikan secara tunai maupun segmen FO. ICICI Security membebankan pialang tertinggi dibandingkan dengan sebagian besar broker ritel di India. Broker minimum yang sangat rendah yaitu Rs 35 per perdagangan atau 2,5 dari nilai perdagangan mana yang lebih rendah. Kinerja situs yang buruk dilaporkan terjadi pada jam sibuk perdagangan. Terminal Perdagangan (Racer Perdagangan) berharga Rs 75 per bulan jika brokerage yang dibayarkan dalam sebulan kurang dari Rs 750. Akun Demat wajib diisi. Perdagangan komoditi tidak tersedia bagi investor ritel. Biaya panggilan dagang ekstra Rs 25 per panggilan setelah pertama 20 panggilan gratis dalam sebulan. - Tidak ada tarif standar, biaya atau broker yang dipublikasikan di situs web. Anda harus sangat berhati-hati dengan perubahan yang tersembunyi. - Call and Trade dikenakan biaya Rs 10 per order yang dieksekusi (maksimum Rs 50 per hari dalam satu segmen).SBI Securities Vs Trade Smart Online Broker Share Comparison Tidak seperti kebanyakan broker diskon Trade Smart Online menawarkan 3 rencana broker unik yang dirancang sedemikian rupa. Cara itu sesuai dengan setiap strategi trading. Beralih di antara rencana ini dibuat sangat mudah yang menawarkan fleksibilitas yang besar. TSO menawarkan investasi pada Reksa Dana, obligasi dan Offer For Sale (OFS). Instrumen keuangan ini tidak tersedia dengan kebanyakan broker diskon termasuk broker diskon populer lainnya seperti Zerodha dan RKSV. Manfaat rujukan yang sangat baik tersedia. Pelanggan menerima 10 kredit broker yang dihasilkan oleh klien yang disebut oleh mereka. Tidak ada jumlah minimum yang dibutuhkan untuk membuka atau mempertahankan akun trading dengan TSO. Layanan pelanggan tersedia melalui live chat di situsnya. Ini sangat nyaman bagi banyak pelanggan. Trade Smart Online ada di industri pungutan saham sejak tahun 1994. TSOs online knowledgebase memiliki banyak informasi yang sangat membantu sebagian besar konsumen. Hanya perdagangan berbasis situs online yang tersedia. Terminal perdagangan yang dapat diinstal tidak tersedia. Perintah Good Till Canceled (GTC) tidak tersedia. Call and Trade dikenakan biaya tambahan Rs 20 sesuai pesanan yang berlaku. Catatan kontrak fisik Rs 20 per kontrak catatan biaya kurir 247 layanan pelanggan tidak tersedia. Fasilitas untuk berinvestasi di IPO tidak tersedia. Tidak menyediakan laporan pasar harian, tip gratis, alert berita dan analisa teknis. Akun 3-in-1 tidak tersedia karena perusahaan tidak menyediakan layanan perbankan. Artikel Berguna: Perdagangan Cerdas Online Vs RKSV Vs Zerodha Vs Compositedge - Perbandingan biaya perantara, biaya dan pajak untuk ekuitas, perdagangan mata uang komoditas. Ketahui lebih banyak tentang Broker Saham Flat Fee di India (Juga dikenal sebagai broker anggaran atau broker diskon) Khusus: 50 dari biaya pembukaan akun baru Buka akun dengan Smart Online Online pada bulan Juli 2016 dan dapatkan diskon 50 tetap pada biaya pembukaan akun baru. Pelanggan yang ada Rujuk teman Anda pada bulan Juli 2016 dan dapatkan 25 di broker yang mereka hasilkan selama 30 hari berikutnya setelah pembukaan akun, dan selanjutnya terus mendapatkan 10 untuk seumur hidup. Cukup tinggalkan informasi kontak Anda dengan kami dan perwakilan Perdagangan Smart Online akan menghubungi Anda. Penawaran cepat berakhir pada 31 Mei 2016.Dengan Tradewinx Trade Like A Professional TradeWinx - Perangkat Lunak Sinyal Jual Beli Utama untuk menumbuhkan modal Anda dengan perdagangan bebas risiko. Ini adalah alat yang paling kuat dan akurat untuk Intraday, Positional and Swing Trading. TradeWinx adalah perangkat lunak penghasil sinyal otomatis yang sangat baik yang bekerja sempurna untuk NSE Cash, FO, MCX, NCDEx, mata uang dan Opsi. Perangkat lunak ini menghasilkan 100 Sinyal Akurat dalam beberapa kerangka waktu, di mana pembentukan lilin minimum adalah 1 menit. Memiliki target poin yang berbeda, ini memungkinkan Anda untuk keluar dalam posisi aman. Update grafik ultrafast-nya membuat Anda masuk dan keluar dengan harga dan waktu yang tepat untuk Membeli atau Menjual saham. Meliputi NSE Cash, NSE Futures dan semua indeks dengan minimum 1 Min candle to Daily. Meliputi Semua Kontrak MCX seperti Emas, Perak, Minyak Mentah dengan lilin minimal 1 Min sampai Harian. Meliputi Semua Kontrak NCDEX 1, Bulan Kedua dengan minimum 1 Min candle to Daily. Seperti: Gula, Chana, Dhaniya, Guargum dll. Meliputi semua mata uang pertukaran India dan Forgin dan mata uang silang mereka dengan lilin minimal 1 Menit ke Daily. Opsi USD-INR juga disertakan. A 100 Profit Making Software atau hubungi kami 91-83910-94408 TradeWinx Paket Lengkap TradeWinx adalah perangkat lunak paket tunggal untuk semua solusi pasar. Maksimalkan keuntungan Anda dengan software solusi perdagangan intraday otomatis terbaik untuk pasar data India NSE, MCX, NCDEX dan Forex. Memiliki kerangka waktu yang berbeda, ia mendukung intraday maupun perdagangan posisi. Karena kita berusaha untuk kesempurnaan kesederhanaan dalam perdagangan, target poin, alert suara dan popup membuatnya beredar. Pelatihan dan dukungan yang tepat membantu Anda dalam memaksimalkan keuntungan dan dengan demikian meminimalkan risiko dan kerugian. Apa perbedaan antara The TradeWinx dan software lainnya 1. TradeWinx memiliki grafik real time ultrafast yang berjalan bersamaan dengan terminal perdagangan. 2. Memiliki minimal satu min candle untuk daily chart. 3. Bekerja untuk perdagangan Intraday maupun Positional. 4. Tiga Sasaran tersedia yang membuat Anda berada dalam zona aman. 5. Advance Popup Sound Alerts tersedia. 6. Anda bisa melihat grafik muliple di layar yang sama. Pada strategi apa The TradeWinx software bekerja TradeWinx adalah alat rakitan lebih dari 18 indikator yang mencakup: RSI, MACD, MA, Bolinger Band dan banyak lagi. Yang terpenting, ini memindai status masa lalu pasar dan menghasilkan sinyal yang menguntungkan. Saya baru melakukan trading, bagaimana perangkat lunak Anda akan membantu saya? Kami memiliki pelatih dan tim pendukung yang sangat berpengalaman untuk membimbing Anda 24x7. Kami membantu Anda untuk menggunakan perangkat lunak dengan cara yang menguntungkan. QA, Test engineer8217s Payscale Friends, Jika Anda bekerja sebagai insinyur uji atau insinyur QA maka ini mungkin mengejutkan Anda, khususnya teman-teman India saya. Lihat tabel gaji di bawah ini: Ini adalah gaji untuk insinyur TestQA berdasarkan pengalaman mereka. Struktur gaji ini diperuntukkan bagi mereka yang melakukan pekerjaan merancang, menerapkan, melaksanakan dan debug pada kasus dan skrip teknologi informasi, Menguji kasus secara otomatis, Menemukan bug, cacat, dan regresi, Verifikasi perbaikan, Validasi dan penyelesaian dokumen pengujian dan pengembangan. Inilah detail perusahaan bijak, struktur gaji kota AS yang bijak. Ayo apa yang Anda pikirkan sekarang -) Bacaan yang disarankan hanya untuk Anda: 392 komentar darr Saya benar-benar tidak setuju dengan bagan skala gaji. Saya pernah berada di lapangan QA kurang dari 1 tahun dan saya berusia 40 jam. Bagan Anda tidak dekat dengan nomor saya. Saya setidaknya mengumpulkan 7 rekan kerja yang saya tahu tentang hal itu di AS. Anda harus memperbaiki tabel ini. Bagan di atas adalah dari Payscale8230i percaya bahwa gaji sangat bervariasi dari satu perusahaan ke perusahaan lain dan di antara berbagai profil pekerjaan. Tester kotak putih menghasilkan lebih dari satu kotak hitam satu8230. Demikian pula, seseorang yang menguji produk mungkin memperoleh lebih dari sekadar tester industri jasa. Terima kasih telah memberi tahu Perbedaannya Izinkan saya memberi tahu Anda bahwa gaji ini rata-rata di industri ini, jadi apa yang Anda dapatkan mungkin lebih dari ini dan mungkin berbeda dari kota tempat Anda bekerja. Data terbaru yang diperbarui dengan payscale dapat ditemukan di link yang saya berikan di artikel ini. Dapatkah Anda menyarankan skala gaji yang diberikan di kota-kota di India dan peluang di QA. Pls. menyarankan. Juga saya ingin tahu apakah perkiraan pengembang lebih atau lebih karena pengalaman yang dia bangun dibandingkan dengan orang QA. Saya saat ini menjadi pengembang dan mengubah jalur saya sebagai QA yang memiliki minat terhadapnya. , Dan mengapa kesalahpahaman ini bahwa garis QA tidak begitu menantang dibandingkan dengan pembangunan dan siapa pun dapat masuk ke dalamnya tanpa pengetahuan dasar sebelumnya. Hai, ini pertama kalinya saya berinteraksi dengan Anda. Seperti yang saya pikirkan dalam pengujian dan saya memiliki semua pengujian manual, pengetahuan pengujian otomatis diperkuat dengan winruner, testdirector, pelari beban, qtp. Tapi saya berpikir tidak ada perusahaan yang baik untuk saya. Tapi iwant membangun wortel saya di bidang ini saja dan saya ingin naik ke level atas jadi apa yang harus saya lakukan, tolong beri tahu saya Email: upadhyaychanyahoo, chan. nttfgmail advance Thank a lot. Bagan di atas adalah INCORRECT. Saya bekerja di perusahaan berbasis produk yang saya ikuti sebagai lebih segar (0yrs of experince). Saya telah ditawari 5000 (Rs2, 00,000) per tahun. Bagan Anda membuatku takut Sekarang Payscale telah berubah di semua perusahaan setelah PHK8230 sekarang lebih dari 2,4 untuk freshers .. Sekarang lagi Gaji tumbuh dewasa. Ada yang kecil melambat di pasar. Tapi akan berakhir pada waktu mendatang dan gaji akan lebih bagus untuk QA atau orang uji. Nikmati penghasilan i8217m 8k per bulan dan saya memiliki 2 tahun pengalaman dalam bidang manuver serta pengujian otomasi8230 menangis hi, im di bidang pengujian dari 5 bulan terakhir, dan saya hanya menghasilkan 4 k per bulan :(, khawatir akan mendapatkan pekerjaan bagus atau tidak. Hey Preethi, Mungkin sudah saatnya Anda mengganti perusahaan Anda, karena saya pikir lebih segar dalam pengujian bisa mencapai antara 10.000 8211 12,000 Rs jika tidak kurang. Hai, saya bekerja dalam pengujian situs di dekat 1 bulan. Payscale saya adalah 30kmonth. Bervariasi dari perusahaan ke perusahaan Jadi lebih baik beralih ke perusahaan lain hi Saya melihat grafik tentang Sekarang saya bekerja di perusahaan yang tepat di posisi QA Saya ingin pekerjaan di Amerika Serikat Bagaimana menghubungi visa dan perusahaan AS silahkan kirim saran dan saran untuk Hai, saya sravanthi bekerja sebagai insinyur uji di perusahaan yang berbasis di AS. Saat ini saya sal 8k. Now saya ingin mengubah perusahaan tolong sampaikan kepada saya jika ada wawancara yang sedang on8230823082308230 Saya ingin menyatakan pemberitahuan penting kepada orang-orang yang sedang mencari Maju untuk membangun karir di sana Pengujian. Seperti saya bekerja sebagai Test Manager In Accenture saya ingin memberikan saran yang bermanfaat. Sekarang orang-orang dalam pengujian akan ada bukaan yang sangat sangat kurang di masa depan karena orang yang lebih segar mengalami orang8230 Setiap perusahaan membutuhkan lebih banyak pengembang daripada penguji. Seperti di perusahaan kami, kami melatih freshers di domain Pengujian sehingga orang-orang yang mencoba sebagai Freshers atau berpengalaman tidak akan mendapatkan kesempatan untuk bekerja di perusahaan MNC. Masalah yang sama ada di semua perusahaan. Sekarang pengujian manual tidak memiliki nilai dalam pengujian domain. Karena pasar saat ini membutuhkan penguji protokol telekomunikasi dengan exp 3 sampai 4 tahun di perusahaan MNC .. Orang-orang yang mencari untuk melakukan kursus pengujian dan berencana untuk mencoba pekerjaan maka akan menjadi keputusan yang salah8230 U harus berjuang banyak tidak ada Cara kamu akan mendapatkan pekerjaan Lebih baik beralih ke Jawa ,, Php karena kamu dapat dengan mudah mendapatkan pekerjaan karena banyak bukaan akan ada di bidang ini. Dalam menguji banyak calon palsu dengan pengalaman palsu yang masuk di bidang ini mereka akan menghadapi masalah di masa depan karena setiap perusahaan melacak semua perusahaan percontohan amp8282 hanya mereka akan memasukkan daftar profil kandidat di lokasi kerja dimana di masa depan tidak ada perusahaan yang akan merujuk kandidat Profil .. Bahkan di perusahaan kecil mereka membutuhkan lebih banyak pengembang daripada penguji. Tidak ada yang bisa mengharapkan masa depan yang cerah dengan gaji yang bagus dalam pengujian domain .. Upto 2010 semua perusahaan berbasis MNC tidak membutuhkan penguji berpengalaman. Semua MNC sedang melatih freshers dalam pengujian, yang telah terpilih dalam wawancara di kampus .. Jangan membuang-buang uang dengan melakukan kursus di institut apapun karena Anda tidak dapat mempelajari apapun yang berhubungan dengan alat otomasi. Jadi, jangan berpikir bahwa dengan menempatkan pengalaman palsu dalam otomatisasi, Anda akan mendapatkan pekerjaan. Tidak ada institut yang dapat memberikan pelatihan yang berkaitan dengan alat Otomasi. Sebagai seorang senior dengan pengalaman 4 tahun dalam pengujian, tanggung jawab saya untuk membantu anak yunior yang mencari Karir yang cemerlang dalam pengujian .. Ini adalah saat yang tepat untuk berpikir serius karena setiap orang yang mencari pekerjaan tidak mendapatkan panggilan wawancara dalam pengujian domain. Di perusahaan kami kami mendapatkan 1000 profil untuk 1 posisi. Ini adalah skenario di semua IT Companies. Jadi semua perusahaan mayoritas tidak membutuhkan penguji apa pun di masa depan .. Mereka yang freshers melakukan kursus pengujian atau memiliki pengalaman 1 atau 2 tahun dalam menguji saran saya adalah beralih ke bidang pemrograman yang terkait dengan Php. NET, JAVA, SAP, DATAWAREHOUSING, PLSQL, SEO, 8230 U bisa mendapatkan gaji yang baik di perusahaan yang baik dengan keamanan kerja8230. Sekarang saatnya untuk mengambil keputusan yang lebih baik untuk masa depan yang lebih baik .. Sekarang saatnya untuk mengambil Keputusan yang lebih baik untuk masa depan yang lebih baik Sekarang mereka yang mencoba pekerjaan di bidang pengujian mengetahui kebenaran bahwa mereka tidak menerima telepon apa pun. Tapi jika Anda adalah banyak programmer kesempatan akan menunggu untuk u8230. Halo semua, saya ingin mencari saran Anda terutama pada saat ini dimana saya praktis tidak memiliki pengalaman dalam Sw Testing sementara latar belakang saya adalah bahwa saya telah melakukan B. Tech saya (lulus pada tahun 2002 dan belum pernah bekerja sejak saat itu walaupun Saya telah melakukan kursus di Sw Testing juga). Saya adalah seorang ibu rumah tangga dengan 2 anak dan ingin mengambil pekerjaan di Sw Testing. Dan, saya mengerti sepenuhnya perubahan fenomenal dalam industri dan profesi. 8211 Bisakah saya masuk ke pekerjaan Sw Testing sebagai tempat yang lebih segar di Bangalore Setiap saran disarankan diterima. Senang disini ur sangat tertarik dengan bidang Sw Testing. Selamat datang di dunia kita. Dan sampai saat ini, U juga bisa mencari pekerjaan dengan lebih segar lagi dengan kursus Sw Testing, belajar satu alat Pengujian juga. Dan dengan ini perlu beberapa bahasa pemrograman dan satu pengetahuan database juga. Pls memperbarui pengetahuan dan mencoba untuk pekerjaan itu. semua yang terbaik. Cukup mengejutkan berapa banyak induviduals yang berada di luar sana untuk mencoba di bidang jaminan kualitas perangkat lunak, kepada orang-orang yang tidak berpengalaman yang mengatakan bahwa mereka serius: jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini (yano): apakah Anda pernah mengalami konferensi pengujian perangkat lunak dalam tahun lalu apakah Anda telah menciptakannya Template yang Anda yakini akan meningkatkan kestabilan traceablity dalam upaya pengujian apakah Anda pernah maju ke depan untuk mencoba mengajar orang lain tentang bidang ini apakah Anda menonton video membaca buku tentang praktik terbaik pengujian perangkat lunak, lalu mencoba menerapkannya apakah Anda benar-benar 8220actually8221 Mulai belajar untuk penetapan jaminan kualitas perangkat lunak (sertifikasi) apakah Anda mengadakan seminar pembicaraan di tempat kerja untuk mempromosikan perubahan dan efektivitas (kasus bisnis) mengenai upaya kualitas dan bagaimana hal itu dapat dilakukan jika Anda membuat definisi kualitas Anda sendiri, selain yang Hapal dari teks jika Anda tidak menjawab pertanyaan ini, tebak, mungkin Anda tidak b Saya tertarik pada jaminan kualitas perangkat lunak sebagai gairah untuk meningkatkan usaha, sekarang para perekrut perekrut hari cukup pintar untuk mengajukan pertanyaan di luar kotak hanya pertanyaan mengenai pengujian, mereka akan menyodok dan menyelidiki lebih dalam dan dalam dan bahkan mendapatkan jawaban yang sesuai, atau bahkan Ajukan pertanyaan Anda tidak mengharapkan semua untuk mengetahui seberapa bergairah Anda tentang bidang ini. Selalu ingat, siapapun bisa dilatih untuk melakukan peran penguji, tapi inovator yang penuh semangat dan proaktif akan selalu diupayakan. Hi all Saya baru saja membaca sebuah artikel yang ditulis oleh Mr Patrick pada 07.02.08 17 di QA, Testers payscale. Apakah ini benar? Saya mendapat pelatihan tentang alat bantu manual dan otomatis8230. Sekarang saya mencari pekerjaan di merasa sedikit tegang setelah membaca tht one8230..plz pastikan itu tidak benar. Hi all Ini adalah situs yang saya cari. Saya telah berada di I. T. Lapangan sejak sekitar tahun 1999. Saya kebanyakan pernah melakukan pemrograman Nortel Telecom. Saya telah bekerja sebagai Analis Ketersediaan di Pusat Data untuk kelompok pemantauan otomasi sejak bulan Maret 07. Saya menggunakan Merkurius Loadrunner untuk mendownload dan menguji skrip untuk aplikasi web. Saya melakukan perbaikan cepat kepada mereka seperti cek teks atau mungkin mengomentari bagian tertentu jika kita melihat sesuatu menjadi merah di papan karena ada perubahan pada situs. Saya juga membantu memperbarui dan membangun aplikasi teleskop yang kami buat untuk orang-orang di pusat data yang akan digunakan untuk menguji skrip. Scrip kami ada dalam format C. Saya sangat ingin masuk ke software QA automation testing. Dapatkah seseorang memberi saya beberapa saran tentang bagaimana mempersiapkannya? Apakah saya perlu mempelajari bahasa pemrograman tertentu seperti C atau C. Haruskah saya lebih fokus pada hal-hal. Banyak barang ini baru bagiku, kupikir seseorang di luar sana bisa membantu. Salah satu rekan kerja saya di india dulu hanya mengerjakan materi QA dan skrip pengujian. Saya pikir dia tahu VB. Dimana saya harus memulai Terima kasih mr Vijay, sir plz jelas kebingungan saya yang timbul karena mengikuti komentar 822017 patrick pada 07.02.08 at 12:41 pm8221. Benarkah saya bekerja sebagai insinyur Q. A (4 bulan exp.) Tester8217s terbaru di Microsoft. Tester 24hour Developer 16Hour. Masa Depan Pengujian sangat Terang. Ada banyak bukaan yang datang pada akhir Tahun Ini dan Awal Tahun Baru, saya lebih segar dalam pengujian dan mendapatkan 1,8 lac per tahun. Karir dalam pengujian software sangat cerdas. Ada banyak peluang di bidang ini. Patrick Anda harus selalu polisi orang lain tidak dissatisfy siapa pun. Ada institusi yang baik memberikan pelatihan yang baik dalam alat juga. Banyak juga yang mendapat pekerjaan dalam pengujian. Masa resesi coz terus berlanjut sehingga tidak banyak panggilan di domain manapun. Saya tidak setuju dengan banyak panggilan dalam pengujian juga karena itu. Tetapi kami berharap yang terbaik. Pendekatan lurus Anda yang meyakinkan tidak baik di sini Hi Patrick, saya bekerja sebagai Test Manger dengan MNC dan nasihat lembut tanpa menyakiti Anda adalah bahwa Anda tampaknya tidak banyak tahu tentang rencana atau tujuan pengujian. Tidak akan pernah ada situasi di perusahaan mana pun dimana pengembang mendapat dukungan untuk penguji, karena kedua domain memiliki peran mereka ditentukan, dan lebih banyak pengembangan lebih banyak kemungkinan cacat pada pekerjaan yang dilakukan dan yang dengan sendirinya meningkatkan kemungkinan seseorang menguji Pekerjaan - Ini adalah pendekatan dasar dan mendasar dalam pengujian. Juga bertentangan dengan perusahaan beleif Anda bahkan semakin kecil semakin berhati-hati dengan kebutuhan penguji di organisasi ini, karena keberhasilan perangkat lunak tidak sepenuhnya bergantung pada pengembang, hal itu bergantung pada penguji yang pada akhirnya akan menguji perangkat lunak sebelum diluncurkan di pasar. . Hai, ada yang bisa memberi tahu saya prospek karir dari permainan tester. is itu karir yang lebih baik untuk memilih bagaimana gaji untuk entry level ppl dan experinced8230 thnks di adv hi Deepu, Salah satu teman saya bekerja di perusahaan game di Bangalore, Ini juga karir yang bagus, Fresher. 11k3K IncentiveFood couponsTiga bulan Bonus6 appraisal. Ini adalah situs yang bagus dimana saya mendapatkan semua yang sangat berguna hey guys saya memiliki kesempatan untuk menguji insinyur untuk klien saya di hyderabad. pay propotional terhadap kekuatan profil. Terlibat datang ke surat saya Dont Worry. Sekarang cakupan yang bagus untuk pengujian ada satu hal lagi, di Australia. Lowongan kerja lebih banyak untuk pengujian 823082308230 :) BBye 82308230 Merawat bagaimana dengan gaji di test. They r sangat kurang d awal. Apakah mereka meningkat setelah pengalaman Ya, Abhishek8230 gaji meningkat dengan Pengalaman .. Anda dapat dengan mudah naik ke Paket 6 sampai 7Lp. a. Saya mendengar tidak ada pertumbuhan dalam pengujian. Penguji tetap berada pada tingkat yang sama melalui kehidupannya. Jadi, saya tidak setuju dengan Abhishek. Dalam pengujian juga masa depan sangat baik. Tapi kita harus belajar lebih banyak hal seperti fungsionalitas dan pengembangan pengetahuan. Masa Depan Pengujian sangat Bright. Salary struktur sangat sangat baik8230in india juga teman-teman yang terhormat im mencari pembukaan yang lebih segar dalam pengujian saya mendapat pengalaman sebelumnya dalam pemasaran dan saya mendapat pengetahuan secara manual dan qtp, pls memberi saya informasi tentang pembukaan yang lebih segar. my mail id svsk80gmail Terima kasih Gaji hanya 10 k untuk beberapa tahun. Yang sangat kurang bila dibandingkan dengan pengembang. Apalagi persaingannya tinggi karena setiap siswa non TI melakukan hal ini. Abhishek Anda benar pada batas tertentu tapi tidak persis. Jika Anda lebih segar maka Anda perlu bekerja selama 1 tahun pada paket ini tapi setelah itu tergantung pada Anda bahwa Anda memperlebar keterampilan Anda atau tidak .. dalam menguji alat mana yang sesuai dengan kotak putih blackbox r atau runnner load Orang-orang yang mengatakan bahwa Pengujian sudah mendapat gaji gaji yang baik sudah benar amp terpercaya Semua pembahasan di atas terkait dengan QA reviewer telah dilakukan dengan mengingat bahwa pekerjaan yang penguji dapat dilakukan oleh siapapun (freshers). Ada banyak hal dalam pengujian yang membutuhkan pengalaman pengujian dan tidak dapat dilakukan oleh pengembang. Beberapa hal adalah prioritas pengujian, Mengambil keputusan yang benar dengan banyak kendala, melakukan pengujian dalam jadwal terbatas untuk semua hal ini memerlukan pengujian pengalaman dan Itu tidak bisa dilakukan oleh orang yang merupakan pengembang berpengalaman. Menjadi tim tes yang baik membutuhkan banyak keterampilan yang tidak dapat dipelajari dalam semalam. Beberapa keterampilan ini adalah komunikasi, secara diplomatis menangani situasi, pengambilan keputusan yang cepat dan banyak kualitas lainnya. Bagi organisasi yang ingin memberikan produk berkualitas dengan pengerjaan ulang minimal mengharuskan orang yang dapat Mengevaluasi dan menetapkan proses yang dapat menjamin kualitas dalam kiriman yang dihasilkan oleh proses dan kebutuhan orang tersebut tidak akan pernah berakhir. Jangan khawatir guys8230.IT lapangan tumbuh lagi .. waktu yang akan datang u perlu menunggu kadang-kadang saya tidak bisa c gambar Apakah forum ini hanya untuk insinyur di India Aku hanya bertanya-tanya karena saya havent memiliki jawaban atas pertanyaan saya di 22. I8217m di Amerika jadi saya tidak tahu apakah saya bisa mendapatkan bantuan di sini atau tidak. Pokoknya saya akan mencoba forum yang lain. Struktur gaji yang ditunjukkan di atas mempertimbangkan profesional berbasis AS atau India. Bahkan jika itu adalah gaji rata-rata maka untuk penguji exp tahun 1-4, gajinya mungkin tidak mendekati 53.821. Tidak yakin akan hal ini, mohon permisi kalau saya salah. Juga, dapatkah seseorang dari Anda silahkan membimbing saya di mana Otomasi untuk belajar. Saya sedang dalam pengujian Manual dan ingin beralih ke Otomasi, jadi kursus atau alat mana yang lebih baik. Halo guys. Ada pengujian yang memiliki permintaan selama masa resesi ekonomi ini. Hai, saya sedang dalam masalah. Jika ada yang bisa tolong bantu. Saya bekerja di sebuah perusahaan kecil untuk memulai karir saya. Katakanlah untuk 8 mth. Kemudian mendapat kesempatan dengan MNC. Aku pergi untuk itu. Itu adalah posisi kontrak. Tapi seperti yang diminta klien untuk memastikan bahwa kita pada kontrak harus melalui PHK. Tidak semua. Beberapa dipetakan. Kami diberitahu ini adalah PHK dan bukan karena kinerjanya. Betapa benarnya saya bekerja di sana hanya 3mth. Dan total pengalaman 1yr sekarang. Sekarang aku tidak bisa melihat lebih jauh. Tapi saya berencana untuk melakukan sertifikasi ISTQB dan QTP. Apakah ada kemungkinan untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan lain cepat atau lambat Apakah saya harus mulai lagi dari sebuah perusahaan kecil Akankah saya yang ke 3m di MNC ditanyai apakah saya diberi tahu (secara pribadi berbicara dengan PM dan HR) bahwa kapan pun ada persyaratan di masa depan kita akan Diberi kesempatan 1. Apakah ini hanya demi mengatakan bahwa saya diberi tahu oleh PM saya, TL untuk dihubungi. Saya depresi dan tidak tahu siapa dan di mana untuk mendekati Siapa pun bisa tolong bantu Hai Saya ingin tahu apakah perkiraan pengembang lebih atau lebih karena pengalaman yang dia bangun dibandingkan dengan orang QA. Saya saat ini adalah seorang pengembang. Dan mengubah garis saya sebagai QA yang memiliki minat terhadapnya. Sarankan, dan mengapa kesalahpahaman ini bahwa garis QA tidak begitu menantang dibandingkan dengan pembangunan dan siapa pun dapat masuk ke dalamnya tanpa pengetahuan dasar sebelumnya. Jadi, saya memiliki Pengetahuan tentang ManualTesting Jadi iam memiliki 3.5Years Exp jadi guys jika Anda memiliki pengetahuan tentang lowongan pekerjaan di Testing plz kirim ke subhadeepthimcayahoo. co. in shubha surat saya jika Anda telah memutuskan untuk pindah ke pengujian selamat datang untuk menguji perbedaan world. no dalam gaji banyak dan lebih Atas hal wt paling adalah pekerjaan Anda satisficiton tidak ur sal. keep mencari pekerjaan di chetanaforum. gud lck Shirisha jangan khawatir dude .. semua bagian life. i akan memberikan link ua n berharap kamu akan rock in ur pekerjaan baru. Chetanasforum 8211 SEMUA untuk menguji apa yang penting adalah pengetahuan DOMAIN. i akan memberi tahu pengetahuan domain bukan satu-satunya hal yang penting. Sekarang saya akan tel di mana ia memainkan perannya. Lihatlah dalam pengujian, pada dasarnya kita mencoba menemukan bug jika kita Mengetahui terminologi domain itu akan membantu untuk memahami hal itu dengan mudah dan kemungkinan menemukan bug lebih mungkin .. Saya harap aLL mendapat anwser y tester yang perlu mengetahui pengetahuan domain. Bantuan lebih lanjut ping me rahulkumarbangaloreyahoo. co. in Hai, saya Sumeet Srivastava. Mencari java lebih segar. Pls, beritahu saya, jika mereka membuka untuk Java8230 .. sumeet. shreegmail. 9821026294 Pls tolong aku keluar Jika mereka membuka Java lebih segar. Saya punya exp 8 bulan. Kirimi saya Sumeet. shreegmail Jangan ragu untuk menghubungi: 09821026294 Bagan gaji menunjukkan bahwa gaji tidak mengesankan. untuk pengembang yang bekerja dengan gaji lebih rendah. Pekerjaan Anda suatu hari nanti akan diambil alih oleh sistem otomatis yang bisa menulis tugas trvial yang Anda lakukan hari ini8230 Seorang indian mendapat 80k Amp dia lebih segar tanpa exp frm tidak ada universitas yang terkenal. Ada masih banyak proposisi yang lebih baik .. ada pekerjaan dev yang lebih baik. Selain frm banyak 8220 demi formalitas ones82218230 Hai saya rajani bekerja sebagai insinyur uji perangkat lunak berdasarkan kontrak. Pada dasarnya perusahaan membayar paket 2.4 tapi saya di daftar gaji konsultan. Mereka memberi saya only1.6 pac Sekarang 2 kali proyek saya diperluas tapi mereka tidak menaikkan gaji saya mungkin 3 kali memperpanjang tapi perusahaan tidak ingin mempekerjakan saya sebagai gaji perusahaan karena resesi dan alasan yang sama telah memberi tahu saya konsultasi HR foor Kenaikan. Mungkinkah ada yang menyarankan saya pekerjaan perusahaan sebagai gaji perusahaan. Saya memiliki 2 exp dalam pengujian manual. Beritahu saya bagaimana cara meningkatkan gaji. Saya bergabung sebagai penulis uji sw manual dan menghasilkan 18K per bulan (2,6 per tahun). Selama 7 bulan sekarang saya merasa pengujian manual dapat dilakukan bahkan oleh orang-orang yang suka bersenang-senang. Anda benar-benar tidak perlu menjadi teknokrat untuk itu.30 mencari jawaban dari manula di bidang pengujian untuk mengetahui apa yang harus saya lakukan untuk memperbaiki karir dan skala gaji saya dalam pengujian8230. Kursus apa yang harus saya ikuti? Jika seseorang berencana untuk belajar QTP, apa prasyaratnya.830.apa pengetahuan yang seharusnya dia dapatkan di QTP. Hai saya bekerja sebagai Insinyur QA n yang telah 1 thn tapi gaji saya tetap sama sekitar 10k, pada dasarnya adalah seorang insinyur mekanik tapi saya bergabung dengan bidang ini. Jadi, apa masa depan di sini. Tolong beri tahu 8230n kursus apa yang berbeda yang bisa saya pilih untuk yang baik. Masa depan 8212 Terima kasih Hai Saya adalah insinyur Kualitas Assrance yang memiliki pengalaman 2,5 tahun di Testing in Telecom Domain, Saat ini saya bekerja dengan perusahaan kelas atas, namun saya ingin bekerja di AS sehingga bisa salah satu menyarankan saya untuk melanjutkan. Balaji Software testing tidak hanya mengeksekusi test case seperti orang lain. Kita harus menunjukkan diri kita sebagai orang yang unik dalam pengujian dengan mengidentifikasi masalah kritis. Bisa jadi, jika Anda tertarik dengan pengujian manual. Berpikirlah berbeda dan menguji aplikasinya. Anda bisa melihat berbagai masalah. Saran saya adalah menjadi seorang profesional test manual yang bagus, kita harus bekerja minimal 2 tahun dalam pengujian manual dengan melakukan pengujian differentalalical. Ini akan menciptakan pengetahuan TestingDomainApplication di dalam diri kita. Untuk pengujian otomasi, saya berharap kita perlu memiliki konsep pemrograman dasar dengan kemampuan analisis. Jika ada orang yang memiliki pendapat berbeda, tolong beri tahu. -) Halo semuanya. Ada berbagai jenis testing. telecom testing, mobile testing, linux testing8230 apa yang coba dan dimana tipe pengujian ini berasal .. bagaimana memulai karir di test. Im di confusin .. pll explain me8230 Saya seorang pengembang otomasi QTP di wilayah NYNJ. Pada tahun 2007, saya melakukan tingkat 70 hr (corp-to-corp), saya memiliki teman di pasar yang berusia 80 jam (corp-to-corp). Hal-hal tahun ini berbeda, tingkat otomasi QA paling banyak berada di 55-60 di sekitar wilayah NYNJ. Perekrut India rendah-balling pada 35-45hr meminta ahli 8216QTP8217 amp 8216automation gurus8217. Saat Anda menawarkan kacang, hanya monyet yang muncul. Di Dice, saya melihat pekerjaan penuh waktu untuk orang QTP sekitar 80-100 k tergantung pada industri. Dalam waktu dekat, di sisi alat uji fungsional, saya melihat harga yang lebih baik untuk alat open source Selenium, JUnit, NUnit amp lainnya. Beberapa dari Anda berpikir Loadrunner adalah alat uji seperti QTP, Winrunner. Nah di pasaran saya melihat bahwa kebanyakan perusahaan tidak melihat script ppl yang ada pada alat LR, mereka mencari analis kinerja yang bisa melakukan 8211 LR, tipuan konfigurasi Weblogic, tugas DBA, penyetelan kinerja J2EEJVM. Silakan berbagi masukan masukan Anda di pasar QA. Dalam kelanjutan posting saya di atas, saya lupa memberi tahu Anda tentang profil saya. Saya memiliki 6 tahun exp otomatisasi QTP. Amp Mercury CPC bersertifikat Saya adalah software tester (manual tester) dengan satu tahun pengalaman dan ingin beralih ke otomasi. Apakah ada sertifikasi khusus saya adalah perangkat lunak tester (pengujian manual) dengan pengalaman 3 tahun dan ingin beralih ke otomatisasi. Apakah ada sertifikasi khusus yang selama ini saya tester selama hampir tiga tahun dan saya tidak dapat mendekati gaji awal. Saya bekerja di AS dan lahir di sini. Perusahaan tidak membayar apa yang tercantum dalam tabel ini. Saya bekerja di daerah PhiladelphiaNYC, Anda tidak akan menemukan perusahaan yang membayar sebanyak ini. Benar-benar posisi yang membosankan sekarang kita tahu betul, faktanya adalah sebagai tes eng kita tidak akan mengharapkan bukaan lagi dibandingkan dengan pengembang Halo teman, saya adalah seorang penguji yang memiliki satu tahun exp di Graphics Testing (Games dan Graphics Performance in Different Sistem operasi). Saat ini bekerja di Data Mining sebagai anlyst Kualitas. Senang bekerja di daerah ini. Teman saya 8220 Manajer QA dari Accenture8221 mengatakan bahwa di sini tidak akan ada lagi pembukaan dalam ujian untuk Freshers ans dan juga Experienced. Jika asupan penguji akan menurun maka Tingkat Kualitas Softwares akan menurun pada perusahaan perbudakan yang pada gilirannya mengakibatkan kerugian Rugi dan Rugi Karyawan juga. Sampai jumpa contoh MNC di IT. Hampir 30 atau pendapatan untuk masing-masing perusahaan hanya berasal dari Pengujian. Jadi Teman. Ini adalah pilihan karir yang sangat cerah. Sekarang kita berbicara dengan payscale. Hal ini tergantung pada Anda bahwa seberapa baik Anda menjual diri Anda kepada perusahaan pada saat negosiasi gaji Anda dan seberapa banyak keterampilan yang Anda miliki Ada beberapa contoh bahwa 2 orang dari pengalaman bertahun-tahun yang sama, bekerja di perusahaan yang sama, keduanya sama-sama Teknologi (Tidak hanya pengujian Anda bisa mengambil teknologi disini) Tapi tetap saja ada banyak perbedaan dalam gaji mereka. Semua tergantung pada keahlian Anda dan pendekatan USPs untuk berkarir di Testing Manaul: Maka harus spesifik domain (Seperti Anda harus melakukan sertifikasi untuk domain tertentu seperti perbankan, keuangan juga) Uji Database: Anda harus memiliki pengetahuan yang baik tentang SQL, PLSQL Automation: Tool based yang membutuhkan pengetahuan scripting Ketiga field dapat memberi banyak gaji jika skill anda cukup baik. Seperti orang mengatakan bahwa Pengujian Manual dapat dilakukan oleh orang yang lulus ke-10 juga. Tapi Aplikasi Domain Banking yang kompleks dengan crticilallity hanya bisa diuji oleh pakar domain saja. Jadi jangan khawatir Ada pasar yang sangat bagus dalam pengujian dan akan selalu bagus. Apa yang harus menjadi gaji seseorang dalam melakukan tes manual dengan pengalaman 1-2 tahun. Im mendapatkan 12k apakah benar Dari 1 sampai 2 experimen Yeard itu harus 15K sampai 18K. Tapi itu bisa bervariasi dari perusahaan ke perusahaan lain, Semua bergantung pada profitabilitas pendapatan perusahaan dan norma mereka, saya mendekati 3yrs Work Exp di perusahaan IT India kelas atas, sekarang saya ingin mencari perubahan, tolong beritahu saya apa yang sedang terjadi? Skala gaji untuk 3yrs exp. Tolong bantu saya. Saya ingin masuk ke pengujian otomasi. Tolong beritahu saya berapa gaji saat ini untuk 2,6 tahun pengalaman di India. Id saya tkbutterfly84gmail Thanks in advance Awesome dude8230am hanya membagikannya di situs saya :) Saya ingin tahu apakah pengujian perangkat lunak adalah pilihan karir yang bagus. Baru kemarin, saya menghadiri seminar yang diberikan oleh sebuah institut di wilayah saya yang memiliki ikatan dengan IBM india dan menawarkan kursus ini dalam pengujian perangkat lunak. Dalam brosur mereka disebutkan bahwa gaji awal bisa di kisaran 4.5Lyr. Juga mereka mengatakan pengetahuan tentang C, C adalah suatu keharusan untuk melakukan kursus ini. Saya punya exp Bekerja sebagai editor selama 4 yrs di bidang trans med dan berpikir untuk mengubah karir saya. Saya lulusan bsc Apakah ini pilihan karir yang bagus untuk saya? Pls menasihati saya dalam hal ini. Hai teman-teman, ini kunjungan pertamaku di situs ini saat mencari detail untuk pengujian manual. Saya telah bekerja dengan perusahaan keuangan terkenal yang memiliki departemen teknologinya sendiri untuk pengembangan dan pengujian perangkat lunak inhouse. Saya bekerja sebagai seorang engg ujian dan mendapatkan 3L Pa tanpa pengalaman sebelumnya dalam pengujian. Saya memiliki pengetahuan yang baik tentang domain finansial. Saya memerlukan bantuan Anda untuk mengetahui kursus dan institut terbaik di DelhiNCR dalam pengujian sehingga saya dapat memperbaiki kemampuan pengujian saya untuk masa depan yang cerah. Manajer QA dari accenture tidak memiliki akal dan pengetahuan. Saya hanya bertanya-tanya bagaimana dia bisa menjadi Manajer di sebuah organisasi besar. Aku benar-benar meragukannya. Tapi ya. Saya tulus menyarankan untuk freshers dan wannabe penguji. Silahkan mencoba sesuatu di bidang pengembangan atau area lain karena kompetisi sudah sangat besar disini. Hi patrick, saya akan saran Anda yang tidak membuat frustrasiDemorisasi orang-orang Testing. I ketika Anda menulis komentar ini (02 Juli821708), Anda tidak dalam mood yang baik, atau mungkin saja Anda kehilangan pekerjaan karena resesi. Untuk masalah pribadi, saran lain secara membabi buta kepada pihak lain. Dengan komentar Anda sepertinya industri pengujian perangkat lunak akan ditutup di masa depan. Saya ingin mengatakan bahwa saya mendapatkan gaji tinggi dari pengembang dengan pengalaman yang sama. Saya mendapatkan 4.8 Kurangnya paket di JDA Hyderabad dengan pengalaman 2 tahun. Saya telah melewati thred ini, sepertinya ada lebih banyak kesalahpahaman daripada fakta tentang pengujian perangkat lunak. Ada potensi besar untuk penguji perangkat lunak, khususnya di India. Itu semua tergantung pada keahlian individu. Seperti, tidak semua devlopers mendapatkan gaji yang sama, ini berlaku untuk penguji. Saran rendah hati saya kepada semua penguji pemula tidak perlu khawatir dengan gaji dan pekerjaan, cobalah belajar sebanyak mungkin. Saya bekerja sebagai insinyur SQA di perusahaan basis produk. Di organisasi penguji saya mulai gaji 5Lanum. Hi frnds Saya bekerja dengan comp berbasis Mumbai di pengujian web. I have 2.4 yrs of exp in IT and getting 20,000 permonth as I started my career wit a low pkg. Now i m planing for a switch in job. So wat shd I ask for interms of salary. I m working in web testing. Hi ALL I am a MCA Graduate, done a course with seed infotech on manual and automation tools also worked as a developer in india and abroad Now seeking for a Automation Testing job. I am a Sr. QA Tester working in MNC from Past 5 Years and testing is a very cool Job and I don8217t feel stressed out much as my collegues do (Developers) and Earn equally with them. I had never worked less than 45Hr and you will get more billing 8211 Pharmaceutical, Finance domains and be an all rounder and adopt to new technologies. You will be fine and do well in testing field as you gain years of experience and it would be easy lift in your carrer to go to team lead position QA Manager with in 5 Years 8211 10 Years Max taking into other set criteria into consideration. Ex: Certifications etc. I am also looking for job in Software testing, I am very keen to be a part of testing field, I do have Knowledge of Manual testing and QTP. Please help me to get job in this. if any one has details of job opening or walk ins in bangalore please do contact me the given mail id I8217ve been in the QA field for just under 5 years. The pay scale is accurate up to the last job I took about a year ago. I started at 50k USD 10 semi-annual bonus8217s and had a minor pay reduction in order to keep my position. The trick is to specialize in a field and own it. Hi.. I am a fresher (09 pass out). Wanna start my career in testing. I have completed Diploma in software testing and hence have good knowledge in manual, QTP and QC. If any gud offers come across yo way for freshers do let me knw my frns.. hii this is kavi i finished my UG and finished a course on software testing i am a 2008 passed searching jobs in testing but didn8217t get any job now its the end of 2009,so i want to know that whether they will consider me as a fresher. and i need some better way to get through the interviews pls pls somebody help me Hi friends and experts, This is Raj from usa. I will be done with MS in IT soon. I was wondering how would the opportunities and pay scale packages as I am trying to opt this field of my choice. The curiosity is up in me from both ways as there are misconceptions like the pay, career and other inferior gossips. Is it real or would this thing takes me to new heights that would be challenging and gives good pay. Whats the best way to approach for career as I am a fresher with just as a TSE in one of the BPO8217s in india. What is needed to get started from both manual and automated side and which tools and domains have more openings and career choices. Please experts give me an indepth idea and broad sense of what it takes and how would really the things be and answers for my confessions. I am as well doing my reserach paper related to software testing. Any push in this area, u would be of great help. Thanks and I will look forward for ur answers and like to be part of helping the needy in future. I am frm pune amp m into recruitment. first time i got a requirement for US for a software developer. for this requirement, i need to send few candidates to Ohio, US having 5 yrs of exp. Everything is to be decided by me as they wil b on my contract working for tht co. in US. Now the problem is i dont know the payscale offered in US. I ve searched the web which shows the payscale frm around 50k 8211 80k per annum, which is actually quite high if calculated in Indian currency. So, i jus wanna ask tht is it the same for the foreign employees too or it varies fr the other country employees. plz help me at the earliest as i wnt to send the candidates immediately, if u can plz mail me at prasadpriornpro Do dome Google search you will definitely get latest salary scale in US region and experience wise for foreign candidates. Hi , I have been working for a private company as tester for 2 yrs. I dont have any knowledge about automated and thinking of doing some certifications. Will it be really worth. Im interested to take my career in Testing. What should i do to develop my knowledge further. I heard of saying some guys that testing is not worth compared to development. Please suggest Hi I got a offer from a Private company as Software Tester. I m a fresher to this domain and would like to know how much I can earn as SoftwareQC tester. Tolong bantu. stk73rediffmail Hi all, i visited this forum and i liked it. I have been working in service provider company for last 2 years and here my role is QA and OE of product(STB).I want to know, what is future of product testing i got placement in niit technologies and i have joined the company from the last week. Those who are selected are around 75. Last day on 27-11-09. our batches were declared. 40 got java, 30 got and just 15 got QA Testing as decided by the management. and I am in the QA Testing but i have interest in java and i donot want to work as QA Engineer because as I have heard that there is no career in testing as compared to developer. tolong bantu aku. I am in great trouble. please tell me what can i do. i and most of the employees those who get QA send their names to the management to change it. please clearly tell me that testing career is not bright. Am i true hi tester i am also in webtesting can you please tell me i have experience web based application testing i should try for that web testing company only or i can try for the client server application ple reply and i want to know the jobs in web testing. i got information that opportunity is less for web tester when comparted to the domain tester ( banking, finance, telecom) because mnc is in domain Anamika this side, Actually i m doing a course in software testing(Manual amp Automation),i would like to know that as a fresher how much i can get in both the Testing hello guys. i need ur help. i am B. tech 2009 batch comp. engg. fresher from delhi. I have got an opportunity for 6 months internship in Mobile Handset Field Testing in MediaTek Company, Noida which is 4th largest fabless company in the world. I am worried about what i vil do after completion of my internship. i want to know the future of Mobile Handste Field Testing. should i go for this. somebody rply plzz. Hi Friends8230..Please help me in answering my question8230.I8217m having 1 years of experience as a QA Engineer8230.I8217m being paid just 10,000- per month8230.Please tell me how much Salary should i be getting 4 my Experience in Testing8230 plz can u send the details and payscale for 2years experiance in testingtools For a Fresher 8211 US45 To 50,000 P. A. INR 2.5 8211 3.5 LKHSP. A 2-3 Yrs 8211 US55,000 P. A, INR 3.5 Above P. A 4- 6 Yrs 8211 US60,000 P. A, INR 5 LKHS TO 6 LKHS P. A Above 6yrs 8211 ABOVE 60,000 P. A. INR 6- 7 LKHS P. A From my experience, it all depends on the Domain you are working. Finance, Health care and Insurance companies pay very well. Please feel to free to add to my list. I am now become a Team lead and leading a team size of 10. you can see my post 85 above. I was then a Normal contract guy with 5 Years of Experience. I understand why outsourcing becomes so popular these days. Outsourcing testing company 8211 massqa offer QA services for just 12hour. This is extremely small for experienced QA engineers. What do you think I am agree with the comments of Sr Tester. Testing field has a bright career. I have 3 years of experience in testing and my package is 4.8Lannum. hi frnds , i had completed my B. E in 2009 8230n now i want to go into the testing field82308230plzz frnds suggest me weather i hav to do cirtification for dis or not 8230..n if yes which is the best institute in mumbai for testing n wat r the requirments for goin into testing field8230weather i hav to be good in c. c etc8230.n wat are the pay scale for freshers in this field. thanx frnds hi yash, i don8217t think there is any need to join any training institue. There is lots of material available on the net, like softwaretestinghelp, which is more than enough to be aware of this domain. It would be better if you join any professional for getting more help. I am harsha. I am working as a software test engineer (Manual) from past 3 yrs. Now i want to update myself with some technologies. Like oracle, SAP etc.. Please suggest me which course to do, which will be very helpful for me in future for getting a stable job in a good MNC. what r the chances of going abroad Right now in the compay where i am working, there are no chances to go abroad. But what i am conserned is, i am just a manual test engineer, I have to update my skill set, i am having good knowledge of QTP. But what my point is as a tester knowing one DB (Oracle) and unix. I want to know will this help my testing career. I am technical writer and moved to testing 2 years back. I am doing manual testing. I also do run automation test scripts developed in Test Partner. Although my total IT exp is 7 years, my testing exp is 3 yrs. What is the best salary that I can get with this kind of experience. Of course, I can use my technical writing skill wherever required in QA documentation. Best Regards S. Ramesh thank u so much san, i m still confused frnds 8230.i have completed my engineering in 2009 n still searching for job 8230.i dont know anything abt testing 8230..plzz guide me abt testing how can i take help frm proffesional8230if u hav any plzz let me knw i m desprete to see my self working8230. is there a growth in testing field8230can i expect upto 80k after 4-5 years of the company fine testers at recession whom they are paying a lot of scale wat is the scale for the exoerience of 3 years in manual software testing. Yash, As you said that you don8217t know anything about testing. So what exactly is your approach towards testing domain. How you are preparing yourself. That is the main point. So I would suggest you to search and study the testing material as much as you can. Apply the scenarios in any of the application either it is a simple Calculator application or it is GMail kind site. No need to go to any testing institure. Think as how you can break a software and apply those points in your testing. Second thing attend the software testing interviews, so that you should aware with the industry requirement. What they ask, what kind of scenarios they put. So after attending some interviews, you will be confident. Sr. Tester and to ALL Hi all. I have joined an MNC company as tester and they are offering me 2.2 as i had good knowledge in automation. I need to know whether is there any differences in salary between a tester and a developer with experience. Please help me out as i have passion for going in testing field. Please do respond at the earliest Sr. Tester Sir i need ur counseling and guidance regarding testing Please refer to the above Post 102 for Package that is acceptable and don8217t accept which is less than what is posted there. Automation Tester have lots of opening these days especially for QTP in India. I would really suggest to go for any speciallized ERP(Siebel, SAP) testing to standout in this competitive world. 1. Automation 8211 ERP Tools 8211 QTP and Test Partner 2. Performance tetsing (Load Runner, Capacity Planning, Network concepts, Server metrics monitoring sw like sitescope etc..) From my experienbce I didn8217t see much difference from Web techonologies (Developer) to 5 Yrs of experienced tester in Income levels. So, be confident. There are always pros and cons both side. Make a Appropriate decision based on where you want to be in next 5 Years. When I started my carreer as a Tester I always dreamed to become a QA Manager and I am now Team lead and in the process of acheiving my goal in next 2 Years. Hope this helps Thanks, Sr Tester. Sr. Tester Sir in my company, what i have enquired from experienced people is that salary is based on the band and the level, which u posses. As a fresher, whether a programmer or tester, both were kept on level1 band 0. So not much difference there. But i compared to a tester salary and a developer salary after 4.5 years. I saw that a tester (who is having experience in rational robot) is earning at 4.2, where as a developer is earning around 6.5 with same level of experience. Since we all are starting with same and and level, then how come there is so much of a salary difference done. Secondly i heard that most of the CMM5 lvl companies have this band and level system. So does that means there also there will be such a salary difference Sam, Nice you brought it. It all depends on Client to client. The Domain (Telecom, Pharmaceuticals, Health care) and In my company with 5 yrs of experience having QTP earning 6 lakhs per annum. While I was working in US I had seen people working for 32hr and 50hr for Manual testing with same amount of experience. Hope it answers your questions. It woudn8217t be a wise comparsion in income levels of a test engineer to SAP Basics, DBAs, Siebel EAI or Configrator or UNIX will find lots of variation. Take wise decission based on your Instincts. All the Best Well Sam, you are right, this is the mentality of most of the companies that they think testing engineers less technical than developers. If you talk about small companies or mediocre or even top level companies think testing as the secondary requirement. Even now companies have started hiring non-techie graduates for testing the software applications. Even as per latest survey 20 to 25 percent of staff will be non-technical graduates in the companies like TCS, WIPRO and HCL in coming one or two years. This is the latest Cost Cutting Mantra of IT companies. This News was published in SiliconIndia on 19th March 2010. San Then is there no company, that treats testing as equal to developing. If what San is saying is correct, then how come people work in that environment with such a discrimination (No offense, but i joined testing out of desperation but loved the nature of the job after studying that. If u make friends with developers and at the end of the performance appraisal, if u observe such a HUGE difference in salary, then how will u focus in ur job). Man. these things are really haunting me like hell, i don8217t know what to do with my future. May be i will end myself up like a desperate developer who don8217t have interest in that (not because i8217m not good in programming) Requesting Sr. Tester to put some focus to my problem at the earliest Well Sam, I doesn8217t mean to dishearten you, I myself is in software testing and software quality domain for last 7 years. But the current trend is just because of the slowdown in the global economy, when every company was looking for the Cost Cutting. It will recover but take some time. And I don8217t know why you are comparing your salary with a developer. There are different technologies and different experts in the same. Definetely a SAP or Automation tester is getting better salary than a normal one even better than a developer. Of course there is a difference between tester and developer, but not a HUGE difference, as you said. Why don8217t you think that there is a KIND of stability in the software testing field, you don8217t have to update you everytime with the latest technology. Take my example, I started my career as Foxpro Programmer and I was expert in that. Today no one ask for Foxpro Programmers. But being a tester I will always be there in the industry. Every domain is good, but you have to put your effort to make that good. So think positive :) That is a general discussion, so that we all should know about what is happening, and these kinds of ups and downs are always there in almost all domainsindustries. So don8217t loose your enthusiasm. And let your work speak8230 Hi All, Please any buddy give me knowledge about telecom Domine for Testing8230. Well I give up on asking questions up here. I guess this site must be for people from India only. Everytime I ask something I just get ignored. I just dont get it. yes i believe that the future of tsting is very bright. i am working as SQATest Engineer since 4 months and i am getting 15kmonth and it will increase with the passage of time as i get more experience. i am using Test Director which is very useable tool for the freshers8230. yes i believe that the future of tsting is very bright. i am working as SQATest Engineer since 4 months and i am getting 12kmonth and it will increase with the passage of time as i get more experience. i am using Test Director which is very useable tool for the freshers8230. Let us discuss the issue in brief. Barring some small and start-up companies, every medium large Indian software companies and MNCs pay well for software engineers. As far as I know, a software tester with 5 years of experience will get a minimum of 4 LPA and max 8 LPA. In the case of automation engineer, it would be in the range of 5 to 9 LPA. And if you have specialized in a domain or a product, your range will go still higher. Use a simple calculator to know your value. Multiply number of years of experience by a lakh of rupees. Keep 2 to 3 lakhs as buffer for maximu limit. In worst cases, keep 0.70 lac per year of experience. So if you have 2 years of experience, you will get 2 to 3 lacs. Few people who get a chance to enter into MNC as a fresher may get 3 to 3.5 in the beginning itself. Only issue could be there is more rush in this profession. To keep away from the crowd, specialize in a domain or product testing. All the best8230.for queries, reach me at rsuriaprakhashgmail SOFTWARE TESTING IS A VERY FANTASTIC FIELD..I HAVE 3 YRS. EXPERIENCE IN SOFTWARE TESTING82308230.I WANNA KNOW WHAT SCOPE IT8217S GOT IN SINGAPOREDUBAI8230.. Jai kumar is not responsible for the above comments8230I AM RESPONSIBLE.. For Jobs in abroad email your resume to ndgoodrichyahoo. pls 5yrs experience and above. hi frnds, i m planning to do diploma in software testin from SEED INFOTECH VASHI thy provide traning in software testing8230.and even provide job assitance8230.can any one tell me abt the truth of tht institute82308230 will it good for me to do my traning from there 82308230or if u have any best institute for testing in mumbai plzz sujjest me 8230.i will be very greatful to you8230.and 1 more thing 82308230seed provide testing on IBM ROTATIONALROBOT8230.IBM ROTATIONAL FUNCTIONAL TESTER82308230. plzz tell me does these have any value in current industry8230..waiting for ur reply. hi frnds, i want to do testing diploma from SEED INFOTECH MUMBAI can any one tell me about this institute 8230..thy says tht thy provide testin on automation tool such as IBM ROTATIONAL ROBOT, IBM ROTATIONAL FUNCTIONAL TESTER 82308230What is the values of these tool in current there good traning institute in mumbai which can be best for testing traning 8230.waiting for ur reply8230.. Hi, I am a Software Test Engineer with over 3 years of experience in manaual and automation testing. My domain has been purely finance oriented. I am looking for a job in Dubai as I hav relocated here post marriage. I am not able to see many opportunities here. Can sumone please tell me r there testing openings in dubaiwhat is the future and scope i m Brajesh gupta from delhi. i have completed B. C.A in yr 2001. since than i was indulge in my family business and some time i worked in various call center but i don8217t have any IT exp8230 so in this regard i want to know my career in software testing field as i m touching 30 old 8230would it be right decision to move for software testing career or should i try somethine else8230. . plz guide me soon as i m not getting decide what should i do thanks Brajesh Hi i WORKING AS REVENUE SYSTEMS QA TEST ENGINEER AND ALSO SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR FOR ALMOST 7 YEARS I WANT TO WORK IN INDIA, KINDLY CONTACT ME ON MY NUMBER 00971508831913 i hv compltd my engg this yr. i wnt to join SEED INFOTECH pune. is it reliable..n pls tell me if der is proper growth in testing field8230 Hai my dear friends could u pls help me Game terster companies amp as well as financial companies if yopu know. bye from vasu hve a nice day Hai my dear friends could u pls help me Game tester companies amp as well as financial companies if yopu know. bye from vasu hve a nice day HI ALL, all your comments on testing sounds good, but some who have not shined in their carrier in testing have a bad look on this field. please dont give negative feed backs, it really spoils ones future, especially freshers, i have 2 in one of the mnc i am paid more than a develp. if u think u are paid less, then go for other better company who can pay high, it depends on ur performance in the interview, for ex if u are pitching 5kpa for 3 n the company is not ready to pay u, n ll ask u for lesser like 4lacs or 4.5lacs, please dont accept for it, it proves u r not stable, this depends on ur confident. all the testers are more r less have same knowledge82308230.all the best823082308230.. hi sam, if u talk about indian mnc8217s we all know wipro, tcs, infosys etc, really they ll pay less only because they r getting the projects just for thier cost cutting using indian peoples. but if u see their sal in abroad its totally different, they may get high, this is the present status8230 I really want to know that - If i would like to go with the sw testing. It will be good for me or what I have compleded my MCA in 2010. U all r welcome82308230 Please suggest me I m new in software testing, currently working with web development company new delhi, getting salary 75kmonth. my task is to test the PHP website and documentation with working on CMS. is it a gud career8230. plz plz help me soon8230.:) Hello Friends, B. Tech in Computer Science. I m new in software testing, currently working with web development company new delhi, getting salary 75kmonth. my task is to test the PHP website and documentation with working on CMS. is it a gud career8230. Plz also suggest me any kind of software testing course in DeliNCR. plz plz help me soon8230.:) As a fresher is it not bad one. But try to increase your knowledge level to bid more on your next move. can u tell me about any short term course in soft amp web testing. if really difficult for me to learn these software through research8230 so plz help me 8230 Thanx for ur valuable suggestion.:) Pratap I don8217t think you need any course for learning manual software testing. It would be better if you buy some good software testing books or there is lot of material available on the net, which is more than enough for you to learn and to improve your knowledge in software testing. Hi I have 3 years of exp in Telecom Isp vendor. Now i am intrested to switch my career to telecom testing side. Plz guide me what are the courses to be done, will i considered fresher, and let me know the good institutes in bangalore8230. Thanx Dude8230.i have a gud collection of software and books8230just starting reading8230..i will tell you later8230howz i m perfomring after R amp D. Hi, I8217m having 8 plus years of experience in testing. Still I8217m working as a test engineer. many ups and downs in my career life..a coulple of years back worked at onsite US and again now working as a test engineer in mobile testing. can any body please suggest me or give me any reference in any company.. thanks jam If possible try to learn some tools. I think its not hard for you. Good Pratap, All the best8230 whats the scope of a QA, test engg. to go abroad right now i am doing a couse on software testing both manual amp automation. should i go for performance testing also. how good is it8230.. is the performance tester paid more than the manual or the QA engg. Your pay scale chart is overlapped by Gooooooogle ads, here8217s why you need QA can u give me ur email Id. I am a B (computers) graduate and did M. B.A (Finance) through correspondence. Having 5 years experience in other fields like finance and BPO. Can i try as a fresher in software testing Please do suggest. I have learned the tools and oracle 9i and even worked with for few months. Please direct me Neelima, Of-course you can join the software testing domain as a fresher. There is a lot of books and material available on the net. Just get the basic understanding of software testing and go for some interview. After attending 2-3 interviews, you will surely gain the confidence. Because then you will come to know, what kind of questions are asked in the interview. Semua yang terbaik. I am under depression at tis point of time. I have 1.6 yrs on developing(Java) domain and 1.3 yrs of manual testing, strong knowledge of QTP, I feel testing is a quality job and carry my future with it Rite now i am earning on 1.6lks per annum Wat culd be my package in an MNC company I need positive advices PPPPPleaseeeeeee Help. ( hi friends i am MCA Fresher and got (Performance Tester) job in css corporation. 15k per month . Is performance Testing has better scope in future. hi guys I am a Instrumentation Engineering grad passed out in the year 2009, I have a soft corner towards the Software Industry. I have learnt JAVA but ended up getting into 8216Wipro BPO8217 as a 8216Technical Support Agent8217 and now I got selected into a company as a 8216Software Developer8217 with 2 years of BONDAGE but they put me into the 8216testing team8217 and to mention which has only 8216Manual Testing8217 now I am worried about my future as I am into Oblivion about the Career Growth in the Testing Field. How are the promotions and PAY HIKES in Testing. Please help me out in suggesting a good course in Manual as well as Automation Testing. And I always had a dream to go to the 8216US8217 to do Masters degree over there so is there a chance for a SW Tester to go to U. S. and work there for a few years. I did MCA and I8217m worki ng with an MNC for the last 1.5 years(total exp. till date after MCA) as a Team Lead. For others my job is really happening as I8217m getting between 4 to 5 lac per annum but I8217m not happy with the way my career is going. I8217m thinking of switching to software testing but I8217m not very sure. Its a general perception that anyone can do testing(at least manual black-box) and people from any educational background can get into this. I8217m very confused as I have knowledge of all the phases of software development and have good programming and client interaction skills. I8217m not sure whether I8217ll be able use my knowledge and skills in this domain. The reason for domain change is that I8217m working in all the phases of database development but I8217m expert in none. I8217m also thinking of doing course in Data-warehousing from a good institute as I think it would be an extension of what I8217m doing right now. I8217m a person who is always ready to learn and want to excel in whatever field I8217m. I really need help so that I can take decision as soon as possible. Hiii All , I m into testing for the last 1 yr . I m getting 15k pm but developers at this level gets around 20 k pm. Wy there is such diff. Even i m also a b. tech holder . Plz suggest does QA have any Future. I remains tensed about it. PLZZZZZZZZZ help me frens . I m into testing for the last 1 yr . I m getting 15k pm but developers at this level gets around 20 k pm. Wy there is such diff. Even i m also a b. tech holder . Plz suggest does QA have any Future. I remains tensed about it. PLZZZZZZZZZ help me frens . I am looking for a free download site to download qtp 9.2 V or above. Pls help if there is a site to download. Dear All I am working in software test engineer, one year five months in experience, but salary low six thousand per months, my carrer successive or not Hi, this is first time i am interacting to you. As Iam a frehers in testing and I have all the manual testing in website testing. can you plesae help me weather website testing has a good furture or domin testing. and if domain testing (like telecom) then how can i shift to domain testing (as i have only website testing experience). hi, this is the first time and i want to know whether i can switch my career to testing i have 1yrs exp in embedded systems. can any one suggest me if there are options for testing in the same field. i do know oracle so should i go for database testing. am confused plz help me Hello Friends, I m sateesh. B. E in telecom engg. i m doing testing course so I m searching testing job, but i have low agrigate in B. E. if any openings in testing field or telecom, any IT field. i m ready to work anywhere. plz plz help me soon.:) hi, i have work for Dell as Test Engineer in USA. i question this article rates. i go through recruiter for job and they only pay me 30hr for software testing in USA. i only test, not developing, so is this fair rate in USA for Dell i ask my indian friends and they say 45-50hr is good rate even now in bad economy. i try to get more pay, but recruiter say sorry, maximum 30hr. recruiter some time say 25hr. i can8217t pay bills on 25hr. i have feeling recruiter make more money than me. plz help as confused. i add that Dell job only work 9 months at 30hr. then have leave Dell 100 days before return. 30hr very low right There some one in these thread said testing can be done by even class 10th standard student. I don8217t have patience to check his name, it is for him 1. There are many guys in school 8 standard 10th standard who knows to develop website and also they find it very easy to develop any web application or desktop application. And if you give them domain knowledge of different departments in an enterprise they will develop ERP solutions. So what is the need of Engineers, companies can hire students from school level itself. 2. There are so many people who has not completed their schooling but they are very good marketer now, in fact there are so many college students who have very good convincing power and are good marketers. So will you now tell that marketing job is non skillful since it can be done by non collegiate also. and like this there are so many profession which can be done by school students. Beta profession sahey kuch bhi ho hamesha ek hi siz kaam deta hai logical smartness jo ki I think evry testers are logically smart. 1. We are logically smart. 2. We have good soft-skills. And this is what is needed to survive in this dynamic volatile market I think u understand what I mean to say, don8217t underestimate testers nahi to ek bhi software bikega nahi. you are wrong. i am a fresher i am earning just 6kmonth i am working as a quality assurance i am crying8230 hi. i am want to switch from testing to android developer. if you come across any jobs in bangalore plz infor me hi. i am want to switch from testing to android developer. if you come across any jobs in bangalore plz inform me My Dear, Now the time is changing. Testing jobs is increasing in Indian market in 2010-11. My current CTC is 6.5 Lakhs PA. Most of the telecom software companies hired software testers. It8217s the time to grow up. hi i m a software tester in surat, i m thinking to move to usa, so please tell me about the software testing job scope there and pay scale. i have 3 years of experiance in manual testing. plz reply. Testing is really a good field. And my sincere request to all is dont compare testing with developing, even in payscale cos it ultimately depends on u, how much knowledge n passion u have. And for all those who need proof here it is: I have 2 cousins who work as testers with 4 years of exp and 1 cousin gets 7Lpa in one mnc and the second cousin gets 8Lpa in other mnc8230and above all i m a developer on linux with same exp and i get 6Lpa.. we all at a time completed BE n joined companies through campus. so the diff in salaries is cos my cousins have better knowledge n they both have studied lots of tools. I on the other hand didnt do anything as m lazy, so low salary. so the final point is better u gain knowledge the better ll be salary. hi. i am working in an RampD based company where i have to work with board level and unit level GPS units testing for correct functionality. I want to know the future with my current profile an what could i expect in future. and also undergone through qtp course, can i stick with the current hardware job or to go by qtp in future concerned circumstances. the tester has more opportunities to go for onsite than developers with 11 years i make over 90kannum whereas in contract u can make around 50 to 60hr on corp to corp basis in usa. Hello All, could any one tell me about job scope in software testing. I did masters in Electronics, but here in USA I am not getting good job..Should I go for the software testing courses or look for some other options. Please help me out on this8230 Thanks in advance.. mail id:sweety14286gmail after 4 yrs of development, I am shifting testing. Plz suggest is it a good decision Jaya its very very Bad Descision Does any one let me know the Market salary of an ISTQB tester with 4.5 years of experience in manual amp Back End testing. i forget to mention. Iam talking about Indian Market :-) Hi, This is Anitha and i hav competed my B. E in 2007 and i have 1.5 yrs teaching exp..Now i m searching for testing jobs 8230for that i need some good testing course institutes in bangalore with 100 placement. plz help me. my emilid:anithayrgmail hi i8217m working as a software testing engineer(manual) in small IT industry. how is the software testing domain in future. it ll give good scope can you prove that, anyone from around the world getting the salary mentioned above in that chart so from all of your point of view testing has more scope than any other sector in IT field Right. who will be the best 8220tester or developer8221, I want to know both in salary and also in work load like stress, depression etc I8217ve done my B. Tech in 2007 n workd as a tech support for 2 yrs. Then got married and moved to US. I always want to get into testing field. I got trained in testing and QTP. Have knowledge of SQL. Now am seriously in search of testing job. Please let me know the options I have. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Terima kasih. hiiiiiii all. i am anwar. i have 7 months exp in telecm hardware. am am getting very low slry. now i want to switch software testing 8230..any one please sugest me how future in this 8230.and wat tools i have to learn i. e (atumation or manual) please sugust me any exp person on this field on my mail advance thanks to home sugesst me. Gappa 6 aa badha Hi i am nitin and looking for QA job in a reputed organisation as a fresher and i am also doing diploma in software testing(manualAutomation).please let me know if any vacancy. email:nitin.27051986gmail mob no:9975082421 hello frnds8230 i am an engg. student and want to choose software testing as career but i have no idea what to do for a better job in this field i need your help pls give me a way8230. ph. no-07206926706 Hii all, I am swatik having 1 yr 6 months expirence in manual amp Automation testing amp currently working in a Iso certified organisation. I hav hands on expirence with tools like 8211 Selenium (for functional testing) amp J-meter (for performanceLoad testing). Does anyone requires QA with above requirement then plz mail me at 8211 swatik88yahoo. or even ring me at 8211 09861422701. Thanx in advance . hii all, cud u tell me please what a scope of swt in future. cud v can earn more money in this field nd in how much time . cud anyone suggest me to choose software testing. i have done MCA correspondence (IGNOU) nd i hear abut dat in st regular student have more prefrence nd 10-till pg high should b. actually m working as a php developer but m not satisfied bcoz of sal nd lot of pressure so m toooooooo confused right now. so please cud anyone help me m awaiting ur responce, thanks in advance i am a Test engineer with 3.5 yrs exp and i am getting around 4.7 lakh per annum. which is low according to the industry standards. by june i think it should be more than after a 20 raise (which is due as the promotion to test analyst) is due. i am a manual tester cud u tell me plz currently is testing on gud position or coming time or testing has gud future in india or abroad nd from where u have done testing course. Hello Friends, I m Rajesh. B. E in Information Science (passed out in 2010 with 2 years gap ) with a low aggregate of 57 ).Currently i am working in a BPO8230 i wan to do a testing course 8230 Will the companies prefer Guys like me8230considering i gain excellent knowledge in Testing Tools8230 hi i am wasim khan completed bsc computer in 2010 i read all the article. i was thinking to start my careear as a tester. but i am confused what should i do. i am disappointement with patric. also some guys mentioned above that he got palced as tester but in campus i got 48 in graduation. so can any one tell me which is better field for me in which i get good job in mnc software tester and php developer i also heard that there is no job for php developer in mnc hai8230 i am BE graduate and i have finished manual and automation testing course. now i am searching testing job. many company asks experience8230 pls tell me any vacancy in testing including any small company. right now i am in coimbatore. i can work in chennai, bangalore, coimbatore. i am not consider about salary. now i want experiece in that field. pls tell me if u know any vacany pls8230 Can anyone tell me, if I can switched my career from BPO to software testing field, I am a B grad and have done GNIIT (3Yrs diploma in Computer software), Currently pursuing MBA in marketing, I am very much interested to change my field. Currenty i m working in TCS. Before joining i was working in a company in PlatForm. But in TCS i got testing profile. i m good in programming. Please tell me, is testing is better me i m good in programming what should i do There is no meaning in automating a test wihtout executing it manually. the requiement and design documents are never clear and detailed enough so it is impossible todevelope automation script wiht out knwoing designing manual test script. No test automation tool can analyze requirement and draw up test strategy and test plan an design test data, build test environment etc. Even Hp quality center only helps in recording an tracking the plan an recording test cases, I agile project nothing is clear and nodocuemntation is present so how you automate wiht out manually writing and executing test cases first. But over time the testing has been commoditised by Indian service companies by offering testing as free if desing and developemnt is given. the test profession has been diluted, by shifting the test strategy and planning responsibility to dev team. infosys has merged testing with BPO for britsh telecom project as billing rates are low. congnizant moved testing work of UBS to BPO as rates are too low and they cannot accomodate those rates as technology work. so overall testing no more attractive profession, get out ASAP as testing guys are first to be fired if there is downturn in job market. go to any walk in moe testers coe than any other technology HR says it is eas yto fill testing roles If you want tesing career tha tis respectable look at the testing profile requirement at micrsoft and google. These are knwon as technical testing roles. They do more coding than the developemnt guys and it requires skills in java, perl. unix and c c and other web stuff. Any investment in gaining the above skill and getting into google will be worthwhile. fulfilling and rewarding and most important respectable. hi, I am in testing field from last 11 months, and I am earning only 5k per month :(. worried will get any good job or not hi, I am in testing field as software tester in small company from last 11 months, and I am earning only 5k per month. Worried will get any good job or not with good pay scale. I am having 4 yrs of Exp in c development and now i got an offer in White Box testing with handsome package. Do i have to switch in Testing Hello everyone, i8217m 2010 passout computer engineering student8230.i have completed manual testing course8230.i8217m searching a jov in this field8230can you help me to find a job for me so i survive in bangalore82308230..Thank you. First you change your field from Testing to Development8230 I8217m Working as Software Testing Engineer my suggestion is in Testing no future. bec if u find bugs and assigned to developer and there is no credit for u. all credit goes to developer and also Upto 4th level in Your career in MNC your salary will as like develop er after that your salary dos8217t Hike. no future in Testing so many fake candidates goes through company i see those people 8230 Now m moving to development side m doing course in NIIT an JAVA. if u r in development there is no fear of RECESSION 8230. MY personal advice is to First Jump into development side READING ALL THESE COMMENTS 8230NO ONE WILL GO FOR SOFTWARE TESTING8230:):) CAN ANY ONE PROVIDE THE LATEST POSITIVE INFORMATIONS REGARDING TESTING8230IN 20118230JUNE hey i m stunned looking at these comment. in my personal view testing offers a good career. bcz testing is as useful as the development. no development is possible without testing. i read almost half da comments posted above8230.wel m rele confused abt it8230 plz guide me weder sw testng is bettr or sw developing8230 n if m nt gud at coding den wot shud i prefer8230. av dun bca, waitng fr d results nw8230. ur concern wud help me get in d right path8230 Hi Friends I have a small query, currently i am working as a Network support associate (Technical), i don8217t see any growth in this field. I have BCA and PGDIT in IT field. and I am getting a good offer to join as a Software manual tester. What should do now. should i switch to IT industry, which industry is best in term of Growth, hardware Networks or Softwares I ve completed my Engineering in Information Tech 2010 passed out. Currently working as a manual tester in chennai for past 5 months im getting 7.5k per month, is there any possibility to move to another company with dis experience. or should i continue to gain experiance more than a yr If der is possibilities then plz let me know the openings in chennai. my mail id: vino. grajan. gmail hi, i am a MCA graduate who got placed through campus placement into sapient. now, then have taken me into performance testing team and training us on various tools like Lr and jmeter.2 were selected for 27 people. i am wondering now if i have scope in performance testing or should i shift to development. its been 2 months in this team and 4 months training on java. i am really confused if i have to continue in this or shift to development.(pay scale is what worries me for performance testing after 2 years).please tell me which pays you higher. i m currently being payed 33k permonth but not sure of scope outside this organization I have more than 3 yrs exprience in SW testing (Manual amp Automation). But I am switch to my home city Bhubaneswar, Orissa. I work there in low salary as compared to Bangalore. I worked there as a Test Lead but with 15K salary p. m. Can You suggest Help me to switch to MNC in Bhubaneswar. I would like to ask your advise if this is the correct salary for a QA engineer with more than 3yrs experience. My monthly salary is around 40000 pesos Im working here i the philippines. Hi everyone Its nice to read all these experiences and views on testing field. I am a fresher and have completed my B. Tech in Electronics amp Instrumentation but have a great urge to work in IT field. I am basically looking for developer position but reading all these I am confused whether I8217ll get into a developer position through off-campus. Any way my doubt is whether after working as a testing engineer can we shift to developer field after some experience. Will there be any difficulties in switching the field. As a fresher from current session I am not getting much infos about openings everywhere they ask for experience and IT companies have still not started offcampus so I would like help of you people. If anyone can help me in getting a good start I will be very very thankful. Mail me at. alokmail108gmail Hi, Can anyone of you pls tell me abt some part time job in testing earning a good money in that. I am already working in one Company as a Test Engineer. Pls mail me abt the same. My email id is anishtulsyan22gmail . Hi frnds, i want to tell those all frnds who are looking as career in software testing field8230..there is nt much scope in sw testing field. people in this field are dumb8230Although in current market scenario there are lot of jobs for sw testers, but they are hired at a very low package. In comparison to sw testers, developers are at brighter side in terms of both scope and salary package. Also job satisfaction is more in development field than sw testing field. so go fr brighter side82308230 wish u all best luk. i have just working as test engineer is game testing company. so can i easily switch to software testing from game testing Please anyone is there who can give me a valuable advise. My question is that i m just working in BPO sector but i want to make my career in IT industry in SQA(in software testing) I have done GNIIT (software engineering diploma) from NIIT New Delhi. I hv some knowledge of sql server, c, c concepts, ado, asp. Please give me some advise about which course is better according to. I am very disturbe because i m working in BPO and you guys know that there is know growth in BPO sector so plz plz plz advise me. and 1 thng more that i hve two days weekly off and having time in week days to learn this technology. please please please suggest me what should i do Thank a lot in advance. please give me a suggestion according to above question. I am very serious for making my carreer in IT industry. hi friends currently i am working as a manual test engineer, but i am from electonics background, i have much interested on telecom domain like network protocol testing, will it be a good option for me, ie i am planning to learn Perl language, different protocols knowledge. please help me, i am from electronics branch, i am looking for software job. i am very confused whether to go for testing r development. pls guide me. i want to know future opportunities in these fields. pls pls hey guys i wanna know dat what cource we hav to do to become a software enjeenier what is the salary we get as a manager in a software compony Thanks for informing the discrepancies. let me tell you that this salary is average in the industry, so what you are getting may be more than this and may vary from the city in which you are working. The latest updated data by payscale can be found on the link I provided in the article. hi friends if anybody interested in my comment then plz. tell me what, s my starting salary in sw testing i completed my testing course and searching for job..plz suggest me8230 I am into the AutomationManual Testing field since around 4 yrs and during my entire tenure their has not been a single moment I have felt that Testing is inferior to development in any way..its the way you perceive. undoubtedly it takes hell lot of effort to differentiate yourself from the crowd, be it Testing for that matter. But once you do it. theirs a successful carrier and growth to follow you..I believe for all those who think differently and also destructively to add on :) testing is NO bad option. AutomationLoadDatabase testing are few other options which one has to enhance hisher testing skills and one should definitely opt for if choosing this line. i have compled mca this year i want to start my career in testing what will be the package at the start please help me I am 3yrs experinced manual tester working in a reputed MNC. My job is to write test cases and execute them. Its very simple functional web testing. Requires no programming knowledge. I have been searching for a job outside for the past 6 months. Companies either ask for domain experience or other techincal skills. I feel that my testing profile has no weightage. Everbody says that the job i do now can be done by anyone. I dunno what to do and how to proceed. It would be of great help if somebody could advice me on what to do and how to improve my profile weightage. Terima kasih sebelumnya. i have finished testing course. i am planning to show 2.5 yr exp in manual, automation(QTP).hOW ABT FAKE GUYS IN testing industry. whats the package i can expect I see some good opinions in this post regarding testing amp the payscale related to it. I myself have been working as a tester in a reputed MNC for last 1 year. Here in this post, I find people mostly querying about career in testing. Well, I too had these questions in mind for last few months. I searched a lot for answers amp communicated with experienced people to have a hint on this. Allow me to share my findings. 1. Please don8217t get lured by the opinions like, automation testing can bring you a bright future. Even if you have knowledge about automation testing or various tools, that are used for testing, you might not get a good opportunity, as it absolutely depends on what you are going to do. 2.Efficiency. Please don8217t jump into testing directly. It8217s better if you have a knowledge of the domain you are working on. If you have knowledge in Embedded systems or Web development, then you can be a perfect person to work as a tester in the respective domains. If you have experience of application development in PHP, C,C, for example, then you can be an efficient tester in a project which involves the above languages. Please understand, your efficiency varies depending on the project you are working on amp off course, the relevancy, your skill set have to that project. 3. Payscale: Your payscale is absolutely related to the above efficiency, you have. More efficient you are, more value or rather package, you will receive. You just can8217t expect to get more salary, because you know how to wotk with testing tools or know automation testing. 4. Career: It8217s not something impossible to achieve or really bad option as a career. But you have to live life with some narrow options. in my opinion, it8217s better to participate in a software lifecycle as a developer, a developer gets a better understanding of applications amp thus can test it more effectively. So a developer can shift to testing if necessary. For a tester, it8217s not that easy always. Atleast, he or she won8217t be able to be equally effective. Though, it8217s necessary to have proper knowledge of testing. Testing has it8217s own varieties amp a good tester can make good contribution to a development project. 5. Last words: Narrowing carreer options is not very wise in IT industry. Opting for a hard core testing career might just do that to you. So, I8217d rather suggest to equip yourself with proper knowledge of technologies or domains. It8217s the only way to have a bright career in testing in future. Hi, I Have Degee in Electronics engineering. I am permanent resident in US. I don8217t have any experience. Now I like to start my career in QA. Please suggest good training center in cleveland, OH. I would like to join the SQT basic course and would like to know the spatiality of the course, career objectives, and future prospectus. The actual duration and total fee. And about the placement as well. I am working professional and having 7 years working experience in airline domain. So please suggest if it is a suitable short-term course for me as i would like to move from airlinetravel industry to IT. I am already earning more than 40k pm. and having well working exp in airline domain like-amadeus, sabre and galileo Hi guys. i joined in a company for 8k..after 6 months my salary increased to 1.8 Hi All, Recently I have joined as a trainee QA in a company which mostly deals with mobile apps(iphoneipadandroid) development. Do i have a good future in this mobile apps testing. I8217m requesting all to plz answer to this. Because i have a good knowledge of QTP10.0 and i am very much fluent in writing scripts also, but i think qtp is not being used in mobile apps testing. Can i shift to web apps testing and to automation in any other company after working in mobile apps testing manually for 2 years. guys. i completed my b. tech(cse) in 2011.i am going for course testing tools. can u tell me is der any bright feature regarding testing tools r not82308230.. I would like to introduce you to Oditi net. Oditi is a Training and Consulting company for Software Testing, in Bangalore. Oditi is formed by people working for Software MNCs with more than 10years of Software industry experience. Software testing is a buzz word in todays corporate world which has made the customers more confident about the software projectsproducts being built by its vendors. People in Oditi understand todays needs of customers since we have worked for different companies, clients and at locations across globe. This makes Oditi professionally competent from others. I have a total of 15 years in the IT industry in all the phases of SDLC, i have been a developer for 8 years before moving to QA. I live in USA and am a US citizen (migrated from india 10 years ago). I work in NYC in one of the leading investments bank in a senior qa role and I make close to 200,000 Per year and few of my colleagues at work make 1000day as consultants. QA is extrenely important to any business and especially at investment banks as any bug left undetected could potentially cause losses to the tune of millions. Recently, a UBS trader made few fradualant trades which caused UBS a loss of 2 billion and a lot of questions are being raised as to how it went unnoticed and along with its top management QA is also under the scanner for not catching the loop hole in the software product the trader was using. This shows QA is not only critical but accountable and that8217s why companies are willing to pay huge salaries to QA people. Finally, I would like to say QA is good career and it pays well but it8217s on an individual to see value in it and heshe should have passion and intrest in QA to make it work. Semoga ini membantu. SOFTWARE TESTING HAS NO SCOPE IN INDIA REGARDING SALARY8230ONE SHOULD BECOME TEST MANAGER. HOW IT IS POSSIBLE FOR EVERYONE TO BECOME TEST MANAGER8230.ANOTHER PROBLEM IS DOMAIN KNOWLEDGE..IF U ARE SPECIFIC TO UNIQUE AREA LIKE DATABASE TESTING THAT WILL BE GOOD..FUNCTIONAL TESTERS gtgtgtNO SCOPE AT ALL..THERE ARE THOUSANDS OF FAKE CANDIDATES IN THIS FIELD..EVEN MANY INSTITUTES ARE PROVIDING FAKE EXPERIENCE CERTIFICATE LIKE 2,3 YEARS 8230. i have an offer of QA so should i joined or not. but i am confusing that is there any great future in QAand how much i will get after the three years of experience. hii Now i am really cofused..I am planning to do a course on automation testing..but..I am really confused whether i should go for it or not. please guide me.. Anyone can please provide me with the details of any software professional in delhincr from whom i can learn automation courses.. I have gone through almost all the posts specially the one that Patrick has posted, I totally disagree with him. I have done B. E in Electronics then i migrated towards IT world. I have been working as a Software Tester since last 6 months in ERP domain. As per my perception 8220Testing8221 will never ever come to an end 8212 similarly the need for tester8217s will never stop. Developers and Testers are two main pillars of any software development company and you cannot merge them, they are dependent on each other and work in parallel manner if any one of them goes down the whole developed product will go down. I have a few suggestions for all the freshers who want to build their career in Testing. 8220Testing8221 is not a small thing as it looks from its name. Its a big world in itself. The 1st baby step to enter this world is Manaul Testing. One needs to have a good technical knowledge and should be thorough with his concepts on Manual Testing. Now coming back to salary 8212 I joined this company as a Trainee Test Engineer at a Package of 2.2 Lacs P. A and by January i would be earning 3.6 PA (Appraisals and end of Probation Period). As per my knowledge 12-18K is the average salary that Industry gives to entry level Test Engineers. How you can move ahead in Testing. gtgt i would suggest that a fresher should spend his 1 year in just learning. 1. Acquire good domain knowledge. 2. Do a Certification on Testing ISTQB foundation level 1. 3. Learn SQL (every development company uses database to store their data). This will be an add on when you will go for a switch. 4. Once you have 2-3 years of experience. Go for ISTQB Foundation level 2 certification. 5. Now after 2-3yrs of experience 8211 you can try moving towards Automation 8211 for which you need to learn the most commonly used tools like (QTP, RFT. Selenium) 6. Once you are done with the tool, try to learn basic core java (this will help in creating automation scripts). To acquire knowledge there8217s no need to go to any institute 8212 you may learn all this stuff using eBooks and reference books for the respective technologies. Only you have to spend your money in certifications. I can assure 8211 if a tester is having all knowledge of all this things he will fly higher and higher there is no wall to stop tester. The more you work the more you learn 8212 so top asking questions 8211 if you wanna start a career then just go ahead and join a good company and start learning things 8212 there are many things on you way Everyone has just 1 question 8221 Is testing a good career8221 Dude8230 every career is good, if you put in your efforts And Testing is never ending domain, you would see many programming languages popping up every odd year Well based on my 4 years of experience in Testing. I can say that Testing as a career rock Currently working as Sr. QA Testing Certification: CSTE ISTQB (Foundation and advanced) Development Certifications: 70-528 70-536 70-433 If anyone of you are searching jobs in mumbai and having 2 years exp hi, still ppl in IT job tel no to testing job. y is tat so I m working in testing domain and the role of a tester is to provide a quality software by identifying bugs. The tester needs to be highly innovative to identify bugs. I accept tat the developer needs to be highly skilled in programming languages and all other stuffs. I assure u that testing domain can make u earn a lot if u think in different perspective for identifying bugs. The IT companies 30 revenue comes from Testing domain which provides u a quality product. If the tester is not good and if the developer is gud then it wont be a quality product. Both the testers and developers need to be gud enough to provide a quality product. so both developers and testers need to work hard to provide a quality product. Testing is an evergreen part of IT..But getting job as a fresher ,1 its bit difficult8230So better make an 2experience certificate from consultancies or approach iibc mattikere, bangalore..They are expert in providing fake experience can detect..They are ready to give certificate of their own fake company8230tq..70000rs8230:( hello, i8217ve completed my BCA and joined in a company as hai, i8217ve completed my BCA in2005 and joined as a software traniee and worked for 2 yrs(2005-07) and therefore completed my MCA in Distance education in 2008 and as i was in family way i just quit my carrier and now i decided to work in testing vl this be apt for me8230. as now am in Arkansas, US. vl i get job here suggestions are welcome8230thanks in advance when recession comes first group of people moving out will be testers. ( sir, m going to place in a game testing company. i want to ask that is there any future as a testing enginerand will d experience certificate work out in other it or sw industries. hey, one o my fre whos a fresher jus joined oracle n she gets 6.5 lakh per annum i dunno how tru it s. i have exp in development for 3 years in open source, php. but due to maternity. i had 2 12 years of gap. No wanted to try in QA. Can u pls suggest me which area in testing is best in terms of money making. What is the starting amp High most salary Dear frns I am perusing B. Tech. from a distance education board(last sem.). I have already done a manual and automation (QTP. LR. WR. QC) testing course. Is it possible to get a job in any company without completing graduation. salary is no matter for me, i just want to gain experience. please suggest me. hello sir, i completed my B. tech this year. i want to know which is the best carrier option either oracle or sap or networking which is the best for both growth and income. I want to anything if its the best and ultimate no matter how it was hard and tough. plzzzzz tell me in clear and detailed way thank you Kindly forward your updated resumes who are interested for chennai location, Hexaware Technologies, 3-7 yrs of experience in SOA automation engineer. 8220parasoft amp javascripting8221 experience is mandatory as well as SOA experience also. Above mentioned skills experienced candidates should have atleast 2.5 yrs in all the mentioned skills. Hexaware is one of the CMM level 5 company amp there are offering with very good salary package with facilities. Candidates who are interested kindly mail me to the below mail ID. naveena. diwakarinnovalus hi am working in an indian based mnc company. I got project in testing field but my friends are scaring me that i wont have good future. is that true am really worried about this.. i have read every comment and i think testing is not bad for a bright carrier but its salary is too less than developer and i know core java, C and C also8230 so wt should i do. Can anyone suggest me. i have no any exp. in IT field i have read every comment and i think testing is not bad for a bright carrier but its salary is too less than developer and i know core java, C and C also8230 so wt should i do. Can anyone suggest me. i have no any exp. in IT field8230 i have read every comment and i think testing is not bad for a bright carrier but its salary is too less than developer and i know core java, C and C also8230 so wt should i do. Can anyone suggest me. i have no any exp. in IT field8230 and i have complete my MCA i have read every comment and i think testing is not bad for a bright carrier but its salary is too less than developer and i know core java, C and C also8230 so wt should i do. Can anyone suggest me. i have no any exp. in IT field8230 and i have completed my MCA Hey friends i am shivraj. I have done my engg in (IT) and after that PGDM in(Marketing with IToperations) and one year gap is between my education. I am not focused towards my studies during engg. time. So i don8217t know anything about programming. I have passed my engg. in 2007 and after that i have done PGDM as mentioned above. After that i worked with Religare Securities ltd. for 6 months i. e. from 28 dec 2010 to 3 june 2011 and after that i am in continous search of job but not able to get a suitable one. I wanted to do software testing course and come in testing. What do you think, is it right to do it or not, after looking my past. please help i am in great confusion Hello, If you are an Indian in USA and looking for Training and placement, Here i am to assist you. Job openings will go BIG and CRAZY in 2nd week of January8230 I can provide assistance in this. Shoot me a mail influx. samgmail . I have a programming background, 10yr consulting experience (S Corp 8211 (My own company) ). I work in a Brokerage Trading company and create Automated Regression scripts in NJ, USA. I get paid 70hr for a 40hr week. As an S-Corp Consultant, I can write off most my expenses. (Car, gas, supplies, software, cell bill, technology classes, medical) etc. Hi, i have a doubt what is the diff bw telecom testing and software testing and protocol testing i am working as developer at MNC and now i want to switch into the software testing and for the i that i joined the software testing course. please suggest me there is any scope, future for testing. Pl. guide and help me I was working as a test engineer for approx. 8 months and the rest 6 months in QA in the same company, and i want to continue my career in QA function. total i have 1.4 yr of experience. Please advice me do i have more opportunities in QA or testing which will be better I am a student of CS 4th yeari just got placement in cybage software pvt ltd for QA. My salary is like 15000 for 1st 3 month then 21700 for next 6 months and after that 24000 to 30000.May i be relax with this job or should i keep on trying for the post of software developer. I ve heard that in this field there is no good future, plz suggest me. p.s. i am not much good at english. Hi All, I waorked as sw engineer in Satyam. Due to some reasons I got layoff there. I learnt testing course manual, QTP. And I know Java also. But now I have confusion on which side should i go either Java dov side or Testing side. Please give me suggestions to choose my carrier . I can not accept this chart. I am working as a manual tester in chennai. i have 1 yr exp. my salary 1.5L per annum. it differs company to company. The QA manager from Accenture talks like he is a desperate person making no sense, I am in testing financial applications since 2 years and before that I was doing automation for another couple of years and I have worked as a developer also for 4 years, I have tried my hands in BA also for a year on contract but let me tell you this, I like QA analysis better than anything as it gives you a combination of technical as well as Business knowledge. Obviously with experience you rise to levels of lead and managers and not doing the same work as testers. Your salary rises as your experience rises and the work gets more challenging. Any of the new testing aspirants, do not worry about comments posted by 8220Accenture QA Manager8221, may be he is only thinking about his position and his work area but every company needs QA team because no software or application is 100 bug free. Thanks, Kumar I am tester with 10 years of exp and i make close to 22 Lakhs per anum 8230 working in an MNC in bangalore. When i was in usa with 8 years of testing experience. i was making 90 K per anum 8230 Testing Rocks. We need more companies to adopt QA policies and practices Advice for freshers. Start as a developer - with 2 years of devlopment experince 8211 move to functional and then naturally shift to testing and QA. Best of Luck i m a trainee in testing field in cmmi level 5 company 8230m getting 20k per month:-)82308230so guys js chill out testing is also the vital part of any software cmpany..and moreover the exposure of testers are much more than that of developers in business related issues and interactions:) Hi guys. 8216am the odd man out 8216. coz i belong to a bpo field n fed up wid calling as i dont hav a graduation degree which i decided to complete this year from open universities. i have sm gr8 stuff regarding the testing n develper field n career in hyderabad. n i want to know what are the courses i should do to learn the reqiured stuffs n how to make a career in this field8230 well the above abouts are alot confusing. most of them are encouraging n fw aren8217nt. so plz help me wid any info possble. as i hav no idea at all 8230 :( hey guyz juz read and decide that u want to make ur future in testing or not823082308230..but the main important thing is that u r realy intrested in testing8230or other field8230.juz be focous on ur field whether it is82308230.. here a good news for software tester:- Global Software Testing business to reach 13 Billion Good news for Indian software Testers Posted In Career in software Testing, Software Testing Events The most frequently asked questions to me till date are What is the future of software testing business Should I consider software testing as my career option Now you dont need to ask these question to me any more. See the good news below. Infosys Chief Executive and Managing Director, Mr. Kris Gopalakrishnan estimated global software testing business to reach 13 Billion by 2010. Out of these approximately half of the testing work will be outsourced to India according to Mr. Gopalakrishnan. Thats great news for Indian software testers. Mr. Gopalakrishnan was speaking in inauguration of International software testing conference in Bangalore organized by STeP-IN. The conference was aimed to discuss on various software testing opportunities and future of Indian test community. Currently Indian software testing community is the largest in the industry and hence there is tremendous business competition in Indian corporations. This competition finally leads to quality work and this is helping India to satisfy global customers. India is having immense talent and customers are coming to India for superior work quality. Software testers and analysts are now key part of any product team. Indian IT giants like Infosys is deriving upto 10 per cent of revenue from software testing services and significantly growing each year. Irrespective of software testing global or Indian business I have always suggested candidates to choose your career according to your interest. One can make a good career in any field if you have interest and goal to pioneer in that field. Without interest not a single career option will work for you. So tighten the belts learn new technologies on software testing, continuously update your knowledge and dont even think about future of software testing mark Hi all, I have done testing course from one of the private institute in 2005. I applied for so many times for the job at that time but didn8217t got it. Then i stopped applying for it. Now again in 2012 i am trying my luck in testing. I don8217t know how fare it is. I need blessings of all you guys. Hello, I joined a company as QA qnd test engineer just in Nov,2011..My package is 3.6 LPA8230at the sametime some other fresher joine with me as developer too has same package8230I just want to know my future scope8230Help me out8230 Hi I got placed in LampT Infotech through campus8230after joining my company put me into testing8230I am really worried about my future..i have heard testing has less growth and money as comapred to develpment8230and there8217s a typical notion among people that testing can be done by anyone8230it is of a lower cadre as compared to development8230..please help me8230.and is it possible to switch domains after few months. hi sneha, No worries about the testing domain..thing is how much smart you are in terms of testing8230incase if u hav sound exp in testing8230even its having a huge scope..snr positions, qa, test lead, quality head, quality manager. don worry about domain and concentrate on the work8230even developers cant exist without testers8230 People might can disappoint this field what i think about testing is that it8217s provoke a tester to think out of the box. Testing needs high analytical skills. Ability to question over a perfect solution. Isn8217t awesome. Where a 10-15 years of wrk ex. developers made a product and a tester who is having significant work ex breaks it. Logic is the thing which requires no Training. So Think logical. hi i m into testing field from past 5 months and i m geting RS 8 k per month only i am worried Testing is the right field for career growth or development field. I have programming knowledge too or do i need to change my company i dnt understand any thing so plz any one suggest me hi all, i am currently working in IT comp in pune with 1.88217s is really tough time for the freshers still i will suggest to my friends to have a go at TESTING..with much more certifications like..ISTQB etc8230then they could get chance to work abroad as well8230 Hi, Now i am doing M. Esoftware engineering in Bannari Amman Institute of technology. I want to start my carrier in software testing. I want to do my project in testing. i don8217t know where i will start. To get a testing job what i have to learn now, pls any one help me. thanks in advance Hi I am a Software Manual Test Engineer, having experience of 2.2 years and getting 13000 per Month. Please tell what should be my expected salary if I8217ll shift my job. Hi, I am working in a MNC company. I hav an experience of 2yrs. presently i m wrking as ATM test engineer. pls suggest me like wat fields are still there left for me to go further like web tester or game or a mobile tester etc or any other fields in testing82308230:)plssss Hi Friends. I have one year experience in manual testing. Now I want to learn one automation tool. From QTP and SELENIUM, which one is better for career. and how about the openings in future. ( I have good Programming skills) Hi, I am working as Associate QA engineer(Manual Testing) in a private firm and my salary is 12.5k with 3yrs of experience. i8217m worried about my salary and profile can anyone suggest me what to do QA a right choice to get settle in the career and also plz suggest me how much i can offer if in case i shift the company. I am working as a QA in both Manual and automation. my work ex is 2.5 years. and my packeg was 4.36 at 1.5 years of exp. now i am ready for another switch and i am expecting 6.5 lac. so wth 3 years of exp you can get 45k in hand. 16 patrick have no idea what testers do. I would like to get some list of mobile software companies or any software companies, if any links or website is fine. in bangalore. forgot to mention it 309 hi frnds, i hv 2 yr of exp in manual testing in MNC. now i am taking break because of my baby, will i got job after 1 or 2 year gap in IT field again. plz reply8230. or should i choose some other field after that after a lot of strugle i got a job in qa, i m 2011 passout, i worked for one and half month as i phone developer salaryrs.4000,then one month in wipro as technical support salaryrs.10000,then one month as a server developer LAMP, node. js, salaryrs.13000. now at last i got job with salary 2 lakhs in QA tester in cmm level 3 company and i would like to continue it with my best effort. thanksssssss hi guys, PLz help me Out I m worried about my career I hv completed my MCS along with Bcs Which I suppose to complete in 5 yrs I have completed in 7 years I m totally confuse in Language Programming shud I go for Software Testing shud I do core Java Programming as I m not to good in Programming Now completing my Degree after 7 years my Parents have Lots of exeptation frm Me I have completed Software Tesitng Certification But still unable to qualify for MNC as their Criteria does not match my profile Or shall I move towards Android Applications for Bright future I request u guys help me Out please as am very Tense n cannot concentrate on any thing PLz Mail me. irfanshaikh4545gmail Salary structure mentioned above is average evaluated but frankly speaking, Salary differs in a way how you negotiate in front of HR and how you perform in the company. Patric is somewhat right. Actually the thing is u can judge it urself. All(90) heads in any organisation begin their career as developers. I also head xyz organisation. Any body needs to know in n out of technology as well as business to lead. right A QA manager knows less as compared to the Tech manager. ( Many shall agree with me) Also, pls tell ans a question to urself. if u test any appication, web service etc say for 5-10 years. What do u learn While on the other hand if u develope it for the same period u learn technology. Sorry for overwhelming many of u, but its my opinion. In the end. testing will never die, because we need to deliver more in less time, n that8217s imposible without right testing. hi, i have completed B. E in electrical and electronics passed out in 2011. i am in dilemma that should i do software testing course or sw developing some people say testing and some ppl say developing. and one more thing as am from electrical branch some ppl said developing is difficult for me bcoz i don have knowledge about cc basics or any other programming languages so someone suggested testing. few ppl say that testing don have growth. tolong bantu aku. which course should i do. so that i have a bright future. I have 2 yrs of exp in Networking domain with CCNP routing and switching certified and getting salary of 6lpa in India. I also got an interview call from One of the leading company for Network Protocol Testing(L2 and L3). I would like to know how the future would be in Network Protocol Testing. Shall I continue my Job in Network Engineer or shall I change to Protocol testing Also I would like to know about the salary structure. How much I would get now and also after 2 years. Please advice asap. I got interview in two days time. Terima kasih sebelumnya. Sarav Hi Every one8230 I have 2 years of experience in Manual Testing and I completed Automation Testing course(QTP and LoadRunner). I have studied Selenium and Bugzilla too. Right now i am getting 10k per month as my salary. I am looking for another job. How much i can ask in my Expected CTC. please suggest me people8230 thanks in advance8230. if u have 2 years of experience. then pkg should be around 3.5 lpa in india. in any cmm level 3. or it may be high in cmm level 5 Hi..I am a MCA Fresher8230..I want to know about Software Testing field8230Is it good. I am not sure that I8217ll be comfortable in developing field. Should I join any Certification course for it. Testing is having Scope na Because I8217ve heard it doesn8217t have any scope8230Some say its good..some say it doesn8217t have growth8230.I am confused8230Plz. Plz..Plz Guide me.. hi guys, i joined as a fresher n still now working in same company as Senior VnV Engg. I am close to 3 years of exp. and my sal is 3.8 42k(allowance). RFT n RSA, Selenium RC and manual testing is what i do. Want to change company for a hike as my H1 visa is yet not processed. If any 1 can help me do mail me the referals. I am a Manual tester with automation testing tool knowledge for 5 yrs in an MNC. What is the industry standard Salary for me. Please let me know. I have got selected in MNC recently for position of software tester as a fresher, I want to know which type of testing is better (Manual or Automation) as far as salary is concerned What are the chances of appraisal I8217ll be getting there around 11K pm. What salary one can expect after 3-4 years of experience I have done MA from Mumbai University amp doing an MBA corresspondant. Currently working in Non - IT area. I want to do a carrier in Software Testing. is it affect as I belonged from Non IT, Please suggest me scope in Software Testing amp salary package in future Yes, you can join IT 8211 Software testing. Software testing carrier is evergreen. Testing is nothing but Quality Control by validation of the application by the Testing team. Salary package is based on your testing skills, domain knowledge, AutomationManual, Years of Experience. As a fresher, one must concentrate on learnings and not the Salary. In the entire world if you are capable of doing the things in right way, you would be given a best salary, no doubt about it. If you are really willing to start career in SW testing then first step should be from your end, to go through various testing techniques and why exactly we need testing. Have one question8230Why you like to join SW testing Please revert for further queries. Lots of best regards, Anand. i have completed 2yrs of experience in manual testing, mobile, mobile apps, portal worked for Sony playstation games. i started as a fresher with 8k and now i am earning18k per month. i need to have a change. i am from andhra. can anyone help me out in finding a new job that amples a better option. HI, iam doing job as as software tester (websites only), i have exp near to 1 year. getting 10 k, but i am very confused. i want to get more. can any one advice me if i do any manual n automation testing course. can beneficial for me. because now i test websites my own way. I work in small company. Please advice me how is career as website testing and also tell me. can after any testing professional course, i can eligible to get more in some good company.. Please advice me i am very tensed Hi, i have 6 month test engineerexperience in lte mobile technology. i want switch company. so any opening please inform me. Thanks I am a Software QA and have 2 yrs of exp in manual testing with creating test plans, creating scripts, getting requirements from client etc. I want to switch my company now. Can anyone please let me know if there are any openings. hi, i have completed M. C.A passed out in 2010.Earlier i did Oracle apps technical training, but i didn8217t get any job on it i wasted one year. Now I8217m planning to do Training on Load runner. Had i taken a right decision. Pls help me. I drop a comment each time I appreciate a post on a website or if I have something to valuable to contribute to the discussion. It8217s caused by the fire communicated in the post I looked at. And on this article QA, Test engineers Payscale 8211 Software Testing Help. I was actually moved enough to leave a thought :) I do have 2 questions for you if you don8217t mind. Is it only me or does it look like like a few of the comments appear like they are written by brain dead individuals :-P And, if you are writing on additional sites, I would like to keep up with you. Would you list every one of all your communal sites like your twitter feed, Facebook page or linkedin profile Hi, I am working as a mobile application testing engineer for Honeywell bangalore. I have 2.8 years of exp . I am looking for job change. If any one have openings for mobile application testing positions please let me know. My mail id is vital. kumar77gmail . How much salary can I expect. I HAVE DONE BCA IN 2011, NOW I HAVE JOINED THE INSTITUTE OF ST. ANGELOS IN MUMBAI FOR SOFTWARE TESTING PROFESSIONAL. PLEASE SUGGEST ME THAT, IF I COMPLETED THE STP COURSE THEN CAN I GET THE FRESHER JOB IN MUMBAI (WESTERN)82308230 HI, I completed B. E. in Computer and working as a SQA in MNC company (sal. 1.2 LY) from 6 months. I am doing manual testing here so which testing tool I should learn Hey all, After reading all these I have query, I have more interest in java developement as I have done several live projects on STRUTS, SPRING. But when i joined an MNC i was deployed into Performance Testing team. So my plan is to work here as Performance Tester over LoadRunner and after a 1 year exp i will try for development field so is it possible to do this I mean possible to change profile from. tester to developer. testing is a subset of software development process. pLEASE UNDERSTAND VERY WELL. EVERYTHING IS NOT MONEY SO PLEASE UNDERSTAND WHAT U LIKE. DEV QA. QA CAN NOT MOVE INTO DEV BUT DEV CAN DO THIS. And if job cutting will be started by any company then qa first. Because what they test if no dev. and it is well known fact that small and some medium level org. do not spend more on qa process. Present time no one want to spend extra so if u want to safe urself then choose dev. try to find qa company list it is less than the dev. This is the truth manual testing is just like a job of data entry. so be care full if u want to choose as future by one year try to switch urself in automated testing. Seems to be fake numbers generated sitting in an office. People will work for less salaries when they are not skilled or when they are not confident enough. I see a bunch of QA folks getting more than 100K with 5 years exp. One can easily get around 125K with 10 years exp. Performance Engineers with 10 years exp can definitely demand for 150K benefits, if you are in US. I recently graduated from a good university with software engineering as my major. I recently applied for a developer position and passed thru an interview. The funny thing is I am starting as a test engineer. I wasn8217t expecting it but the proposed salary is quite attractive. I was also offered a switch in the role to developer in future (say after a year). Now, the issue is I8217m quite familier with databases, some programming languages, design patterns which are more development focused. I have to start as a tester but still I want to give it my best since you never know what future holds for you. I don8217t want to reject the offer because the company is an international one and a good one at that. Can you guys help me out with what certificatiion or training courses i should take so I don8217t appear dumb in front of my collagues8230 Any helps or suggestions are much appreciated. Thanks amd regards, CG Am completed b. tech in 12. am learning the testing. Now am searching the job for testing field. any opportunity is there inform to me8230 with experience what about manual tester salary for 10 years of experience. I would like to introduce myself as a test engineering having 9 years of diverse and extensive experience in software product testing. I took a break from my career in 2009 January and now I am looking for an opportunity in testing with flexible work timework from home option. Are there any such opportunities Girija You can be an Independent Test Consultant. Siddarth No one can predict salary just by expierencedomainskill set, There are many factors to be considered. CG You can do ISTQBCSTE Hi, I am working as a Senior Software Tester and QA in a Product based. llc firm. Before this I had been working in outsourcing firms. Could you suggest me some firms in Dubai which provide good work environment and pay scale. Looking forward to hear from you. Reply me om my id. which one is good development or testing hi, i have done my mca..because of marrige and maternity i was at home for about 2yrs8230i have no work experience8230now i want to start my career as a tester,,but m a bit confused before trying anyhing8230will it be helpful for me to take up the courses on manual testing. how much i can earn on thiss field. plz guide me 8230 Hello frnds. i am a b. tech student n now i want 2 do some software course. so in odisha, frm sw testing and php which course will b better fr me in getting a job soon. Hi I am B. E student from vashi, navi mumbai. i want pursue my career in software testing..Is syntel ltd. is a good company to start with. Hi I did B-Tech in 2005 but due to family concern I was not able to join job. I worked in BPO field from 2008 to 2012. now I want to work as a software testing engineer. I am learning QTP QC and load runner. Please advice me as I will be questioned about my previous job in the interview. what should I answer about that. Please provide the tact to answer the question of HR. hi I saw the chart about. Now I am working aprivate company at position QA. I want job in USA. How to contact US visas and companies. please send advice and advice for me, and also formalities to be carried. hi i am keya working as a BPO-UAT tool coding in TCS. i have 2 yrs exp as a developer and 6 months exp as a tester. i got very less package in TCS compaire to my other kaligs they have less exp then me. like their salary is 40 greater than me. please help me wht shd i do Even though, I see the Payscale above is kind of outdated (For Sept 2013). One big issue I see here is that a lot of people here seem to have a problem differentiating between a FT job as opposed to a W2 contract hourly position (Wno benefits). You need to compare 8220Apples to Apples8221 8211 8211 There8217s a huge difference between Salary ( yr(Benefits)) and Contract ( hr (NO Benefits)). If you are authorized to work in USA 8211 there are plenty of jobs, especially if you have at least a couple of years experience. If you are US work authorized 8211 Contact me 8211 We are always looking for good workers wexperience 8211 8211 nkjanta working as hw test engineer (2 yr exp) but less salary. want to change sw testing8230suggest some courses. wiil i get job in sw testing. In this very fast developing world, Chances are more for doing mistakes. There comes the responsibility of a tester. This field will never go off still human being exists. Get 1 yr of experience in manual testing(Likely in BankingTelecomPharma or any) and there after dont be there, Switch to Automation by learning Tools. Why because you will get bored in manual Testing. Dont think much about salary during that learning period of 3 to 4 years. Thereafter you can. Dont get disappointed with Patrick views. After all they are his own views. He is having the right to do it. Let him do. Testing is a vast field. You have lot of oppurtunities there. Capgemini is best for Testing. Hi friends, i worked as a etl developer recently i completed testing with my interest . could u plz any one help me to give some reference on testing domain I m working as a product tester and I m getting 11000 per month. I have 2 years of exp. Now started looking for other companies. Is there is any openings Could anyone please help me on this Hi All, I have an offer with an 5000 per month. I have 3yr exp in automation testing and ISTQB and QTP 11x certified. Please suggest me is the salary they cote for me is right in UAE. This is my mail id Hari14csgmail Hi all, I have 2 plus years of exp in Manual Testing. I took a break. I8217m a housewife now. the gap is growing its gonna be 4 yrs. I would like to start my career again as a QA Tester in India. How much do they pay for people like me. hi ready to learn something in software field. but am little confused with the things DEVELOPER or TESTER. which one is best. i know developing is better than testing. for developing no companies recruit as a fresher that8217s y am fearing. if i take developing course means shall i start with from JAVA. NET or else from from basics is required(c, c) and the big thing is am a graduate in commerce :P. i know that well opportunities in commerce field but i don8221t like. hi ready to learn something in software field. but am little confused with the things DEVELOPER or TESTER. which one is best. i know developing is better than testing. for developing no companies recruit as a fresher that8217s y am fearing. if i take developing course means shall i start with from JAVA. NET or else from from basics is required(c, c) and the big thing is am a graduate in commerce :P. i know that well opportunities in commerce field but i don8221t like. if i decide to do a testing means which tools i have to start and which is the best institute in chennai HI I want know about salary pckg for SAP tester for 3 yrs exp candidate, and for fresher how much there is difference between normal Sw tester and SAP tester. i am working in a company as a manual tester but i get only 7kmonth. Being a Black box Software Tester(Quality Analyst) for 3 years in I. T industries have not seen down fall. A tester is needed for all the developing company. And a experienced Tester is preferred most of the time, also fresher is preferred but experienced tester has upper hand. For the fresher who doesn8217t like to code can get into this field and make this a career path. I have switched from one company to another. I was earning 18K and now I am earning 30Kmonth. So you can see the difference. BUT. Yes said in all the article for excelling in Testing you need to be updated in what every testing you are doing. It really helps. I have seen this in personally. So don8217t worry there is always a scope for testing till the development is going on. ). so just be focused amp energetic in what you are doing amp Yes keep updating yourself. Don8217t stuck in one testing you are doing, keep on updating on what is there else you can do. Hope I have not hurt anyone amp not misleading any one. Thanks, Agnesh Tank Well, the future of the testing is good. If you are creatingdeveloping a product, you will need a tester to test the product for sure. People who are saying the job opportunities or the future of the testing is not bright are simply commenting without having a knowledge of SDLC. Software development life cycle. Please go through that. hello. I m a mca student and having knowledge of java, but I am getting offer for testing profile is there any future for this8230should I start my career as a tester What is the salary range as a developer and tester Hi, I have 2 jobs 1 is developer and another is automation engineer at AMDOCS (PUNE)..plz suggest me to take right desission8230im waiting..last day t decide ma carrier8230package wise amdocs s paying 1L more thn developer8230 Hello guys I8217m from bpo background and done bca as distance course through EIILM in 2012 have little knowledge of sql. im also planing to switch to sw domain. i have two option either plsql or im of thinking of as sw tester. can any one suggest which one would be better to start as fresher I have 2 years exp in Manual Testing but I got only 13Km I am very frustrated about my package i am also looking for job change But don8217t get any offer in last 3 months. I also have try to Writing script in selenium For improving my skills in Automation . Write now using Tool: TestLink for test case preparation Bugherd used for online bug management BrowserStack used for cross browser Testing Selenium used for automation like order placed Testing Pls help me how can i get good package according to my skills Pls help me how can i get good package according to my skills rahulmrt015yahoo. in I have 2 years exp in Manual Testing but I got only 13Km I am very frustrated about my package i am also looking for job change But dont get any offer in last 3 months. I also have try to Writing script in selenium For improving my skills in Automation . Write now using Tool: TestLink for test case preparation Bugherd used for online bug management BrowserStack used for cross browser Testing Selenium used for automation like order placed Testing Pls help me how can i get good package according to my skills Hello all, I completed B. TECH(IT).I am a fresher. I have planned to do some IT related courses, but I am in a great confusion because each people suggest me different course for e. g INFORMATICA, HADOOP,,JAVA Please someone kindly suggest me . i have done specialization courses in manual testing but couldn8217t give me opportunity work in testing company then i was strated work in IT analyst and business development least 1.5 year finaly after join in IT company (testing job) but they dont provide me salary least 3 months. Hi, I8217m a manual tester and have 6.4 years of experience. I am trying for opportunities in Australia. If you come across any vacancy for manual testing please let us know. Hi ravi here ask some important questions i ll experience in android developing for 6 months but i think i will move to software testing rather than android so please feel free to contact me for suggestions pls what should i do software testing have a good growth for future. Hi brothers, I am jani basha. I am completed b. tech in 2015 batch. I am chosse the software testing tools. These is right decision or not. In these field better future or not. But which course is better. Hai8230 I have done MCA in 2010. up to 2013 I have exp in Banking field but after that marriage and baby still I am in home only. I want to switch my carrier in Testing Tools can you plz suggest me which course is right now in boom and what is the starting salary for that why because I want to settled in bright future jobs8230 Plz help me na Hi8230I am into functional testing from more than 5 years. Now i got into Performance Testing. Is it a good idea or do i need to continue as functional tester only I am in a great dilemma. Please help me8230 Please advise me best state in australia for sw testing jobs. Also whts the payscales. Hi8230Have done BCA(Bachelor of computer application) Curently working in Accenture as a tester on a contract basis with payscale 12 k with 2 years of Experience in Manual testing. Am totally confused whether shall i continue to work with this payscale or leave this job. please advise me Hello Guys, I just read all the comments. I am having around 6.5 years of experience in QA and i never felt even a need to switch to any other field. First thing that you need to keep in mind is that there are few key things that are really required to sustain in the industry:- 1. Communication skills( Much Much Needed) 2. Curious Mind 3. Adaptability 4. an eye for detail 5. Domain knowledge( That will come with experience) Comm skills are required because in most of the scenarios the dev team and qa team are not in same place. So, if you are not able to communicate properly you will not be able to explain your findingsIssues to anyone. This will hamper your progress. You can be a good tester but if you are not able to explain the issue then you may face problems. Curious mind is the factor that will make you look for issues where developer don8217t think for example looking for new scenarios to break the application Adaptability will help you to cope up in any scenarios of testing. You need not to be stringent towards the tools, methodologies, processes. You need to be flexible. There is a possibility that one client needs to follow agile and one needs to follow Waterfall. It could be cumbersome and a bit difficult but that is what i love about this job. An eye for detail will make you look for issues that are plain visible bit ignored. like spelling mistakes which look like an smaller issue but can really affect the businesses of clients The most important thing that i feel is necessary as an experienced QA is to have a domain knowledge. This is required to write better scenarios from client8217s perspective. I can tell you from my experience that lots of Business analysts come from QA background. So, please do not get confused with what people say around you. QA industry is very lucrative and challenging but you need to have above traits in order to play your hand well. i hope i cleared doubts of people. Thanks, Rohit Hi Guys, Anyone looking for change in Testing profile please drop me a mail at (chandrakishore33gmail) Also drop me your CV. I am working as test engineer with experience of 2 years and salary 4 lakhs per annum. I am really concerned with the future of software testing. I don8217t see growth in this field after certain time. Automation testing is good but jobs are very less and competitive for the post of automation tester. Developers are paid more than testers. I would suggest not to pursue testing as your first choice of career. Learn java,,php, Oracle, plsql, data warehouse. This fields have good future as compared to testing with respect to status, salary, job satisfaction. Testing do not have that much scope. Training institutes creating hype about testing and looting fresher engineers. please guide me, do i study mca with software testing. and do. which collage best for mca and software testing. how pay scale for software tester in company I am a placement consultant based at union city, California. I am looking for QA Consultant with 4 of years experience for one of my client. Having any CV8217s of QA Consultants who are working in USA. Please forward them to freelancer26yahoo Any great QA (1-2 years) around, i am hiring for Bangalore. Here is a link to the JD: springboardjoin-usdata-software-quality-lead . Invaluable blog post 8211 I loved the specifics 8211 Does anyone know where my business could locate a fillable FL HSMV 84901 document to type on till the date software and technology will dvelop, there will be always a scope for a tester. And in coming 2016-2020, there will be a huge recruitment process gonna happen. Be ready for it, right now I8217m in this company as tester, don8217t worry about the salary it will be around 3.0-4.0 lacsannum for a fresher . I8217m a Msc IT graduate looking for a testing job. Plz could you refer me in your concern. HI sir, I am working as a database and ETL tester in accenture from july 2016.I am fresher 2016 passed out. Now my plan is after 2 yrs shift my career to developement. I am learning javascript, php . Shifting to development frm testing in accenture it is possible. Or shall i try outside company8217s Give ur opinion on my decision i am having 2.5 years experience in software testing. present ctc is 240000. im in automation. how much CTC should i expect if i selected in MNC comany interviews I want to do a career in Software Testing. I am B graduate. Currently I am working as Technical Recruiter. As the HR industries they looks people who are done MBA or PGDBA in HR I can not do these course because they are very expensive. kindly give advise me Shall I do Software Testing courses 8230 is it beneficially me 8230 Leave a Comment

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