Sunday 20 August 2017

Js dorong forex

Dear FM, jika Anggaran telah LTCG, kabur karena pajak FPI, hanya Tuhan yang dapat membantu D-St NEW DELHI: Sejak trauma retro-pajak, Dalal Street telah menghubungkan Anggaran Union dengan beberapa penyesuaian pajak yang dapat melukai atau Membantu investor ekuitas Investor portofolio asing telah menganggap pengalaman itu lebih serius daripada orang lain dan pernah belajar pahit, dua kali malu. Perdana Menteri Narendra Modi sendiri memicu ketakutan semacam itu dalam pelarian ke Anggaran Serikat, dengan secara terbuka meminta orang-orang yang menghasilkan uang dari pasar ekuitas untuk membayar lebih banyak pajak. Sementara investor ekuitas rata-rata membaca tanda-tanda kembalinya pajak capital gain jangka panjang, FPI dengan cepat mengembangkan kaki dingin, waspada karena mereka mengalami pelemahan rupee yang memotong keuntungan mereka bahkan ketika mereka mulai merespons dinamika keuangan yang berubah. Dunia, berikut pengetatan oleh Fed Fed dan Donald Trump dengan asumsi kepresidenan AS. Aliran FPI baru-baru ini dari India memiliki sedikit yang sesuai dengan arus keluar yang terlihat dari pasar negara berkembang lainnya, sementara ada sedikit kaitannya dengan lonjakan dolar dan beberapa didorong oleh kebingungan mengenai pajak capital gain jangka panjang (LTCG) . Analis mengatakan jika LTCG memang dibawa kembali, maka akan mengirimkan indeks ekuitas patokan terjerumus. Seorang analis memproyeksikan setidaknya koreksi 15 persen di pasar dalam skenario seperti itu. Januari adalah bulan keempat berturut-turut ketika investor portofolio asing telah mencampakkan saham domestik. Mereka menjual Rs 33.000 crore senilai saham di pasar domestik. Investor institusi domestik telah memainkan penyelamat selama ini dan membuat pasar saham domestik tetap bertahan. Mereka dipompa di beberapa Rs 40.000-odd crore ke dalam ekuitas domestik selama lima bulan terakhir, yang sedikit membantu melindungi tekanan ke bawah akibat aksi jual FPI. DII telah menempatkan taruhan besar seperti pada ekuitas domestik meskipun terjadi penundaan dalam kebangkitan laba. Sekitar Natal, saya memproyeksikan koreksi 10-15 persen selama empat bulan ke depan sebagai skenario kasus dasar. Saya takut akan koreksi seperti itu kecuali jika Anggaran memberikan jaminan kepada FPI sebuah kepastian tentang pajak mereka. Buletin CBDT 21 Desember mengatakan bahwa FPI yang memiliki lebih dari 50 persen aset di India akan dikenai pajak di sini. Sementara surat kabar tersebut dimasukkan dalam penundaan minggu lalu, FPI mengharapkan beberapa keputusan dalam Anggaran, kata Saurabh Mukherjea dari Modal Ambit kepada ETNow. Mukherjea mengharapkan beberapa akibat, jika keputusannya tidak sesuai dengan keinginan FPI. Dia mengatakan kliennya cukup khawatir dengan hal itu. Ajay Tyagi, EVP amp Fund Manager untuk Ekuitas di Reksa Dana UTI. Mengatakan pasar belum siap untuk kenaikan struktur pajak. Dia mencatat bagaimana ucapan Perdana Menteri Modis tentang pajak penghasilan yang rendah di India menghantui pasar dan memaksa Menteri Keuangan Arun Jaitley untuk segera mengeluarkan klarifikasi. Jika ada kejadian kenaikan pajak modal jangka panjang atau jangka pendek yang diperkenalkan pada tingkat yang lebih tinggi, saya yakin itu akan benar-benar mengejutkan pasar, kata Tyagi. Mukherjea mengatakan DII adalah kekuatan yang mendorong pasar lebih tinggi dalam 12 bulan terakhir. Tapi kekuatan itu mungkin retak, jika serangan terhadap ekonomi terus berlanjut. Tiga bagian yang bergerak - struktur dasar untuk FPI, Mengalahkan Anggaran Sendiri dan apa yang terjadi di rumah sekitar tindakan keras uang hitam - pada akhirnya akan berdampak pada pertumbuhan ekonomi dan sentimen investor domestik, kata analis Ambit Capital. Investor asing akan menantikan Anggaran Union dengan jari mereka disilangkan. Ada juga kekhawatiran bahwa undang-undang anti-penghindaran domestik dapat mengatasi manfaat perjanjian jika terjadi perselisihan berdasarkan perjanjian Singapura dan Mauritius, yang dapat mengancam tingkat pajak yang lebih rendah untuk FPI dalam dua tahun antara 1 April 2017 dan 31 Maret. , 2019. Ekspektasi anggaran Pada tanggal 1 Februari, Menteri Keuangan Arun Jaitley diharapkan untuk menyajikan anggaran Union 2017 yang dapat membayar pajak, mengingat fakta bahwa itu terjadi dalam waktu berbulan-bulan setelah demonismeation. Dengan hanya beberapa hari untuk mengikuti rencana keuangan tahunan, sektor korporasi India sudah mulai mempersiapkannya. Inilah beberapa harapan utama konglomerat bisnis Indias dari anggaran 2017: Ini harus berorientasi pada pertumbuhan Anggaran: Naina Lal Kidwai Naina Lal Kidwai, Mantan Presiden Federasi Kamar Dagang dan Industri India (FICCI), mengatakan bahwa pertumbuhan seharusnya Elemen kunci dari Budget 2017 ke depan. Dia berkata: Saya tidak tahu bagaimana ketahanannya akan tetap dalam hal jumlah keseluruhan bahkan saat kepatuhan meningkat. Jadi, dampak jangka pendek yang jelas adalah sebuah isu. Namun, yang bisa kita harapkan adalah bahwa hal itu jelas mengharuskan pertumbuhan dimulai lagi. Apa pun yang masuk ke belanja sektor publik yang pemerintah ini lakukan dengan sangat baik di tahun pertamanya, mendorong pertumbuhan PDB ke dalam sistem. Yang kedua akan ada kaitannya dengan pekerjaan karena orang-orang yang kehilangan pekerjaan di sektor formal pergi ke NREGA dan kantong ini harus mendapat beberapa keuntungan. Dan yang ketiga akan menjadi sesuatu yang membantu konsumsi karena itu akan membantu produksi kembali, tambahnya. Tarif pajak individu dapat dikurangi dalam Anggaran: Adi Godrej Adi Godrej, CMD di Godrej Consumer Products Limited, mengatakan bahwa GST akan menghasilkan dorongan permintaan FMCG yang luar biasa. Ini tentu saja akan mendorong dorongan umum untuk pertumbuhan PDB di negara ini, juga, katanya. Dia mengatakan: Saya berharap tarif pajak individu juga akan berkurang dan saya pikir tingkat pembebasan akan meningkat dalam anggaran ini karena posisi fiskal pemerintah akan sangat baik untuk tahun depan. Tentu saja, mereka tidak memiliki angka pasti, namun akan ada koleksi yang luar biasa dari simpanan besar yang terjadi dalam posting demonetisation ke bank. Banyak dari mereka akan menghasilkan tingkat pajak yang lebih tinggi dan koleksi pemerintah menurut saya seharusnya bagus. Anggaran mungkin melihat penurunan suku bunga simpanan: Kishore Biyani Kishore Biyani, CEO Grup di Future Group, mengatakan bahwa hes melihat ke depan lebih banyak pada GST daripada anggaran, dan dalam anggaran, konsumsi yang dipusatkan pemerintah adalah sesuatu yang dia harapkan . Kami berharap untuk GST lebih dari anggaran dan dalam anggaran, pemerintah incentivising konsumsi adalah sesuatu yang kita harapkan. Suku bunga tabungan mungkin turun dan konsumsi mungkin akan didorong dan itulah yang kita harapkan, kata Biyani. Tiga sektor yang mendapat keuntungan dari Modis Budget bergerak Sunil Subramaniam, CEO Sundaram Mutual, mengatakan ekonomi pedesaan, infrastruktur dan bank yang mengendarai kuda-kudaan akan mendapat keuntungan dari dorongan anggaran pemerintah. . Tantangan terbesar bagi pemerintah adalah penciptaan lapangan kerja selama dua - tiga tahun. Jadi, proyek mega yang mendukung penciptaan lapangan kerja secara besar-besaran akan menjadi fokus. Sektor pedesaan (akan menjadi fokus) sebagian karena dua negara besar akan ikut pemilihan - Punjab dan UP. Dan yang ketiga adalah dorongan kuat pemerintah untuk membuat demonetisation terlihat sukses. Jika Anda melihatnya dari perspektif itu, mereka pasti ingin melakukan serangkaian hal yang bervariasi yang sebagian Modi diumumkan pada tanggal 31 Desember, namun akan membawa momentum itu dan akan ada banyak dampak positif pada beberapa sektor, dia Ditambahkan.1) Kritis memeriksa masalah dan prospek industri teh di India. Cerita selanjutnya 2) TB dianggap sebagai salah satu penyakit paling mematikan di India. Periksa mengapa Juga diskusikan perlunya pemberantasan dan tindakan yang diambil oleh pemerintah dalam hal ini. Kisah sebelumnya The Big Picture 8211 China mengurangi Kekuatan Militer: Bagaimana sinyal 8211India, produsen teh terbesar kedua di dunia, menghadapi tantangan keberlanjutan di empat wilayah, masalah pertanian, kualitas dan keamanan, kenaikan biaya produksi dan masalah sosial. Di antara berbagai kendala yang menjadi ciri produksi teh, beberapa masalah mencakup praktik pengelolaan yang buruk, usia subur dari semak teh dan masalah infrastruktur lainnya. 8211 Selain itu, ada juga aspek kualitas seperti kurangnya standarisasi dan kualitas berkenaan dengan masalah pengepakan, pestisida dan MRL yang mempengaruhi ekspor teh India. Kemudian, petani ini biasanya juga menghadapi eksploitasi di tangan penangan, dibayar rendah, sehingga mereka bahkan tidak dapat mempertahankan standar kehidupan minimum yang dibutuhkan. Hal ini menyebabkan mereka tidak memiliki keamanan sosial atau finansial. Skema promosi pasar 8211A harus dikonseptualisasikan untuk menghadapi tantangan yang dihadapi industri teh India di lini depan domestik dan pasar internasional. Tingkat upah minimum harus ditetapkan untuk memastikan bahwa pekebun teh tidak dieksploitasi. Jika waktu yang tepat harus diperbaiki, setelah itu semak-semak harus ditanam kembali, sehingga menjaga kualitas daun teh. Dampak menguntungkan utama dari tindakan tersebut adalah dalam bentuk stabilisasi harga domestik dengan menjaga keseimbangan antara produksi dan permintaan, disertai dengan keamanan sosial dan finansial para pekebun. Anda telah memberikan penjelasan yang bagus tentang masalah industri teh tapi saya pikir benar-benar merindukan prospek industri teh. Sertakan isu-isu 8.220Plant Protection Code8221, persaingan global, lisensi perumahan dll di suatu tempat di btwn .. Teman yang mengagumkan Anda benar-benar menggali situs web gvt8230 dan keluar dengan aspek unik 8230. Jika ada saran yang saya berikan, itu juga menyertakan pedoman kode perlindungan tanaman dengan teh Papan. U juga dapat memasukkan inisiatif 8282 untuk mengesahkan standar kualitas teh. Wisata teh: untuk meningkatkan pendapatan kebun teh dan sekaligus membangun citra merek Dan pendapatan tambahan atau pendapatan alternatif dengan mengeksplorasi catermin teh secara komersil pada kenyataannya, jenis ques ini menuntut aspek unik tertentu. Jika tidak, pengulangan akan ada di sana dan kita akan berakhir dengan tanda antara 55-65. Industri Teh memiliki asal usulnya Asal-usulnya di Inggris rezim kolonial Inggris. Konsep utilitarian Inggris. Memberi mereka dorongan untuk mengeksploitasi para pekerja secara maksimal. Warisan itu telah berlanjut hampir bersamaan dengan para pekerja di ladang teh. Jam kerja yang panjang (12-14 jam). Yang tidak hanya eksploitatif tapi juga tidak proporsional. Upah sebanding dengan pekerjaan kurang. Lonjakan dipatok dengan keuntungan perusahaan dan upah bahkan berkurang saat pemiliknya merasakannya. Kurangnya formalisasi dan sedikit penetrasi masyarakat sipil dan juga dorongan kerja keras. Dimana terikat untuk berbicara dengan organisasi dan bukan kepada individu Sejauh sisi lain dari cerita tersebut diperhatikan --Pemilik dan perusahaan mengatakan bahwa mereka menghadapi persaingan ketat dari pemain nasional dan internasional di lapangan. Jadi mereka harus menggunakan analisis biaya manfaat juga Teh pertanian sangat rentan terhadap iklim dan kondisi cuaca dan sangat rentan terhadap berbagai faktor eksternal lainnya juga. Jadi mereka perlu berinvestasi di daerah itu juga, untuk menjaga kualitas setara. Permintaan yang asli dari para pekerja dan perhatian pemilik perkebunan juga tidak akan disingkirkan. Ini adalah pemerintahan. Yang perlu masuk dan bekerja sebagai arbiter. Becoz di Tea India hampir memonopoli di kancah internasional. Juga menjadi lapangan kerja intensif. Hal ini terkait dengan kesejahteraan dan penghidupan sejumlah besar orang. Tulisannya bagus tapi Anda lebih menekankan pada masalah yang mengabaikan prospek sampai batas tertentu. Rasakan arus jawaban dan konten sesuai dengan sasaran. Pengolahan teh dan budidaya di India merupakan sumber pendapatan yang penting, FOREX dan penciptaan lapangan kerja. Namun, ada beberapa masalah yang perlu mendapat perhatian: Kesejahteraan Tenaga Kerja: Mempekerjakan 3,5 juta pekerja, banyak di antaranya adalah pekerja perempuan, terutama di perkebunan teh. Ada laporan tentang gesekan dengan manajemen mengenai gaji dan bonus dari Munnar. Hal yang baik adalah bahwa pemerintah daerah telah memperhatikan masalah ini. Penurunan Dukungan Berdasarkan Kebijakan Perdagangan Luar Negeri 2015-2020: Manfaatnya dikurangi dari 5 menjadi 3, yang dirasakan oleh pekebun akan merugikan kepentingan mereka. Perlu dilakukan OrganicSustainable: Ada permintaan yang meningkat di luar negeri dan juga di dalam negeri untuk teh organik bebas hama. Masalah Terkini: Laporan Greenpeace berjudul Trouble Brewing on Indian Tea menyoroti kehadiran koktail pestisida dalam teh India. Jika keriput ini disetrika, industri Teh India memiliki masa depan yang cerah. Ini berkontribusi pada pembangunan ekonomi melalui penciptaan lapangan kerja di daerah perbukitan di Timur Laut Utara, Kerala, Tamil Nadu dan Uttarakhand, dan melalui pendapatan FOREX. Prospek hanya diharapkan bisa semakin cerah dengan upaya pemasaran pendukung pemerintah di negara-negara pembeli. Teh adalah industri tanaman pangan penting yang menciptakan lapangan kerja yang besar dan memperoleh devisa yang berharga. Saat ini industri teh telah menghadapi masalah mengenai kualitas. Masalah ketenagakerjaan dan berkelanjutan Masalah industri teh: 1) masalah kualitas. Masalah praktik yang tidak berkelanjutan seperti penggunaan pestisida dan sertifikasi mutu yang tinggi. 2) agitasi tenaga kerja di beberapa bagian mengenai upah rendah, jam kerja yang panjang dan menyediakan fasilitas dasar bagi para pekerja di perkebunan. 3) Kebijakan perdagangan baru telah mengurangi subsidi ekspor untuk perdagangan massal. Yang akan memukul ekspor yang sudah lesu 4) semak teh penuaan Prospek industri teh: 1) meningkatkan harga pasar dunia dan penurunan produksi di Kenya dimana india dapat mengekspor lebih banyak. 2) pasar baru seperti Kazakhstan. Rusia. Cina A. S. Iran. Mesir dan Chili selain pasar tradisional Eropa dan timur tengah. 3) dewan teh secara proaktif mengambil langkah-langkah untuk meningkatkan sertifikasi mutu produk yang akan meningkatkan kredibilitas di dalam negeri dan internasional. Industri teh yang merupakan sektor penting ekonomi India serta masyarakat telah lama dirusak oleh berbagai isu sejak lama. Mulai dari produksi, dicatat bahwa sebagian besar perkebunan uji di India dikelola oleh petani kecil yang membutuhkan kolektivisasi. Akhirnya, sebuah masalah Telah meningkat dengan cara yang tidak berkelanjutan dimana teh ditanam dengan penggunaan pestisida berlebih, pertanian organik dan budaya berkelanjutan perlu dipromosikan. Selanjutnya, jam kerja yang panjang, upah yang buruk, kurangnya fasilitas dasar di unit industri telah memperlebar defisit kepercayaan antara Buruh dan manajemen. Bagi India, eksportir teh keempat terbesar, prospek masa depan industri teh nampaknya cerah. Dengan Kenya, salah satu ekspor teh terbesar yang menghadapi kekeringan, ruang pasar yang dikosongkan olehnya dapat diambil oleh India. Pemerintah hari ini perlu mengambil tindakan yang tepat untuk meningkatkan daya saing teh India. 1) Guys plz tinjau jawaban saya8230. India, penghasil teh terbesar kedua di dunia dan juga konsumen teh terbesar di dunia menggunakan hampir 30 persen output global. Meski berproduksi, India juga merupakan eksportir teh terbesar seusai China. Masalah: Di antara berbagai kendala yang menjadi ciri produksi teh, beberapa masalah meliputi praktik pengelolaan yang buruk, usia subur dari semak teh dan masalah infrastruktur lainnya. Selain itu, ada juga aspek kualitas seperti kurangnya standarisasi dan kualitas berkenaan dengan pengepakan, masalah pestisida. Kepuasan kerja adalah masalah lain yang dihadapi industri teh yang tidak memiliki jam kerja tetap dan ada ketidaksesuaian antara pekerjaan dan upah mereka, yang akhirnya menimbulkan agitasi dan pemogokan. Karena harga yang lebih kompetitif karena produksi teh yang menurun di Kenya dalam dua tahun terakhir, prospek Indias untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dalam ekspor meningkat, karena salah satu produsen massal terbesar Assam CTC bersaing langsung dengan teh Kenya. Oleh karena itu, kegiatan Tea Board harus ditujukan untuk meningkatkan produksi, produktivitas dan kualitas fasilitasi perdagangan dan promosi ekspor sehingga dapat memberikan hasil maksimal bagi produsen, termasuk petani kecil, serta menjaga kepentingan pekerja dan konsumen. Silakan tinjau itu guys (Thanks a lot in advance) 1) Industri Teh di India berkembang di bawah pemerintahan Inggris. Pasca Kemerdekaan, Industri telah berkembang dengan pesat karena akan menjadi pemain utama di tingkat dunia. Namun, Industri menghadapi masalah yang signifikan sebagai berikut: 1. Isu Perburuhan: Industri mengalami stigmatisasi oleh off amp atas mogok kerja, karena upah rendah untuk pekerja. Kondisi kerja dan jaminan sosial yang diberikan juga jauh di bawah standar Industri global yang mengakibatkan ketidakpuasan. 2. Pemasaran Negatif: Laporan terkait dengan 35 pestisida berbahaya dalam Teh India oleh LSM seperti perdamaian hijau telah menghasilkan publisitas negatif yang signifikan yang mengurangi daya saing global untuk Teh India 3. Isu Kebijakan Luar Negeri: Kebijakan luar negeri 2015-20 tidak memberi insentif teh. Sebanyak (3) melawan yang sebelumnya (5) yang telah mengurangi daya saing global teh indian Teh adalah tanaman uang yang penting. India adalah pengekspor teh terbesar keempat. Teh India telah dinikmati secara internasional sejak beberapa dekade sekarang. Namun industri teh di India telah menghadapi sejumlah masalah akhir-akhir ini: - memiliki industri padat karya, dikritik karena jam kerja diperpanjang 12-13 jam per hari dengan gaji sedikit Rs.240 per hari. - GtPerusahaan tidak memiliki tingkat bonus tetap yang merupakan masalah ketidakpuasan bagi pekerja yang sering melakukan demonstrasi untuk sering melakukan demonstrasi. Kebijakan luar negeri 2015-2020 telah mengurangi tingkat suku bunga curah menjadi 3 dari 5 sebelumnya untuk industri teh yang mengkhawatirkan bagi eksportir. - Pada awalnya sebuah LSM mempublikasikan kehadiran pestisida pada daun teh india yang khawatir akan kehilangan reputasi teh india dan dengan demikian mempersempit pasarnya. Masih ada lapisan perak, prospek industri teh di India adalah: - Mengalami kekeringan di Korea tahun ini, tarif teh telah naik secara internasional yang memberi kesempatan pada industri teh untuk menutupi kerugian tahun sebelumnya. - Bangunan kesadaran tentang teh berkelanjutan United 8201 di India telah tertahan dan akan meningkatkan kualitas teh India yang pasti akan meningkatkan permintaan pasarnya. - Meskipun para pekerja berlutut pada tuntutan mereka, ada kemungkinan menemukan jalan keluar yang akan memiliki dua keuntungan: 1: Kepentingan sejumlah besar (angkatan kerja industri teh) akan dilayani. 2: Pekerja yang terikat berarti pekerjaan yang lebih baik yang akan mendorong industri ini. Teh merupakan ekspor penting bagi India. Usaha harus diarahkan untuk memperkuat industri guna meningkatkan daya saingnya di pasar internasional. Hei, beberapa pengamatan. Ketenagakerjaan yang intensif, kurangnya penggunaan teknologi (untuk hal tenaga kerja, sulit mengingat angka-angka itu lagi) Kebijakan pemerintah 8211 menyukai tingkat bonus dan kebijakan lainnya Perubahan iklim, atau fitur geografis lainnya yang akan mempengaruhi produk, jika ada Lebih banyak teknologi, lebih sedikit tenaga kerja intensif ke tempat lain, (jika mungkin) Pestisida yang lebih kecil, tidak berpindah ke organik sepenuhnya Pikiran belaka, mungkin salah sama sekali. Industri Teh di India merupakan penghasil devisa utama dan sektor tenaga kerja padat karya. India adalah penghasil teh terbesar kedua di dunia. 1. India memiliki biaya produksi tertinggi di antara negara-negara penghasil teh utama di dunia. Biaya penjualan di atas realisasi lelang. 2. Pengembalian rendah yang dihasilkan oleh perusahaan pembuat teh kecil. 1. Sektor teh sedang berjuang melawan pertumbuhan permintaan yang lamban, kelebihan pasokan dan penurunan harga, dengan produsen besar seperti India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia dan Kenya bersaing untuk pangsa pasar yang stagnan. 2. Kerusuhan di Timur Tengah semakin berlumpur mengotori perairan untuk ekspor India 1. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, teh telah terus turun dari minuman ringan sebagai minuman pilihan, terutama di kalangan kaum muda. 2. Konsumsi teh per kapita di India rendah dibandingkan dengan di negara lain seperti AS, Inggris dan Sri Lanka. 3. Assam dimana badan militansi dan pemberontakan terlibat dalam pemerasan, penculikan dan pembunuhan di perkebunan teh adalah penyebab keprihatinan hukum dan ketertiban. 1. Penelitian Tea Board untuk mengurangi perbedaan luas antara harga lelang dan harga eceran harus diimplementasikan. Ini bisa menghasilkan margin tinggi bagi pekebun. 2. Bahkan sedikit peningkatan konsumsi teh dalam negeri per kapita berarti permintaan tinggi. Promosinya di antara kaum muda sangat penting. Teh Organik (Misalnya: Teh Hijau), yang sekarang diproduksi India dalam jumlah kecil, sangat diminati di antara orang-orang yang sadar kesehatan. Promosinya akan meningkatkan permintaan domestik dan permintaan ekspor. 4. Agar usaha perluasan pasar berhasil, harus disertai dengan peningkatan kualitas, produktivitas yang hemat biaya dan infrastruktur pemasaran yang pesat. Strategi komprehensif jangka panjang yang melibatkan semua peserta pasti akan membantu mengembalikan rasa dalam minuman. Nah tertulis, Pak RedPanda. 1. Saya menghargai kemampuan presentasi Anda. Keep it up 2. Ingat Mr Red bahwa jawaban Anda harus berada di sekitar batas kata dengan (- 10 kata). Jawaban Anda memiliki lebih dari 300 kata. Cobalah untuk menuliskannya secara kasar dalam batas kata. 3. Beberapa Poin dapat dikurangi menjadi satu titik utama. Ini akan menyimpan kata-kata tambahan Anda. Misalnya - permintaan ekspor dan permintaan domestik dapat dijelaskan di bawah satu sub-judul. Terima kasih banyak Gaurav. Saya bersyukur atas ulasannya. Semua poin diambil. Saya akan memperbaiki batas itu dalam batas kata. Untuk pertanyaan khusus ini, saya merasa ingin menulis lebih banyak. Jawaban bagus tapi batas kata melebihi margin yang saya butuhkan. Saya mengambil pertanyaan ini sebagai peningkatan pengetahuan. Jawaban yang sangat bagus. Banyak poin baru seperti efek timur tengah dan pemberontakan. Silakan tinjau tambangku, kalau mungkin Kembali dengan bang. Jawaban yang fantastis Mencatat banyak poin dari jawaban Anda. Meskipun jawaban saya adalah tidak ada tempat yang dekat dengan Anda, tapi tetap saja saya akan meminta Anda memeriksanya sekali Nice answer8230 Sebagian besar poin penting telah dibahas. Terima kasih sekakmat Saya bersyukur atas ulasannya. jawaban yang bagus. Mencakup setiap aspek. Tolong review saya juga poin yang baik esp abt assam insurgency8230yo dapat menambahkan wisata teh untuk prospek masa depan too8230youall baik tertulis pls cek jawabanku jawaban yang indah. Sangat terstruktur Saya merasa kode perlindungan tanaman juga harus disebutkan seperti dalam berita sejak lama. Teh di India diproduksi di lima wilayah utama, 8211 Assam, Darjeeling, Munnar, Nilgiris dan Kangra. India adalah satu dari lima eksportir utama teh di dunia, terhitung sekitar 12 dari total ekspor dunia. Industri teh di India telah menghadapi banyak isu di dalam negeri dan internasional. - Harga teh telah turun, meremas margin keuntungan produsen. Teh India tidak kompetitif karena tingginya biaya produksi sebagai konsekuensi produktivitas rendah. - Dalam upaya untuk memotong biaya input, pekerja dibayar dengan upah rendah dan bonus kurang dibandingkan tahun-tahun sebelumnya, sehingga menyebabkan keresahan dan mogok kerja. Permintaan upah yang lebih tinggi akan semakin meningkatkan biaya input. Penurunan harga lebih lanjut juga bisa menyebabkan pemotongan kembali lapangan kerja. - Dalam Kebijakan Perdagangan Luar Negri 2015-2020, teh disertakan dalam Ekspor Merchandise dari India Scheme, menikmati keuntungan 3 pada teh curah. Sebelumnya, teh dimasukkan ke dalam Vishesh Krishi Gram Udyog Yojana dan menikmati 5 manfaat di seluruh teh mentah dan nilai tambah. - Non organisasi pemerintah telah menyoroti kualitas inferior teh di India dan adanya pestisida tingkat tinggi. Hal ini bisa merusak citra merek teh India. Namun karena kekeringan di Kenya, produsen teh hitam terbesar, harga telah memburuk sehingga tidak kompetitif dan memberikan keunggulan ke India di pasar ekspor. Sejalan dengan tren global baru-baru ini, produsen India memusatkan perhatian pada praktik teh berkelanjutan. Yang ditekankan adalah mengurangi biaya produksi bukan dengan mengurangi upah, tapi dengan meningkatkan produktivitas. Cakupan yang bagus dari masalah tapi bisa menyebutkan masalah utama seperti urbanisasi, pertumbuhan penduduk, perubahan iklim dll8230.answer tidak lengkap prospeknya tidak disertakan8230.keep writi8230nice try8230. Pls check my answer Teh adalah salah satu minuman pokok Indias dan juga komoditas ekspor premium. Tapi, akhir-akhir ini industri teh telah menghadapi berbagai masalah seperti 1 - Kerusakan ekologis pada lereng bukit yang menumbuhkan teh, menyebabkan masalah seperti degradasi tanah, hilangnya kesuburan dan erosi. 2 - Kurangnya dukungan pemerintah, terutama dalam hal pinjaman untuk infrastruktur dan subvensi bunga dan tunjangan lainnya dinikmati oleh petani sereal, tebu dan kapas. 3 - Kekurangan tenaga kerja terampil, yang merupakan kelemahan utama karena industri teh sangat padat karya. 4- Perubahan iklim, yang menyebabkan curah hujan tidak normal menyebabkan berkurangnya produktivitas. 5 - Promosi teh India yang tidak efektif di luar negeri, yang menyebabkan kita kalah dari produsen lain seperti China dan Sri Lanka. Tapi ada beberapa prospek cerah yang layak dilihat seperti 1 - Pasar teh organik (non fermentasi) yang tumbuh cepat, yang menghasilkan pendapatan jauh lebih tinggi daripada teh biasa. Teh khusus seperti Darjeeling dan teh Munnar juga masuk premium. 2 - Dorongan dan penekanan pemerintah pada ekspor India, khususnya di FTP 2015 dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan ekspor teh. 3- Skema konektivitas seperti jalan yang menghubungkan timur laut ke Thailand dan Myanmar dapat digunakan sebagai rute untuk meningkatkan ekspor teh. Meskipun teh tidak asli ke India, kami telah mengadopsinya sebagai milik kami dan sekarang ini adalah salah satu komoditas kami yang paling disayangi. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah dan industri teh harus mengembangkan model multipihak untuk menerapkan skema yang akan membantu mereka bersaing baik di dalam negeri maupun di luar negeri. (254) HARAP TINJAUAN. Teh di seluruh dunia adalah minuman yang paling banyak dicari setelah air dan menyumbang 650 juta ekspor tahunan dan 3,5 juta pekerjaan di India. Tetapi juga memiliki masalah: 1) perubahan kondisi iklim yang menyebabkan produktivitas rendah. 2) eksploitasi tenaga kerja yang menyebabkan upah rendah dan kondisi kehidupan buruk tanpa fasilitas kesehatan dan pendidikan. 3) Semak teh penuaan menghasilkan kualitas dan hasil yang rendah. 4) laporan menuduh pestisida disebabkan oleh nilai merek. 5) Persaingan dari produk yang lebih murah dari Srilanka dan Kenya. 6) kurangnya kebijakan pemerintah yang mendukung ekspor dengan harga bersaing. 7) tidak menerapkan praktik ilmiah dalam pembibitan serta pencitraan merek yang tepat tanpa tag GI. Tapi hari yang lebih cerah menanti prospek yang lebih baik: 1) kegagalan panen di tempat lain mengarah pada permintaan yang lebih baik. 2) Upaya proaktif papan teh dalam sertifikasi mutu. 3) Meningkatnya gaya hidup sehat yang mengarah pada peningkatan konsumsi varietas high end seperti teh hijau dan teh putih. Teh adalah salah satu tanaman perkebunan yang penting di India dan India berada di urutan kedua dalam ekspor teh. Masih banyak industri teh yang memiliki banyak masalah terkaitnya. 1) Keresahan dan agitasi buruh yang sering terjadi untuk revisi upah telah menyebabkan gangguan dalam aktivitas. Tahun lalu seorang manajer perkebunan teh di Assam dibunuh oleh para pekerja yang gelisah. 2) Pelanggaran hukum perburuhan dasar oleh perkebunan teh dalam hal jam kerja yang tinggi, kurangnya fasilitas dasar, upah rendah, dll. 3) Perkebunan teh India tidak dapat mengelola biaya produksi teh, sehingga mengurangi daya saing yang dinikmati sebelumnya. . 4) Kurangnya mekanisasi dan penggunaan teknologi modern sangat mempengaruhi produktivitas industri. 5) Banyak negara pengimpor mengeluhkan komponen kimia yang tinggi dalam Teh India, sehingga mempengaruhi ekspor kita. 6) Pengurangan subsidi ekspor berdasarkan Kebijakan Perdagangan Luar Negeri baru 2015-20 cenderung mempengaruhi ekspor kita. India sendiri merupakan pasar teh yang besar dan kami juga memiliki pasar yang bagus di luar. Untuk menghilangkan ketakutan negara-negara pengimpor, asosiasi teh India telah menemukan KODE PERLINDUNGAN TANAMAN yang menentukan batasan masukan kimia dalam teh. Demikian pula Asosiasi Teh India Bersama dengan departemen Tenaga Kerja sedang bekerja untuk menyelesaikan masalah buruh dan plantaiotns. India adalah produsen teh kedua terbesar di dunia, meskipun 70 di antaranya dikonsumsi di India sendiri. Ini adalah peringkat ke-4 dalam hal ekspor. Sejumlah teh terkenal seperti Assam dan Darjeeling ditanam di India. Negara penghasil teh terbesar adalah Assam. Namun menjelang akhir industri teh India menghadapi sejumlah masalah. Ini adalah industri padat karya. Pengambilan galon kelompok 8211 pekerja teh menuntut kenaikan upah. Jam kerja yang panjang hingga 12 jam sehari dengan jumlah Rs.240 ha yang sedikit menyebabkan penderitaan yang mendalam di kalangan masyarakat buruh. Mereka juga memiliki keluhan tentang fasilitas dasar yang ditawarkan oleh manajemen dan ini menyebabkan defisit kepercayaan, penundaan kenaikan tingkat bonus telah meningkatkan agitasi mereka karena manajemen belum menetapkan tingkat bonus. Bonus diberikan hanya bila manajemen menikmati jumlah keuntungan yang baik. Kebijakan perdagangan luar negeri tahun 2015-2020 - teh pendahuluan dimasukkan ke dalam gram Vishesh Krishi Yojana dan menikmati 5 manfaat di seluruh makanan dan teh tambahan nilai sekarang dikurangi menjadi 3 yang kemungkinan akan mempengaruhi daya saing Teh India. Karena kesadaran besar tentang teh organik belakangan ini, banyak LSM seperti Greenpeace memprotes penggunaan pestisida secara massal, setidaknya 34 pestisida ditemukan di 46 sampel merek dominan. Ini adalah beberapa dari banyaknya industri teh yang dihadapi. Langkah-langkah yang harus diambil untuk mengangkatnya melihat sejumlah kelebihan yang dimilikinya dibanding teh lainnya dari luar negeri. Sejak Kenya menghadapi kekeringan seperti situasi, produk mereka berkurang sampai batas tertentu dan karenanya tidak dapat diekspor sehingga akan menjadi saat yang tepat bagi industri India untuk memanfaatkan ekspornya ke negara lain. Tapi untuk ini terjadi motivasi kerja memainkan peran penting. Pendahuluan India harus bertujuan menangani masalah ketenagakerjaan dan membantu budidaya teh secara berkelanjutan agar maksimal bisa mengembalikan produsennya. Industri teh memiliki salah satu prospek untuk berkontribusi terhadap keseluruhan ekonomi dan arena sosial dengan tingginya ekspor dan tenaga kerja. Industri teh menangani masalah: 1. Tingginya jumlah pestisida. Ini berpotensi mengancam ekspor sehingga mempengaruhi ekonomi teh secara keseluruhan. 2. Masalah perburuhan: ada miskomunikasi antara pemilik industri dan serikat pekerja yang menciptakan ketegangan di sektor teh secara keseluruhan. 3. Kebijakan perdagangan luar negeri telah mengurangi kebutuhan dari 5 sampai 3 pada teh curah sehingga menurunkan produksi teh dalam jumlah besar. 4. Kehadiran hanya 10 perkebunan terorganisir nampaknya mencapai keseluruhan produksi. Prospek industri teh adalah: 1. Menciptakan praktik berkelanjutan dapat menciptakan kepercayaan di antara negara pengimpor. 2. Dengan daya saing dan kualitas teh yang tinggi, industri ini bisa memonopoli pasar dunia. 3. Intervensi tepat waktu dan tepat antara pemilik dan pekerja dapat membantu dalam lingkungan yang kondusif untuk menyukseskan industri dan tenaga kerja. 4. Hal ini kurang dipengaruhi oleh variasi musim hujan. Jadi industri teh bisa sangat membantu dalam keuntungan perdagangan, kesempatan kerja sehingga membantu harmoni sosial dan menciptakan citra india di seluruh dunia. Ans 8211 Industri teh telah menghadapi banyak tantangan baik pada lini produksi maupun konsumsi. Ini bisa digambarkan sebagai berikut 8211 1. Menjadi industri padat karya, dibutuhkan tenaga kerja dengan upah rendah untuk mendapatkan keuntungan. Dan sekarang dengan buruh mogok untuk merevisi tingkat upah itu harus dilihat oleh pemerintah. 2. Wrong publication of Indian Tea for its pesticides presence has created an warning in the exporting countries 3. Upfront challenges from the Nepal, Sri Lanka and Kenya in international market 4. Low use of technology in the tea farming lead to low per acreage output 5. Fluctuating International Prices also act as catalyst to increase its woes. Following Provisions can be made to soothe indian tea industry 8211 1. Comprehensions Plan to reform wage rate and linking it with other sector. 2. Promotion of Indian Tea in other new countries 3. Promoting the storage chain for tea industry as tea bushes has long shelf life 4. Mechanization of the tea farm can help to lower the production cost 5. Fixation of wages according to prevailing industry prices. Tea is globally one of the most popular and cheapest beverages, with a large network in India, producing around 30 of the global Tea Production. The tea plantation industry involves with production of leaf as an agricultural activity and its processing as industrial activity. This industry is challenged with a number of problems like 1. Fluctuation in the production due to climatic changes with reduced rainfall and rise in temperature. 2. Higher cost of production and low productivity with higher labour cost and longer picking cycles. 3.Increasing competition in the global market mainly in the export of CTC tea. 4.Slower pace of re-plantation of old bushes with no substantial increase in tea acreage. 5.Long working hours and less wages in proportion of the tea workers. 6. Coffee becoming popular as substitute of tea. However, there are prospects in this industry 1.Herbal Tea with value added variants like ginger, cardamom, tulsi with added flavours like fruits. 2. Better awareness among consumers for health benefits of green tea leading rise in demands. 3. The potential of demand of domestic market with people willing to pay for quality tea products should be utilized. So, there is need to draw a number of initiatives like Special Purpose Tea Fund(SPTF) to implement uprooting and replanting programme, improving standard of plucking, will help in improving quality and productivity and strengthen stand in global market. (220 words).Please review Attempted well. Structured good. Word limit respected. I think second part can accommodate two more points and conclusion can be trimmed a bit. Overall, good answer. Keep writing. Keep reviewing. Thanks for suggestion and reviewing. Tea is a major foreign revenue earner for India and has an equally significant role in domestic market. It has a huge potential for India but is marred by some constraints. Problems with tea industry: 1. Quality Issues: It has been alleged that due to excessive use of pesticides, various compounds have found to be present in tea leaves. 2. Labour issues: It is a labour-intensive industry and so there have been agitations for better pay amp working conditions 3. Structural constraints in management by tea board 4. Trade Policy: FTP 2015 has reduced export concessions for tea from 5 to 3 which affects its competitiveness 5. Global constraints: Global price shocks and civil strife in middle-east has adversely affected our exports 6. Low technology implementation and ageing tea bushes are also worrisome issues 7. Monsoon dependence Prospects for the industry: 1. Increasing global demand for Indian tea has raised the hopes of the industry 2. Venturing into new markets like China, Kazakhstan etc. 3. Recent delegation to Georgia is an excellent initiative to increase depth of markets for Indian tea 4. Implementation of Plant Protection Code will allay all apprehensions about pesticides in tea and boost its sales 5. Favourable export condition and domestic market promotion can also benefit the industry 6. Diversification of t ea leave products can open up new avenues 7. Impetus to food processing industry will lead to employment generation helping economic development in NE states 8. Improved supply chain and storage management will enhance shelf life The industry can prove to be a boon for India, as it generates both employment and economy, if timely steps are taken by govt and Tea board for giving proper boost to the industry in the right direction Well written and all the points are properly covered. Please review mine. Thanks Good answer. nice structured points.8217 kindly review mine. Well written8230.covered all relevant points, example of recent delegation of Georgia is well noted8230. A suggestion (please ignore if it doesnt make sense) In Prospects: clubbing various points like 1, 2 and 3 under 8216Increasing Demand and new markets8217 will make things easier for examiner. Overall excellent answer. Sanchay your answer covered all relevant points. but please clarify one thing, when it comes to address 8216critically examine8217 part of the question, I think the other side of the matter should also be mentioned. eg the issue of pesticide is yet to be confirmed. because our minister says it is a propaganda to hurt the industry and the industry says our tea is well accepted globally and safe to consume this is just a doubt. correct me if i am wrong and also please let me know is it ok if we enumerate the points like this when the question demands to examine critically. your answer is undoubtedly a decent answer i am just clarifying my doubt. thank you for sharing your answer and keep writing. I have already answered your query in Batman8217s answer (copying here) Though Greenpeace report is doubtful but there have been other instances of pesticides in the tea in past as well8230. It is the sheer exaggeration of Greenpeace report that govt is apprehensive about Yeah a line or two about the critical aspects should have been added by me8230.thanks Subhash Rabindra Jha I found your answer comprehensive. Just to add on to what you have written, here are some other issues (concerns) and prospects (I have also touched slightly on what ought to be done) for the industry: (a) The sector is labour-intensive with 50 of the workforce comprising women (b) No. of organized plantations stand at a meagre 1 of the total plantations (c) Political will needed: proposed amendments to the 8220Tea Act 19538221 must not be delayed any further (would remove archaic laws and as a significant measure, would define 8220small tea growers8221 as 8220persons owing less than 25 acres of tea estate in hisher name8221 also significant from the point of view of 8220protection of intellectual property rights of tea of Indian origin within India and abroad8221) (d) 8220Tea Development amp Promotion Scheme8221 through the Tea Board (12th Plan) (e) Taxes need to be rationalized (may be read, more widely, as 8220reviewing the existing pricing regime8221 that has rendered the Indian tea uncompetitive) (f) Also, single a ct replacing multiple central and state level acts governing the plantation industry (g) Need of the hour: coherence between environmental championsNGOs, Tea Bord, and Industry Stakeholders I must mention I really liked Batman8217s point on 8220Tea Tourism8221 Keep Writing and Reviewing Most of the tea plantations in india are of colonial time and due to old age the overall yield of tea plantation is decreasing every year and it will take minimum 20 year to get a beneficial outcome from new plantations which is a cause of concern in india. Moreover india is facing a stiff competition from srilanka, indonesia. vietnam and other south asian countries in tea export to its pre eisting market of middle east europe and US. The two main zones of himalayas and western ghats are facing environmental degradation to its maximum which is also effecting tea production in a way. Good inputs8230but if you read govt reportsnews will find that it is tea plantation that is degrading the environment and not the other way around (negligible impact in tea production) nice one8230esp. broad heading in constraints and 4th point in problems which gives hard facts too8230.plz review mine if possible Plz reconsider ur 5,6,7th points under problems of 8230. I think recently tea exports increased because of severe drought in Kenya affected their tea exports. Low technology point is unnecessary because most of the tea plantation estates maintained by industrial gaints in India and there is no instances of low technology problems in tea industries. And tea plantations are not water intensive crop. in fact in Assam and Darjeeling tea leaves plucked and processed and packed even before the arrival of mansion. I might be wrong. correct me if I am Remaining points are excellent. If you read the BS article you will find that it is 8216expected8217 that Kenyan drought would benefit India Technology problems India: Apart from handful of large firms, there are huge no. of small tea growers specially in NE who suffer from lack of technology You are right that tea is not water intensive but it is not about the amount of rain I am talking about (when referring to monsoon dependence) but the 8216timing8217 of rainfall that can be a constraint Hope it clears up things8230.thanks for the review btw you could have added 8220Geographical Indications8221 for higher returns8230 India is a leading producer of tea which support large population of India and has enormous potential for export. It is grown largely in southern India and NE India with diverse quality. Sebuah. Tea being a climate sensitive crop any undue variation in humidity or frost affects growth of leaves b. High input costs especially on labour together with fertilizer and pest management erodes the profitability of Tea industry. C. Though Indian tea is of good quality lack of quality control is a major problem in marketing. D. Ageing crops reduce both quality and yield where replanting is not done due to financial constraints. E. Socio-economic conditions of labour especially women are highly pathetic due to meagre wages with little social security. Sebuah. If domestic demand of India is improved it can effectively utilize its production even when international market demand falls. B. Low caffeine and other health benefits of tea can help in increasing its consumption among other drinks. C. Quality control and scientific management of farms are gaining importance due to less availability of land because of urbanization and to improve our export competitiveness d. Formation of cooperatives with proper implementation of Plantation Act can reduce labour unrest. However certain steps like replanting should be financially supported from government instead of increased fertilizer usage, rational tax structure, developing new varieties, improved welfare of labour, incorporating modern technology together with brand building, better realisation of prices can be the way forward for bright future of tea industry 1) Critically examine the problems and prospects of tea industry in India. (200 Words) Tea Industry is well developed in India as India is second largest producer of Tea after China. Tea is also state drink of Assam amp there are talks about considering Tea as National drink. Even after having such a strong presence of Tea industry n India it is suffering from various challenges like - gt Shortage of skilled labor 8211 tea industry is labor extensive industry amp providing employment to masses but still there is a gap of demand supply of labor - gt forced labor issues. - gt Weather Variation 8211 India having monsoon type of weather amp susceptible to many variation because of so many entangled phenomenon. As tea cultivation requires specific temperature amp rain condition, sometime variation leads to decreased production. - gt People inclination towards organic farming 8211 shift from tradition to organic farming results into decreased production amp increased price of tea which can hurt its global presence. - gt Tea Board 8211 as per recent recommendation by tea board they want tea producer to cut down the extensive use of pesticides, herbicides amp fertilizers rather go for organic farming but tea producers showing disinterest in same as it will lead to decreased overall production. - gt Fluctuation in Global demand 8211 may upshot or downgrade its price making it more susceptible. Apart from above mentioned challenges there is further prospect available in front of tea industry which are as follows 8211 - gt As India is 2nd largest producer in world 8211 there is scope of improvement to strengthened global presence. - gt Skill India program 8211 will give boost to tea industry by overcoming demand supply gap of labor. - gt Darjeeling Tea 8211 A Geographical Indication 8211 innovative measure should be taken to make its global presence impregnable. - gt Boost to export 8211 By developing more favorable law amp liberal customs procedure govt can promote its export - gt Development in NE 8211 By bringing more area under tea cultivation specifically in NE, which provides perfect geographical condition for its production, by technological interference would leads to spur in production ultimately making it more competent. - gt Opted for organic farming 8211 rather than waiting another to fully develop there presence global India should consider its improvement to develop its portfolio. Tea Industry can proved to be godsend for Indian economy by taking corrective step in direction of improved production and strengthening its presence amp making it more competent to beat competitors amp avail advantage of Indian geographical state. India8217s geographical uniqueness make India not only a major producer of tea but also a brand to be associated with. Despite of this, Indian Tea Industry is facing tough time due to a mix of structural and emergent problems 8211 1) Labour Issues 8211 Being a labour intensive industry, it always is short of labour. In addition to this, labourers demand higher wages and better working conditions, for this they strike frequently. 2) Loss of demand internationally and domestically. Other forms of beverages, such as soft drinks and coffee, are sweeping in place of tea, especially youngsters. 3) False propaganda against Indian Tea 8211 recently union government has found Greenpeace trying to damage reputation of Indian Tea by saying that it contains pesticides. Such reports of greenpeace and any other organisation finds no support in empirical evidences. 4) Climatic influence 8211 tea requires round the year rain showers. Due to deficient monsoon and frequent El-Nino spells Indian tea is facing a climatic challenge Prospects 8211 1) Indian Tea has not reached to the maturity in use of proper resources 8211 water, soil, fertilisers, etc. Kenyan tea is more competitive than Indian tea because they use fertilisers and pesticides, and manages water and soil scientifically. Thus India has a significant potential towards improving quality of tea. 2) New variants of tea are finding increasing space in market, such as yellow tea, green tea. With expansion in capacity these demands can easily be met with Indian tea industry 3) Famous tea producing areas - Nilgiri, Darjeeling, Assam, Cachar etc can be promoted for tea tourism. This will strengthen the brand image and allow tea producers to sell at a premium. awesome8230..good you mentioned abt greenpeace issue8230.very well structured8230plzz review mine. India was the largest exporter of tea till 2002, but today its the 4th largest producer in the tea sector. Size of the tea industry is 1.2 billion kg whereas export capacity is 200million kg per annum. It employs 35 lakh tea workers and thus generates massive employment especially in the north east. Prospects of tea industry in India: Due to successive droughts in kenya. the export price of tea has increased to 4kg whereas export price in india is 3-3.5kg. Thus indian tea sector may regain its competitiveness. But these prospects are limied by the challenges that are faced by the tea industry in india. Problems of tea industry in India: 1. Low competitveness: Indias export price is higher than nations like China and Kenya thus making it incompetent in the tea market. 2. Export incentives: earlier the tea sector used to get 5 benefit under VKGUY for bulk and value added teas which constitute 90 exports but this has been reduced to 3 under Merchandise exports from India scheme. 3. High pesticide allegation: high pesticide content allegations have been led by NGO-Greenpeace. Though baseless, it has affected Indias tea sector adversely. 4. Plantation labour act 1951: it has increased cost of tea production since tea planters need to ensure education, medical, canteen facilities for tea workers and their families. 5. Labour agitation: frequent labour strikes due to poor wages i. e. 20hr, has led to agitation. They work in unhealthy conditions, and benefits of PLA have been cornered by corrupt unions rather than the poor workers. 6. High mortality rate: Last year, many tea workers died due to starvation. This has evoked human rights issue and adversely affected Indias tea sector position in the export market. 7. Tea gestation period: good size of tea leaves euires atleast 5 year gestation period but unfortunately poor quality leaves have affected tea quality hampering its position in the market. 8. Changing food habits: Nowadays, people prefer juices and coffee over tea affecting the position of tea sector adversely. Thus though the prospects of indian tea sector remain bright due to el-nino in kenya. the challenges posed by the tea sector can severely limit the growth prospects of this sector. Thus some steps like rehabilitation of workers, govt overview in managemet-union PLA disbursal, increasing export incentives and improving marketing of tea sector through Served from India etc can help revive the sector to the glory of 1990s. Well written. Good structuring and I don8217t think u have left any point. Please review mine. Terima kasih. 8211 The tea industry in India constitutes a major portion of the most India exports. But this industry is currently facing a lots of issues like - 1. Labour laws - Many labourers in tea plantation are on a contractual basis and are outside the purview of labour laws in India. Many cases has been cited in Assam tea plantation where workers from Bihar and UP were forced to work. Their documents ahs been seized and are bit allowed to leave the place or change the occupation. 2. Draught - Tea plants requires a lot of moisture to grow. But due to recent patterns of irregular monsoon and lack of proper irrigation facility. this industry has seen. A reduction in tea production. Israel is helping this regard with drip down irrigation facilities 3.Low cost competitors 8211 One of the reasons for reduction in India tea exports is because of low cost tea competitors such as East African countries. 4. Policies as hurdles 8211 The recent policies regarding this industry has been seen by many as hurdles for eg Plantation code. The recently announced Trade policy can also lead to further reduction of tea exports as it reduces the rate to 3 from 5 for bulk tea producers. 8211 The industry is in a dire need to revamp and relook. Indian government should make labour laws mire strict. The policies should also facilitate and not restrict the growth. improve intro8230.can include major problems like wages issue, population growth, urbanisation etc8230..answer is half prospects are not covered8230.keep writing8230nice try8230 pls check my answer Tea industry in India is one of the oldest industry which has been developed in some suitable agroclimatic regions of India. Tea plantations were promoted and developed by the Britishers for their revenue generation. Indian tea is highly praised globally. The aroma and taste of Indian tea is the speciality of the tea grown in Assam. Kenya is a close competitor for the Assam tea. India has tea plantations in Munnar, Kerala. Tea plantation needs a sloping ground and adequate rainfall which only certain regions possess. Nowadays it has been seen that there is some unrest among the labourers of Munnar. These labourers are exploited and hence they complaint regarding low wages and long working hours. They also demand 20 bonus. There are lots of negotiations going on between the plantation management and the labourers. Indian tea industry has also been shown in poor light by the NGO named Greenpeace. According to the report 8216Brewing Trouble8217 released by the Greenpeace, Indian tea leaves contains hazardous pesticides. Although the issue has been thoroughly investigated and the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India has declared it safe. India is among the very few countries gifted geographically condition to produce tea, coffee, spices etc. Recently the tea industry is facing problem in terms of: 1. Price: Globally the prices of commodities are facing new low due to prolonged recession in major market like Europe, USA, Japan this is impacting the profit margins in tea industry. 2. Produce: Low level of technology adaptation leading to huge wastage of resources. Indian tea is being tested to contain higher level of pesticide, insecticide by European countries, primary reason behind is unscientific application of chemicals. Increasing competition from other country like Sri Lanka, Kenya is bringing down Indian share in Global market. 3. Institutional constraints: Tea board of India works under Govt of India and is having huge bureaucratic constraints in working. This hinders the coming together of all stakeholders to push sector ahead. Prospect: 1. It is a highly labour intensive sector and availability of it is huge in India. 2. Geography, weather condition favors Indian climatic condition alot. 3. Diversification to other markets like China, offer new avenues for growth. 4. New scientific techniques in production, testing, marketing through ICT can overcome problems faced. 5. Tea board needed to be restructured to remove bureaucratic hegemony in decision making. 6. MSMEs are needed to be promoted in areas like Green Tea, Organic Tea which is growing in double digit since last few years. Recently labour problems brewed up in Munnar due to low bonus declaration and low wages. However, in case of low bonus, companies are saying that they have declared 10 as compared to 20 bonus declared last year because they the profits have reduced to 5 Cr against 20 Cr ast year. It seems that there is a trust deficit here but no contrary arguments regarding wages indicate that low wages ie Rs. 240- for 12 hrs a day is still an area of concern. Other issue that has struck the tea industry is findings of pesticides in them above permissible limits, as publicised by Greenpeace India, an NGO. However, as they have not made the reports public or shared with Home ministry due to their contractual obligation with the testing laboratory, the same finding holds no authenticity. Among above issues, a good news for the tea industry is that this year, due to El-Nino effect, production of tea in Kenya has suffered, which is a positive sign for Indias exports. The only hitch is reduced benefits from 5 to 3 on bulk teas, which accounts for 90 teas exports, due to its shift from Vishesh Krishi Gram Udyog Yojana to Merchandise Exports under FTP-2015. To solve the pesticide issue, tea board has already taken correcting steps which will further improve the quality and sales in the international markets. India is the worlds largest grower and producer of tea. Its significance lies in its huge international demand and being labour-intensive in nature. But recently, it has been facing some problems like - 1. Allegations - There have been allegations of being laced with excessive and banned pesticides by organisations like Greenpeace. This has hurt the sentiments of the buyers mainly demanding sustainable tea. 2. Labour Problems - There have been demands from tea plantation labours to increase their wages. This would affect the competitiveness of Indian tea in international markets. Schemes like MGNREGA have also contributed in the increase in farm wages. 3. Unsustainable water usage - Originally indigenous to Eastern and Northern parts of the country having enough water, it has expanded to relatively drier regions of the south as well. This has put a lot of pressure on hydrological balance. With climate change and erratic rainfalls very common, this could increase the pressure. 4. Reduction in benefits to the bulk tea in Indias Foreign Trade Policy. The prospects of Indian tea industry are very bright especially with declining production from Kenya, high credibility due to adherence of the stringent standards codified as Plant Protection Codes highlighting the type and amount of chemicals. But, an independent certification programme would further enhance the credibility of Indian tea. India is one of the largest producers of tea in the world but still the industry faces some problems like: 1)Reduced domestic demand due to growing preference for soft drinks 2)Competition with countries like China, Sri Lanka and Kenya 3)Indias limited capabilities in orthodox tea which are preferred in Russia, a 200 million Kg market 4)Laborers demands for regularization of working hours, increasing the salaries and bonuses 5)Reports of findings of pesticides in Indian teas as revealed in Trouble Brewing released by Greenpeace 6)Slower pace of replantation 7)Exclusion of small tea growers from centrally sponsored schemes 8)Merchandise Exports from India Scheme has reduced the benefits to 3 on bulk teas Despite these challenges, the future seems to be bright for the Indian tea industry because of the following reasons: 1)Plant Protection Code, a document that will regularize the use of pesticides has been put under practice 2)Assam has the potential to become second state after Kenya t o produce health-rich purple tea 3)Schemes have been launched by Tea Board to ensure welfare of small tea growers 4)Media campaigns have been launched to promote Brand India 5)Kenya has been hit by droughts In wake of all such developments, India should make sure that she utilizes the bright opportunities provided to regain her image as a major tea exporter. Good one Batman. You got the important points. Well structured too (As Always). I think first part needs a bit of examine flavour. Kenya point can be refined or any other long-tern oriented point can be placed . Over all, Knowledgeable answer. yeah u are right. Drought in Kenya has just opened a window of opportunity which might be closed by next year. India should look for more avenues in order to establish a strong hold over tea market, perhaps 8216brand India8217 can be the answer to that. covered almost all relevant points under 8216problems8217 and 8216prospects8217. but when it comes to address 8216critically examine8217 part of the question, I think the other side of the matter should also be mentioned. eg the issue of pesticide is yet to be confirmed. because our minister says it is a propaganda to hurt the industry. do you think it should be defended as the industry says our tea is well accepted globally and safe to consume this is just a doubt. correct me if i am wrong and please let me know is it ok if we enumerate the points like this when the question demands to examine critically. still you covered everything relevant in your writing. thank you for sharing the answer and keep writing. It is the sheer exaggeration of Greenpeace report that govt is apprehensive about point noted. thanks for replying Sanchay. i don8217t want to put the burden on insights but for this particular question, i don8217t think there was need to examine critically. we are also being asked to critically examine the causes which is not possible in any case. second thing, the problem themselves are a deterrent to the growth of this industry, so i think they don8217t need any separate mention. i am not an expert too but u should from more number of people to clear your doubts. thanks for your feedback, keep reviewing batman covered good points823082308230.yo can add tea tourism too for future prospects82308230..nice keep writ.. pls check my answer freind also added some pt. realativily poor educated and less skill laburer are working which give less productivity climate change are also adversily affected on tea cultivation by uncirtain wether condition.. Tea was brought in India as part of the colonial package of rail connectivity, managed estates and government support for the British growers to successfully export it. Since then, the methodology of picking tea and managing estates hasn8217t changed much. The result is that over 3.5 lakh workers often have to live a hard, gruelling life just so that the estate can keep on producing profitably. Tea which once used to be the national drink is being challenged by the pleothora of market options. Inspite of its evolution into the healthy brands like green, white tea, it seems unlikely that it would be able to maintain its current user base. Further, the plight of the workers has lead to global scrutiny and estates might have to upgrade their methodology to pay their workers more. New types of planting and growing strategies would be required against the climate change effects and to grow more crops per season. The majority of the tea is produced by smaller farmers who can8217t take full benefit of central schemes and aren8217t usually part of the trustea campaign of the major MNCs to promote healthy growing practices and certification. The organisation of farmers cooperatives would have to be catalysed, along with ensuring that their farming methods are in sync with global best practices. Government has already launched schemes for welfare of small farmers and the market penetration can be increased by producing the newer varieties of organic tea, green tea etc. The media campaign for make in India is likely to increase demand of indian teas as well. Assam has latent production capability that can be utilised and the use of ICT is promising. New entrepreneurial startups which send personalised chocie of tea to individual user from tea estates, shortening the cycle and removing the middle men have increased new avenues which just might be what was needed at the moment. Being the second largest exporter of the tea, India is earning the large chunk of foreign exchange and providing the employment opportunities to many. But in recent time it has been oscillating itself between the problems and the prospects. 1. High production cost and low production are cause of concern for producers. 2. Unrest in the middle east impacting the Tea export to that nations. 3. Low per capita consumption of tea in India and youth attraction towards other beverage consumption is effecting the Tea consumption. 4. Reduction of the concessions to the Tea industry in recent FTP would have effect the Tea export competitiveness. 5. Negative publicity by some players about Indian tea having the higher dose of pesticides may hinder the prospects. 6. Being labour intensive industry had been frequently hit by the strike of the labour. Monsoon dependency and matured bushes also cause of worry. 1. Diversifying the export avenues would give impetus to Indian Tea. 2. Implementing Plant Promotion Code by Tea Board would ally the concerns of the consumers. 3. Domestic market should be tapped among the youth. 4. Raising health consciousness among the people should be exploited by increasing the production of the organic Tea. Indian tea has the good brand image at international level. So to maintain that image and to augment the production and export the comprehensive strategy should be adopted by the interesting parties. Well presented. All imp points covered. Keep writing. Keep reviewing. Britishers brought this plantation to India and has become one of the major agricultural economic entity since then for India. But journey of tea plantation in India has never been smooth and faced alot of problems. Current problems of tea industry: - gt Labour exploitation: Been there since British rule and even now they are compelled to work for 12 hours a day with small incentive - gt Stagnant and pesticides: As production of tea has become stagnant, there are issues of overuse of fertilizers - gt Tough competition:Countries like Kenya, Brazil, China are producing tough competition to our products - gt Monsoon dependence: Most of the plantation are on hilly slope areas and thus its not possible to have any alternate irrigation - gt Unfavorable Foreign Trade Policy: Export concessions have been reduced from 5 to 3 which has affected alot - gt Low technology implementation, less connectivity and food processing industries in north eastern states Prospects: - gt Geographical Indicators (GIs): India has joined for protection of GIs under TRIPS in year 2015 which will also help them protecting and providing fame to our traditional GIs like Darjelling tea, Assam tea etc. - gt If north eastern states are gi ven required infrastructure, tea can be proved to be major constituent in state8217s agronomic - gt With increase in population, domestic consumption is in sync with interests of tea industry - gt New avenues in central Asia and Georgia and international connectivity like INSTC and Kaladan multimodal transit system can be beneficial to tea trade - gt R amp D in tea sector and diversification of tea product range can contribute alot to increase in value of product and can bring more dollars India is expected to continue as one of the leader in tea industry but she should also resolve issues to maintain longevity. Tea is a very importan cash crop in India. It has high demand in international market and major foreign revenue earner. Problems with tea industry: 1) Agriculture practices are under question after the recent Green Peace report. predicting the presence of residue of hazardous pesticides. As most of the export destinations has high food safety standards, It may threat the trade perspective. 2) Presently among 1.5 lakhs tea estates only 20000 are in organised sector. Hence most of the plantation labours are in the unorganised sector. Frequent conflict between labours and owners causes low production. 3) Resent FTP has reduced export concessions from 5 to 3. 4) Low international demand due to conflict in middle east. 5) More demand for OrganicGreen tea, which production is low in India. 6) Low technological implant and ageing tea bushes causing low production. 1) To address the safety concern Tea Board has issued Plant Protection Code, 8220Trustea8221 code to ensure trust in foreign markets. 2) It should also try to reach new markets in central asia and Russia to diversify export. 3) Tea is largely produced in economically backward N-E region. Hence there is huge potential of packaging and processing industry, which can change the socio-economic condition of the local people. 4) Produce more organic tea. It is environment friendly and will earn more revenue. Sanchay8230.can8217t resist from taking 2-3 points from u8230. British introduced Tea cultivation in India. Now, Tea is cultivated mainly in Assam, North Bengal, TN, Karnataka. Indian Tea Industry faces various problems : - Ageing Tea bushes. Tea bushes have a threshold limit of 50 years, However at least 40 have already crossed and another 10 are on the verge. The quality of tea leaves deteriorates after bushes cross the threshold Limit. - Less Land availability. Plantations are not able to increase acreage of Tea plantation due to stringent Land Acquisition Laws. - Human Right Abuses: Tea workers are over exploited e. g They work more than 12 hours per day for Rs 240, some reports claim around 120 which is far less than the min. wage limit of Assam. To use Chemicals. they are not given protective equipments and even if given, those are not replaced regularly. The living conditions are wretched with no facilities of sanitation in many estates Evidence of Child Labour and Malnutrition also exist. - High Costs: Low productivity, Remote locations of plantations, Poor roads and Infrastructure and High Social Burden due to labour intensive work increases the incurred costs of Tea industry. - International Competition. Faces stiff competition from China (Huge Land availability), Srilanka (Round the year production), Kenya (Very low cost of production). Also Less Trade incentives in Trade policy 2015-2020. However, There are also good signs for the future : - Health benefits. Awareness about the Health benefits of Tea is increasing e. g Presence of Anti oxidants. This will keep the demand growing. - Increase in Demand. There has been an increase in demand locally (due to increasing population and level of income) and internationally (Iran. CIS countries and Europe). - Plant Plantation Code (PPC): Updating the safety and quality norms of PPC as per international Food standards and guidelines will ensure the quality is maintained. Also regular monitoring by Tea Board of India. - Funding Support from States. To improve infrastructure and To provide financial support to Tea workers, State Govt and Central Govt have been providing funds to Estates regularly e. g Recent case of WB funding. India although being the 2nd largest producer in tea is gradually losing its shares in the world market, due to various constraints of an industry that is also major employment generator. Problems encountering the tea industry and measures to enhance its future prospects : 1. Structural constraints. A legacy of the pioneers of the industry in India, the East India Company, the various labour laws enacted at that time is failing to hold up in present economic scenario in the form of the Plantation Labour Act, 1951 and its recommendations have failed to satisfy both the workers, demanding better pay and the plantation owners, citing increased burden of social costs the Act entails. Implications: Unrest through strikes and parallel growth of an informalisation of workforce that will eventually hamper the production output and quality. Reforms: Sharing of social costs between government and plantation owners as suggested by a committee in 2007. Diversification of market to include high end varieties that would increase remuneration and offset higher production costs. 2. Climatic constraints: Unpredictable monsoon problems magnified by lack of technological growth in irrigation facilities, unscientific production and use of fertilisers. Implications: Price fluctuations that will decrease reliability of income, lower quality and increase stress in existing bushes, less optimisation of input costs. Reforms: Continued collaboration with countries for improvement in technological front like recent engagement with Israel on water management through micro, drip irrigation. Increase scientific awareness among tea growers. 3. Quality Issues: To protect its brand name in the world, increase vigilance in quality to fend of accusations from any quarters. Reforms. Implementation of the Plant Protection Code diligently. Also go the organic way in some amount that will capture the new health conscious crowd willing to pay premium price. 4. Promote Tea TourismImage: India is also one of the largest consumer of tea. But young crowd moving towards other beverages. Implications: When faced with global slowdown of consumption due to various reasons, Indian market would fail to sustain consumption. Steps to be taken. Today young crowd sways with brand name. Target this vulnerable crowd with positive reinforcements through publicity and creating a brand name in sync with the trend of the market of the day. Tea industry is one of the important export oriented industries in India. However, in recent times, the industry is facing certain problems, which are: 1) With the reduction in the benefits in the foreign trade policy from 5 to 3, the competitiveness of the industry might be lost. 2) Tea industry involves the management of big farms and estates. As such, the management costs and operations costs are very high. Moreover, the industry regularly faces labor issues, which further hampers its operations. 3) In some of the reports it has been pointed out that the industry is using too much pesticides. As such, it becomes difficult for the industry to sustain its export potential. Further, the compliance cost of application of fertilizers as per international standard is very high. 4) Tea industry is largely dependent upon the climatic factors. Issues of climate change, deforestation, etc. are detrimental to the growth of tea industry. However, the tea industry is also important in many spheres and has many prospects, such as: 1) Tea industry is one of the important industries to promote inclusive growth, especially in the field of women empowerment. 2) With the drought conditions persisting in Kenya, the demand for Indian tea is set to rise. This would be further aided by the fact that the price of Indian tea is much less than that of Kenya8217s. Tea industry in India is important not only from point of view of providing livelihood to about 3.5 million people but also as source of earning Foreign exchange. The sector presents both issues to be solved and oppurtunity to enhance its significance : 1. Sustainable Practice: In light of awareness among bot domestic and international customers of having healthy tea products, Tea Board has taken various steps to address this issue. It has set up Trustee Tea Board to help planters adopt quality methods of production. Given that vast majority of tea planters are from small and unorganised sector, the success of the programme depends on covering them. 2. Labour issues: Recent agitations related to long working hours. social benefits and other concerns have made it necessary to come up with clear guidelines to address the issue. An inclusive Trade Union can also help in this regard. 3. Policy Support: Through Foreign Trade policy 2015, MEIS offers 3 on export of bulk Tea which is major component of export. Earlier this was 5 hence lowering it will affect competiteveness. Prospects: 1. Major Export Player:Currently India is 4th largest exporter of tea. Given, issues in African countries like Kenya, Ind can fill in that gap given its price competitiveness. 2. New Markets: Currently India8217s exports of tea are to countries of Europe, South America and Asia as well. Strengthening and Exploring new markets will give a boost to the industry. Given the importance of Tea Industry, right govt intervention through policy support and encouraging sustainable production would go a long way in strengthening this sector. India has enjoyed the status of one of the largest exporter of tea for quite some time now. Geographical advantages and labour availability has kept this industry thriving for over a century now. Being the second largest employer in the country this sector has enjoyed the attention of the government also. But all is not well with the Indian tea industry lately. Indian tea is quite a sought after product in the global market due to its quality and competitiveness. But the recent tea export decline has been a cause of worry for the industry. According to the new Foreign trade policy the Duty Credit Scrip has been revised down from 5 to 3 which the representatives of the Indian Tea Association has sought to revise in order to keep Indian tea price competitive. Recent labour issues in Munnar tea plantations is also a cause of concern. The workers complain of long 12 hour working shifts with a meagre salary of Rs.240day. The trade unions seem to have lost the confidence of the workers who don8217t see their concerns being addressed by the union anymore. Subsequently at least 10,000 women workers have resorted to strike until their demand of annual bonus is met, which they claim should be 20 for this year. In a rather small set back to the industry8217s image the NGO Greenpeace alleged Indian tea products to be having hazardous pesticides. Such negative publicity dents the image of the brand. Although Tea board has refuted the charges levied by the NGO it should serve us as a lesson to abide by national and international quality controls measures. Apart from these issues Indian tea sector has been suffering from the problem of credit availability domestically and competition from other countries in the world market. But, recent drop in tea export from Kenya due to low rainfall provides India with an opportunity to increase its foot hold in the global market with its products. At the same time the new trade policy has recognized new markets globally like China, Kazakhastan where we can pitch our tea. Assam orthodox tea is set to receive the Geographical Indication exclusivity which should help us brand our product internationally better. Darjeeling and Assam tea have enjoyed recognition due to their superior quality. Our efforts should direct us towards better branding of indigenous tea products taking the recent shortfall in production in the global market and increase in global demand to our advantage. Implementation of Plant protection code will assuage the concerns regarding pesticides and other quality measures. At the same time labour issues should be addressed by assuring minimum wages and limiting working hours. Our focus should be more now to increase the productivity by making credit available to the producers and making new inroads in the international markets in the coming years to be able to channel our product. A mix of economic and policy measures are to be taken for this to be achieved as early as possible since this won8217t just increase our trade performances but also provide employment at home, specially in the NE. Indian tea had been originally inherited from the Chinese and was under the colonial supervision for decades whose export had a major hand in filling the British coffers. Today, India is the largest consumer. second largest producer and fourth largest exporter of tea. This sector is spread over 15000 tea estates producing around 1.2 billion kg of tea annually in the country. According to ASSOCHAM. the total turnover of this sector is expected to cross 35k cr by the end of 2015. The tea industry is growing with an annual rate of more than 15 with Assam tea producing 12 of the annual global tea yeilds. India is the largest exporter of black tea in the world due to its medicinal properties. But lately this sector has witnessed a downfall according to the Tea Board of India Exports have declined to 27.4million kgs in 2014.This can be due to 8211 - Economic Reasons : The Foreign Trade Policy 2015-20 and the Merchandise Exports from India Scheme has reduced the benefit of bulk exporting from 5 to 3. Also. the meager pay for the plantation workers has resulted in many dropouts. - Environmental Reasons : The rise in the river beds as an impact of the climate change has resulted in heavy siltation thus affecting drainage. This damages the tea bushes due to water logging and augments vulnerability of the tea estates . The tea industry adds a significant portion to the country8217s revenue and steps should be taken to thwart it from further downfall. The govt can take a cue from large producers like McLeod by devising models which integrate the small tea farmers who are solely responsible for increasing plantation acreages. In order to counter the impacts of climate change. the NICRA should be implemented more holistically which increases crop resilience against untoward climatic variability. PMKVY can be extended to the tea planters which will not only provide an impetus to the laborers but also to the tea industry as well. Commerical tea plantations were introduced by British to counter Chinese monopoly and today, we are one of the largest producer and consumer of tea. However, there are certaim issues with the industry: 1. Reports of pesticides, chemicals found in the tea leaves of reputed tea varieties. If found so to be scietifically, member nations of WTO can ban our exports under Sanitaty and Phytosanitary clause. 2. Tough competition from other tea growing nations like Sri Lanka and Kenya as they price lower. 3. Doemstic consumption not keeping pace with supply of tea in tjr market. This is also caused by shifting preferences to coffee, a com plementary drink preferred by the more urban class. 4. Issues of labour union on plantations and their social security. 5. Exports of tea from India are not diversified and untapped markets exist in Eurasia. But depsite these issues the prospects look bright as: A. Darjeeling and Assam tea varieties are famous due to high potash, phosphorous content of their soil and Darjeeling tea is to receive Geogrpahical Indicator tag. B. This industry reuqires skill and patient workforce and has ahuge potential for women workforce in all stages. C. Steps are afoot to capture markets overseas. D. Slack in production of tea in Kenya due to El Nino. E. Increasing preference of Green Tea as a health drink and awareness about good anti-oxidants therein. Thus, tea industry should be promoted as it has potential for women empowerementm specialy, in the North East. Governmnet can accomodate genuine demands of labour force amd constitute a technical committee to evaluate issue of pesticides in tea products. Also, we can have only Tea Board certified products for exports. Tea plantation has been introduced by britishers in india. though its a important cash crop of india. its facing the following challenges :- 1. sluggish demand in world market and low yield. 2. competing with countries who are offering lower price. 3. Quality issues such as recently green peace india alleged for it having pesticides 4. India govt foreign policy which offered 5 benefit on bulk has reduced it 3 made it less competent in world market. 5. unrest in middle east has lowered its demand. 6. Strife between tea plantation workers. bonus issue and strikes in tea plantation. but despite these issues it has the following advantages 1.Due to el nino supply in few African countries has decreased. it can be use as gain. 2. india has bright prospects in expanding 8220organic tea8221 that8217s is in demand now a days worldwide. 3 india has ventured in to new markets like china, kajakstan Russia etc. 4. india can go for cerification with world reputed org and can over come the quality issues. Recently Travancore tea farmers has certified by it. 5. india has a huge and cheap labour market, its internal demand is also increasing. india is the 4th largest tea exporter in world employing large workforce so both govt. and tea board should come forward and focus on these issues it has very bright chance to enhance its yield n quality of tea. India is a leading producer of tea in the world. A large part of it is consumed domestically and some are exported. The Indian tea industry is facing a crisis, The problems faced by it include: 1. Competition with other tea producing countries like China, Sri Lanka and Kenya. Tea from these countries are cheaper when compared to Indian tea, so many of our export markets and domestic industry i flooded by cheaper tea from these countries. 2. Rising cost of inputs like fertilizers and pesticides. poor supply chain reducing profitability and increasing cost. 3. Decreasing yield due to deteriorating soil and climate change. 4. Chemical residue is high in Indian tea, affecting export quality. Further, consumers are more keen to have organic products decreaing demand for Indian tea. 5. Competition with other beverages like coffee and soft drinks. 6. Labour problems - strikes demanding for better wage and living conditions In spite of these issues, tea has a fairly good prospect. The value of tea for good helth is being felt more widely. They contain anti oxidants that can slow down aging. To improve the prospects of tea, a host of measures are to be taken: 1. Move to organic farming 2. Popularise health benefits f tea 3. Aim for new markets abroad 4. Make innovative products like flavoured tea 5. Better marketing and brand building 6. Address supply chain inefficiency and tke measures to reduce input cost The industry must enhance its capabilities to compete better in global trade and improve its prospect. India is the second largest producer and exporter of the Tea after China also the largest consumer of the world. Problems of the Tea industry:- Tea industry is facing stiff competition in global market mainly from Sri lanka and Kenya which are competitively priced as compared to India which makes it uncompetitive. Dependence on alterations of weather, high cost of production, fluctuations in quality, labour intensiveness and long gestation period. Labour Shortage:- Labour cost is quite high since hand picking of tea is quite labour intensive Although Govt of India has allowed 100 FDI in Tea plantation. no FDI has flowed in to this sector showing the low financial strength of the industry Indian tea is demanded in almost every tea drinking country of the world and major importers include UAE, UK and Polland Employment Generation:- The industry is giving employment to the nearly 1 of population directly and about 10 people indirectly according to International Journal of Agricultural Science. Organic Tea:- Popularity of organic Tea can help to compete in International market Tea Tourism:- The famous tea producing areas like Darjeeling, Upper Assam, Cachar, Nilgiri, etc. could be promoted for tea tourism. This will help in pumping up revenue as well as building up their own Brand Technological improvement and optimum utilisation of factors of production are necessary. Pemerintah can rationalise duties and taxes on machineries for the growth of Tea industry India is the second largest tea producer in the world but the largest consumer. After being top producer for a century or so is on the path of losing its sheen because of many factors - 1) Foreign trade policy 2015-2020 has reduced the benefit of bulk exporting from 5 to 3. 2) Tea board of india (TBI) though regarded as industry regulator didn8217t have clear defined powers. 3) Small Tea Growers(STG) not getting fair price deal as they donot have factories to make their tea they sell their green tea to Bought Leaf Factories (BLF). 4) standing water and direct sunlight inhibit tea production hence only terrace farming and since 8220shade lover8221 grown with other plants like rose. Since India inherited climate soothing for tea growth especially eastern region and cheap labor make it a very suited vital industry for india. Its growth has direct repercussions on North east states economy and helping them in keeping in mainstream. thus a critical look towards tea industry is need of the hour. the New Marketing Control Order and changes to TEA ACT, 1953 are steps in offing which can shape the growth prospects of tea industry India is one of the largest exporters of tea in the world. Indian tea cooamds respect all over the world. However, recently Indian tea Industry has come to face a lot of problems like : 1. Labour agitations and impasse. Labour agitations have sprung up recently in some areas like munnar, where labourers feel that they are being made to toil for long for very less wages. Labourers have also complained that they are being denied basic amenities. Since. Tea industry is a labour intensive industry, any issues in labour supply badly impacts tea industry. 2. NGO 8211 Govt Tussle 8211 Various NGOs. like greenpeace. have reported of harmful pesticides in Indian Tea, while govt had denied any such claims and accused NGOs of intentionally hampering Indian tea industry image. Any such rumors definitely impacts the exports from the country. 3. Speculations over monsoons. Monsoonal speculations also create fear in the minds of plantation owners since tea is heavily dependent on monsoon. Though, monsoons have not been bad. but speculations somehow effect the industry. India has extensive labour. both men and women, available for tea industry. Hence, once the impasse resolves, Indian tea industry should soon hope to be back on track. Pemerintah has also reacted strongly against such false and biased allegations by NGOs, hence this shouldnt be a big trouble in the long run. Monsoons too had been good. Moreover, Kenya, one of the biggest exporters of tea, has recently seen a drought, which had risen prices, indirectly helping Indian tea industry. Thus. though there are some problems in the shorty run, the prospects are also bright in the long run. India is one of the biggest producer, consumer and exporter of tea in the world. Of late, the Industry has suffered from the following problems. 8211Tea plantation, started in British India has low wages and high labour requirements which make people to opt for other occupations. 8211The govt. policy benefits under the Merchandize Export policy of the new Foreign Trade Policy has reduced the benefits for it and also the export advantage. 8211The increasing reports of Pesticide content in Indian Tea has made people wary of consuming it. 8212-Kenyas drought due to El-Nino effect has increased Tea prices in the International market and India can take advantage of it. 8211There can be significant increase in the exports to markets of Kazakastan, Russia, China, The US, Chile etc. 8211The high demand of Organic Tea can be met by India in the future given its large area of favorable climate. 8212-The Industry has been a source of Employment for millions of Indians and provides and will continue to provide sustainable Employment for years to come. The tea industry is one of the oldest organized industries in India. Indian tea industry is second largest producer after china in world. Tea is consumed by a wide range of age groups in all levels of society. Darjeeling amp Assam of north eastern regions and Nilgiri of southern region are prominent tea growing regions of India. some of Problems of tea industy in India: 1. Labours works long hours in plantation amp they are demanding high wages amp bonus for sustaining the life. For example, recently many labourers are protesting for high wages in munnar tea plantation in kerala. 2. Population is increasing day by day which effect indirectly to tea production. To match the demand of food, Pressure on agricultural land will rise, and tea will have to compete with other more staple crops. For example, hectares of land was converted from tea to grow rubber, palm oil and fruit, cashew nuts etc. 3. Increasing urbanization leads to migration of rural workers to cities in search of better wages amp life. 4. Climate change is another major threat to tea production. Tea is a relatively delicate plant, sensitive to changes in temperature and rainfall, and is grown in regions particularly vulnerable to extreme weather events. In the past 60 years, for example, rainfall has fallen significantly in Assam, the main tea-growing region of India. 5. Tea companies fear of low profits with increased production cost 6. Coffee acting as a strong substitute to tea. 7. Global competation especially with major tea producing nations such as china, srilanka, turkey, Indonesia. Prospects of tea industry in India: 1. Focus has been made on critical issues such as wages, climate change, competation etc amp thus can improve tea sector. 2. Recent drought in Kenya lead loss in tea sector amp thus could hope of gain for Indian tea industry. 3. The big players are realising the challenges they face are complex and too big to tackle alone. Therefore tea companies to work together to improve the sector. some of the world8217s biggest tea companies are joined to combat challenges amp achieved already. 4. Major importers of Indian tea are Russia, UAE, United Kingdom and Poland but also can strengthen the tea sector by exploring new markets globally. 5. With the increasing awareness for maintaining the highest possible health standards, there is also a growing demand to produce a commodity that is free of any traces of pollutants and pesticides residues well below to the permissible limits. The tea producers must, therefore, look for appropriate strategies on all possible fronts. 6. The famous tea producing areas like Darjeeling, Upper Assam, Cachar, Nilgiri, etc. could be promoted for tea tourism. Tea tourism can also be considered as establishment of brand image in the consumers. noted your point on tea tourism. work on your word limits, express more-write less. Rest is fine, u can add some points from my answer too Tea comprises of a major export item today. It involves a large number of people in organised and unorganised sector. It has been in news due to labour situation and international criticism. Some of the issues that can be seen are as follows. 1. Pesticide issue Greenpeace has given a report focusing on the higher presence of pesticides. It has not revealed the name of the laboratory owing to its confidentiality clause. Indian Tea Board has refuted the claim but it has also come up with renewed guidelines. It has given the industry a thrust towards turining organic, Many Indian companies in organised sector have already inducted organic farming like Uniliver and Tata. This bodes well for unorganised sector as it will get the benifit of adopting it imitating bigger companies. The demand is also higher for organic tea. 2. Labour issues Munnar tea plantation has workers demanding higher bonus than previously given. The owners had provided 19 bonus baseed on higher profit. This was later dropped to 10 owing to lower profit. The worker are demanding 20 but have not involved trade unions. The workers also demand lower working hours which at times stretch to 12 hour on a mere pay of 252 rupees. Indian tea industry has to provide better coverage if it has to protect its production form recurrent strikes which has plagued it since pre independence. 3. International Demand Kenya being a staunch rival has been hit by El Nino 2 years back to back. It had higher production in the previous El Nijni which sent the prices falling. It had hurt the Indian exports. This year as its production slumps due to inadequate. it the right time to take advantage of the space. 4.Domestic Policy India has not included tea in the Videsh Krishi Vikas Yojna. It has also reduced the benifit given to the tea estates from 5 to 3 under Merchandise Export from India Scheme. The industry fear it may hurt their bottomline. The stress would increase. Plantation sector is a major employment generator. India will have to consider making it profitable and push unorganised sector towrds becoming organised. The sector still is lacking in modern practices and is heavily rain fed as the prospects of fall in 5 rain does not bode well. The solution has to be a judicious mix of Government push towards better working conditions for the worker and the growers themselves taking up organic farming where higher investment and higher long term revenue lies. Tea industry is one of the labour intensive industry and hence carry great employment generation capabilities. Problems: 1) Due to export orientation nature of the industry it faces international competition, which demand efficient practices to remain competitive. 2) Due to labour intensiveness, proper welfare of labour also become important. Sometimes higher wage, bonus demands jeopardize industry. 3) High dependence on right climatic factors, any climatic disruptions rack havoc on industry, recent downfall in production in kenya due to el nino is the recent case of this vulnerability. 4) Lack of efficient practices, low investments, fluctuating productions are some of the other problems. 5) Recent adverse foreign trade policy of India for tea sector, which has reduced benefits to sector. 1) Great potential to provide employment to large number of N-E population. 2) Due to declining production in kenya, Indian exporters might have competitive advantage as they can offer lower prices than kenya. 3) It provide us with the model of prosperous and efficient agriculture practices which may be replicated in other fields as well. 4) Their is a huge scope to further improve cropping area under tea cultivation and improve productiveness. The cash crop tea is major contributor to India agro economy, where India stands as 2th largest tea producer amp 4th largest exporter in the world. Tea plantation depends on moist climate all round the year, in India its majorly in the NE amp SW region, facing multiple problems in present days, listed as follows. 1. Fragile Foreign Trade Policy. 2. Inflation: Because of inflation, workers demand more wages, where as owner of industry not agreed due to loss, which turns into frequent protest. 3. Labour Union: Strike by workers supported by labour union, make industry shutdown multiple days even weeks, impacting production. 4. High production cost: Lack of advance technology amp infrastructure, make tea industry depends much on manual work, which increase base cost tea. 5. Dynamic rain pattern: Disaster like El-Nino, cyclone, earth quake put hard work of small scale tea industry in vain. 6. Trust Deficit: Tea industry influenced by economy, disaster amp many more 8230 so customer, workers amp foreign investor loosing trust. 7. NGO Activities: Foreign countries, through NGO, hurting India8217s tea industry by saying the leaves contain hazardous pesticides. misalnya Greenpeace. 8. High pesticide uses: India loosing international market as in present days people wants organic tea. With the change of test amp requirements in the International market, So India looking forward future success in following ways: 1. Field study for pesticide-free techniques initiated in Assam by Unilever. 2. Training programs by NGO to tea worker for improvement of tea plantation. 3. Plant protection code initiated by GoI for organic tea production. 4. Sustainable Plantation: Driving tea plantation, towards climate amp natural disaster. Having potential with India with high demand of tea from international, Govt need to provide proper platform with good infrastructure amp efficient policy at local amp trade level to recover tea industry from poverty stricken. excellent. frnd8230juz to add u cn add accessing new markets, cn mention abt plant protection code8230 Tea is one of the major-economy industry in India. India is the 4th largest one in the world exporting 200 million kg per year. Major buyers of Assam CTC are Russia, China, Kajkhsthan etc. Problems of Tea Industry: 1) Workers toil for 12 Hrs and being paid less i. e just Rs.240 by Munnar Tea plantations. This lead to fury in workers by agitating strikes against organisations. Management needs to address this problems at the earliest. 2) Greenpeace, NGO recently made claims that Indian Tea leaves are hazardous to health. It also claimed that 34 pesticides were found in 46 samples. But did not shared the forensic reports of those tests. This would create a havoc to tea exports. 3) Tea plantations mainly dependant on Monsoons. Timely monsoons will lead to more productivity. Last year, crop production fall by 10 due to 12 decline in rainfall. Hence proper irrigation facities needs to be developed to overcome this problem. Prospects of Tea Industry: 1) Kenya is the biggest competitor to India in Tea exports. This year in Kenya due to droughts, tea production has declined that lead increase in price of Tea i. e 3-4 per kg. This is the 2nd hit of El Nino in Kenya. So it blooms to Indian Tea exports whose prices at 3-3.5 per kg 2) Organic farming also going to be practised in Tea-estates for sustainable development. Hindustan Unilever has made some progress on this. 3) Biggest industries like Tata Global Beverages, Hindustan Unilever and small industries like Travancore Tea Farmers8217s society get the Rainforest Alliance and Trustea certifications. Trustea code evaluates socio-economic, agronomic and environmental performance of tea plantations in India. India, one of the top producers and exporters of tea in the world, has been facing some challenges in recent times. These problems, if not tackled timely and effectively, can hamper the good prospects Indian tea industry holds. The lack of innovation in tea plant and the agricultural practices( e. g. slower pace of replantation) accompanying it has stagnated the leaf quality and output for many years now. This, in face of rising input prices, is making tree farming less profitable. Compounding the fact that a large share of tea production comes from small, independent farmers, who will find tea production unsustainable. Various tariff and non-tariff barriers by many importing countries, like the recent phyto-sanitary related objection raised by the EU, is hampering exports. Competition from emerging and established tea producing countries like Kenya, Sri Lanka, Vietnam and China. Trade Policy related: The FTP 2015, which reduced exports concessions to tea from 5 to 3. This affects competitiveness. The tea farms in India are also often hit by strikes and labour unrest. A part of the blame for such incidents also lies with unprofessional management practices of the owners. Many areas known for tea gardens, like Assam and the Darjeeling hills, suffer from insurgency, social unrest and extortion. This scares away fresh investment and fresh capital. Tea is the largest consumed non-alcoholic beverage, after water and one of Indias top agricultural exports. Thus the potential is huge. Indian tea, its quality and aroma, has its own distinct presence. This needs to be leveraged. Huge potential in hitherto untapped markets like Central Asia and Latin America. The Tea Board has been recently taking steps to mitigate any quality concerns of the importing countries. The large young population within the country, if educated about the many herbal qualities of the tea can be tapped for growth. Recent impetus to the food processing in India also holds many promises as it will lead to diversification of products and improved supply chain infrastructure. All in all, India sits at the crossroad. If effective tackled the challenges will lead to a state of sustainable profit for the tea industry of India.

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